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Triad 40s 420 mg capsule

  • $15.80
Sku: 67c8f7a8f6c4
Troychatka – life without parasites! Person and parasites: who whom? Each person for the life at least once becomes owner of parasites. They get to our organism in various ways and are capable to exist in various bodies and systems – a digestive tract, muscle tissues, even in a brain, eyes, anywhere. Parasites adapted to living conditions in a human body so well that it is very difficult to identify and destroy them, but their presence does not remain traceless for our organism: parasites exhaust an organism, consuming nutrients, break normal functioning of bodies and systems, littering them with toxins, bring an imbalance in an organism, forcing it to compensate constantly brought damage. For many millennia the parasites learned to be implemented and live in a human body which is for them the fine power supply. They managed to adapt to living conditions in the live environment of a human body so well and developed such protective mechanisms that the organism cannot identify and destroy them. Though for parasites the human body is the wonderful habitat, for the person parasites – extremely undesirable guests. Troychatka – specially developed complex from extracts of three herbs creating unfavorable conditions for parasites. Grassy bitterness, put in the Troychatki capsules possess soft bile-expelling and sokogonny action that promotes removal from an organism as uninvited guests, and products of their activity. Already for several years Troychatka Evalar by right is the absolute leader among natural dietary supplements to food antiparasitic deystviya1 because it helped already millions of Russians. Troychatka Evalar – No. 1 in Russia. Most of the Russian buyers choose it. Remember this packing and be convinced that you acquire Troychatka from the Evalar company. The unique structure Troychatki Evalar is protected by patent 2. All herbs which are a part Troychatki Evalar are grown up on plantations Evalar in the eco-friendly foothills of Altai and processed with use of modern technologies that guarantees their high quality and activity. Especially for children the Evalar company developed Troychatka for children – the only natural antiparasitic complex which can be accepted from 3 years. The structure of 6 capsules (daily reception) is contained: The mass of the Tack of fragrant 1716 mg Flowers of a tansy of ordinary 343.2 mg Extract of a tansy of ordinary dry 170.4 mg Extract of bark of an aspen of dry 148.8 mg Reception of 6 capsules in day satisfies the daily physiological need of an organism for flavonoids for 120% (36 mg) that does not exceed the top acceptable level of consumption. 1. According to the research company CJSC Gruppa DSM of 2009 2. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2241482. A route of administration the Adult on 2 capsules 3 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food. Reception duration — not less than 1.5 months. If necessary reception can be repeated in 6 months. For prevention the soft scheme of reception for which there are enough 2 packs is possible: the 1st day 2 capsules once a day, the 2nd day on 2 capsules 2 times a day, from the 3rd day within 9 days on 3 capsules 2 times a day. Additional information the Note during reception of a complex at you can appear feeling of small discomfort or fatigue. It is connected with the fact that parasites, appearing in environment, aggressive for them, mark out a large amount of toxins. They need to be brought from an organism quickly. For this purpose use the cleaning means, strengthening transit (removal) of toxins from an organism, for example, Fitotranzit. It is not recommended to Persons with individual intolerance of components, to the pregnant women nursing. Before use it is necessary to consult with the doctor. Document SWAMP-SUBORS No. RU. of 20.01.2015. Form of release of the Capsule No. 40 Mass of Capsule 0.42g.
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