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Kagocel 12 mg (10 tablets)

  • $15.30
Sku: ac8ae77aba94
The instruction for medical use of Kagotsel® medicine the Trade name of Kagotsel® the International unlicensed name Is not present the Dosage form of the Tablet, Structure 1 tablet contains 12 mg: active agent: кагоцел® (in terms of dry matter) 12.00 mg. excipients: potato starch, calcium stearate, Ludipress (Ingredients: lactoses monohydrate, povidone (Kollidon 30), krospovidon (Kollidon CL)) before receiving a tablet weighing 100 mg. The description of the Tablet from cream till brown color round biconvex with impregnations. Pharmacotherapeutic group Antiviral drugs of direct action. Antiviral drugs other. ATH code: J05AX. The pharmacological Pharmacodynamics Main Mechanism properties of action Kagotsela® the ability to induce products of interferon is. Кагоцел® causes education in a human body of the so-called late interferon which is the mix a- and b-interferonov, having high antiviral activity. Кагоцел® causes products of interferon practically in all populations of the cells which are taking part in the antiviral answer of an organism: T - and In - lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. At intake of one dose of Kagotsela® the interferon caption in blood serum reaches the maximum values in 48 hours. The interferon response of an organism to introduction of Kagotsela® is characterized long (up to 4-5 days) by circulation of interferon in a blood-groove. Dynamics of accumulation of interferon in intestines at intake of Kagotsela® does not match dynamics of credits of the circulating interferon. In blood serum the products of interferon reach high values only in 48 hours after reception of Kagotsela® while in intestines the maximum of products of interferon is noted in 4 hours. Кагоцел®, when assigning in therapeutic doses, it is non-toxic, does not collect in an organism. Drug has no mutagen and teratogenic properties, is not cancerogenic and does not possess embriotoksichesky action. The greatest efficiency at treatment of Kagotselom® is reached at its appointment no later than the 4th day from the beginning of an acute infection. In the preventive purposes drug can be used in any terms including directly after contact with a contagium. The pharmacokinetics In 24 hours after introduction to an organism of Kagotsel® collects, generally in a liver, to a lesser extent in lungs, a thymus gland, a spleen, kidneys, lymph nodes. Low concentration is noted in fatty tissue, heart, muscles, seed plants, a brain, blood plasma. Low contents Kagotsela® in a brain is explained by the high molecular mass of drug complicating its penetration through a blood-brain barrier. In blood plasma drug is mainly in the connected look. At daily repeated introduction of Kagotsela® the volume of distribution fluctuates over a wide range in all studied bodies. Accumulation of drug in a spleen and lymph nodes is especially significant. At intake about 20% of the entered drug dose get to the general blood stream. The soaked-up drug circulates in blood, generally in the form connected with macromolecules: with lipids - 47%, with proteins - 37%. An untied part of drug makes about 16%. Removal: drug is removed from an organism, generally through intestines: in 7 days after introduction 88% of the entered dose, including 90% - through intestines and 10% - kidneys are brought out of an organism. In expired air drug is not found. Indications of Kagotsel® apply at adults and children aged from 3 years as preventive and remedy in flu and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and also as remedy in herpes at adults. A route of administration and doses For intake. For treatment of flu and a SARS adult appoint in the first two days – 2 tablets 3 times a day, in the next two days – on 1 tablet 3 times a day. In total on a course – 18 tablets, course duration – 4 days. Prevention of flu and SARS at adults is carried out by 7-day cycles: two days – on 2 tablets once a day, 5 days to repeat a break, then the cycle. Duration of a preventive course – from one week to several months. For treatment of herpes at adults appoint 2 tablets 3 times a day within 5 days. In total on a course – 30 tablets, course duration – 5 days. For treatment of flu and a SARS to children aged from 3 up to 6 years appoint in the first two days – on 1 tablet 2 times a day, in the next two days – on 1 tablet once a day. In total on a course – 6 tablets, course duration – 4 days. For treatment of flu and a SARS to children aged from 6 years appoint in the first two days – on 1 tablet 3 times a day, in the next two days – on 1 tablet 2 times a day. In total on a course – 10 tablets, course duration – 4 days. Prevention of flu and SARS at children aged from 3 years is carried out by 7-day cycles: two days – on 1 tablet once a day, 5 days to repeat a break, then the cycle. Duration of a preventive course – from one week to several months. Side effects development of allergic reactions is possible. If any of the side effects specified in the instruction are aggravated, or you noticed any other side effects which are not specified in the instruction, report about it to the doctor. Contraindications - pregnancy - the lactation period - children's age up to 3 years - hypersensitivity to drug components - the deficiency of lactase, a lactose intolerance, glyukozo-galaktozny malabsorption Medicinal interactions of Kagotsel® is well combined with other antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and antibiotics (additive effect). Special instructions For achievement of medical effect reception of Kagotsela® should be begun no later than the fourth day from the beginning of a disease. An opportunity and features of use by pregnant women, women during breastfeeding Due to the lack of necessary clinical data Kagotsel® is not recommended to be accepted during pregnancy and a lactation. Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms Influence of drug on ability to control of vehicles, by mechanisms it is not studied. Overdose. Now about cases of overdose of the drug Kagotsel® it was not reported. A form of release and packing On 10 tablets in blister strip packaging from PVH/PVDH film (polivinilkhloridnoy/polivinilidenkhloridnoy-PVC/PVDC) (EF, FSSA) and aluminum foil with a heat-sealable covering according to TU 9570-001-63543701-11, GOST 745-2003 or import similar quality. 1 planimetric packing together with the instruction for use place in a pack from cardboard bandbox for a retail container of brand A or type chrome ersatz in accordance with GOST 7933-89 or import similar quality. Packs place in group packing. Storage conditions In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store out of children's reach. Period of storage 2 years. On expiry date, specified on packing, drug should not be used. Prescription status Without prescription. LLC Hemopharm producer, Russia, 249030, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Kiyevskoye Highway, 62, phone number: +7 (48439) 90-500, fax: +7 (48439) 90-525. The owner of the registration certificate of LLC NIARMEDIK PLUS, Russia the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products (goods) of LLC NIARMEDIK PLUS, Russia, 125252, Moscow, Aircraft Designer Mikoyan St., 12, phone number / fax: +7 (495) 741-49-89, e-mail: safety@nearmedic.ru.
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