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Insty tea 5's granules for oral solution with lemon

  • $5.70
Sku: f4c5262afdf6
The instruction for medical use

of INSTI medicine, Insti with taste of a lemon

the Trade name

of Insti,

the International unlicensed name

Is not present Insti with taste of a lemon

the Dosage form

of the Granule


1 bag contains

active agents:

Willows of white bark of extract of dense 275 mg

of the Licorice naked roots of extract of dense 205 mg

of Adhatoda vascular leaves of extract of dense 115 mg

of Tea of the Chinese extract of leaves of dense 50 mg

of the Violet of a fragrant grass of extract of dense 40 mg

of the Valerian medicinal rhizomes with roots

of extract of dense 40 mg

of Fennel of ordinary extract of fruits of dense 30 mg

of the Eucalyptus of spherical extract of leaves of dense 15 mg

excipients: menthol crystal, starch corn, sucrose, fragrance lemon

- for Insti

- for Insti with taste of a lemon

the Description

of the Granule of brown color with a menthol smell at crush (for Insti).

Granules of brown color with a lemon smell at crush (for Insti with taste of a lemon).

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Drugs for elimination of symptoms of cold and cough.

Other combinations of drugs for elimination of symptoms of cold.

The ATX R05X code

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Action properties of the drug Insti is cumulative action of its components therefore carrying out pharmacokinetic researches is not possible: everything together components cannot be tracked by means of markers or bioresearches. For the same reason it is impossible to find also metabolites of drug.

Insti's pharmacodynamics of a granule complex phytodrug with expectorant, mucolytic, broncholitic, anti-inflammatory, febrifugal and spasmolytic action.

The willow white contains glycosides salicin, tremulatsin. Has febrifugal, anti-inflammatory, soothing effect.

Adhatoda vascular contains alkaloids vazitsin, vazitsinon. Possesses bronchodilatory, expectorant action, reduces viscosity of a phlegm and increases physical activity of cilia of an epithelium of bronchial tubes that promotes improvement of an otkhozhdeniye of a phlegm. Stimulates production of surfactant that provides to respiratory muscles a possibility of performance of a full-fledged cycle a breath/exhalation. Renders antiasthmatic effect, protecting from the bronchospasm caused by action of a histamine.

The violet fragrant contains violin, fridelin, essential oils. Renders antihistaminic, expectorant, febrifugal, sudorific action.

The licorice naked contains a glycoside glycyrrhizin, flavonoids, asparagine. Has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Contents in a licorice of glycyrrhizic acid provides immunopromoting effect, increasing both local, and general immunity.

Tea Chinese contains tannin, caffeine, theophylline. Possesses the knitting, tonic, diuretic action.

Fennel ordinary contains essential oils, dipentene. Strengthens secretory function of bronchial tubes and has mucolytic effect and also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The eucalyptus spherical contains essential oils (cineole, pinene, mirtenol, pinokarvon, eydesmol), tannins. Possesses antiseptic action, especially concerning streptococci, stafilokokk, causes anti-inflammatory effect. Stimulates regeneration processes, increases resistance of fabrics to a hypoxia.

The valerian medicinal contains essential oils (isovaleric acid, valerenal, baras camphor, and - pinene), alkaloids (Valerian, hatinin), saponins, ketones. Lowers excitability of the central nervous system, reduces spasms of smooth muscle bodies.

Insti improves a condition of patients, reduces the increased temperature and intensity of cough. Promotes fast elimination of symptoms of rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis within 24 hours after its use. Does not cause drowsiness and accustoming. Let's quickly dissolve in hot water.


Symptomatic therapy of flu, SARS which are followed by cough, fever, rhinitis, head and muscular pain

Routes of administration and doses

2-3 times, Adult On 1 bag, a day.

To dissolve bag contents in a glass of hot water and to drink slowly.

The course of treatment of 5-7 days

Side effects

- allergic reactions to drug components

- decrease in indicators of blood clotting

of the Contraindication

- the increased individual sensitivity to drug components

- aspirinovy asthma

- diabetes

- pregnancy and the period of a lactation

- children's age up to 18 years

Medicinal interactions

is not recommended a concomitant use with antibechic drugs and also with the medicines reducing formation of a phlegm.

At a concomitant use strengthens action of anticoagulative means and acetylsalicylic acid.

The special

instructions Drug contains sucrose that needs to be considered sick diabetes, exudative diathesis, and also at a gipokalariyny diet.

If the respiratory disease is followed by the complicated breath, fever, a purulent or bloody phlegm, it is necessary to see a doctor.

Use of the drug Insti for children is recommended to children.

Features of influence of medicines on ability of control of vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms, and machines.

The Overdose

About cases of overdose of the drug Insti does not influence it was not reported.

A form of release and packing

On 5.6 g of granules in a bag (sachet).

On 5 and 10 bags (sachet) together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a cardboard pack.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature not over 25C.

To store out of children's reach!

3 years

not to apply a period of storage after an expiration date.

Prescription status

Without prescription

the Producer Herbion Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.

30/28 Industrial Korangi zone,

Karachi, Pakistan

Owner of the registration certificate

Herbion Pakistan Pvt. Ltd., Pakistan

the Address of the organization in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the accepting claim (offer) on quality of medicines from consumers and responsible for post-registration observation of safety of medicine:

Pharmation LLP Universal

Almaty Chaplin/Haliullin St. 71/66 Ph. 234-48-53, 234-44-88

Fax: 234-41-77
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