Aqua Maris sea salt to an apparatus for washing Aqua Maris Watering 30s sachet (3+)

  • $15.00
Sku: 452e53f73865
The instruction for medical use of a product of medical purpose the Name of a product of medical purpose the Device otorhinolaryngological for washing mucous a nose individual AKVA MARIS® WATERING CAN in set with means for washing AKVA MARIS® execution Options: 1. Capacity is 330 ml and 30 packages sachets of sea salt 2. Packages sachets of sea salt (30 pieces in packing) the Structure and the description of the product AKVA MARIS® WATERING CAN Device represents the plastic capacity of 330 ml for preparation of solution for washing of a nose in set with means for washing AQUA MARIS ® in the form of 30 packages sachets of salt of the Adriatic Sea. 1 package sachet contains 2.97 g of sea salt. The device otorhinolaryngological AKVA MARIS® WATERING CAN allows to wash out conveniently and safely a nose on all length of the nasal courses. Liquid for washing moves in a nasal cavity by gravity, i.e. without additional pressure that it allows to avoid such complication as inflammation of a middle ear (otitis). The procedure is simple and safe even for children, pregnant women and the feeding women. When washing a nasal cavity by means of the AKVA MARIS® WATERING CAN device from a mucosal surface of a nose the pathological contents together with viruses, bacteria, allergens and dust are removed, hypostasis and inflammation decreases, the tone of capillaries raises. Means for washing of AKVA MARIS® represents 30 packages sachets of the salt of the Adriatic Sea rich with useful microelements and minerals. Means is used together with the Device for washing of AKVA MARIS® WATERING CAN. On a mucous membrane useful microelements and salts of the Adriatic Sea make salutary impact: - ions of calcium and magnesium considerably improve work of cells of a ciliary epithelium, normalize rheological properties of slime, increase resistance of a mucous membrane to implementation of viruses and bacteria - iodine and sodium chloride render antiseptic effect and also activate production of protective slime - ions of zinc and selenium stimulate local immunity mucous a nose and near-nasal bosoms. The name and (or) the trademark of the AKVA MARIS® manufacturing organization is the registered trade mark of the YaDRAN-GALENSKI company of LABORATORIES and. the lake (Croatia) the Scope the AKVA MARIS® WATERING CAN Device is recommended for individual use and is applied for treatment and prevention of various inflammatory diseases of a nasopharynx. The device for washing of a nose of AKVA MARIS® WATERING CAN provides effective and careful release of a nasopharynx from slime and foreign debris and is recommended to use: - in acute and chronic rhinitis - rhinitis at ORZ and a SARS - in allergic rhinitis - in atrophic, hypertrophic and vasomotorial rhinitises - in acute and chronic antritis, a frontal sinusitis, an etmoidita - in an adenoiditis - at the increased xeromycteria and formation of crusts - to often ill patients - after surgical intervention on a nasal cavity (according to the recommendation of the doctor). Route of administration 1. Cut a bag and pour out sea salt in the device. 2. Fill the device with boiled water of body temperature to a tag and mix before full dissolution of salt. 3. Reach a comfortable position before a sink. Incline the head forward and slightly turn aside. 4. Make a deep breath and hold the breath. Apply a device tip to the above-located nostril so that it was densely pressed to it. 5. Incline the device so that solution began to come from a device tip to the nasal course. Solution will flow from an opposite nostril. 6. For removal of residues of solution from a nose blow the nose, without changing position of the head. 7. Then blow the nose in direct situation. 8. Repeat the procedure with other nostril. 9. After use wash the device with cool water and well dry up it. Solution of sea salt is recommended to be used daily. Medicinal interactions it was not noted Side effects Contraindications for use - acute otitis and exacerbation of chronic otitis - individual intolerance of components of means for washing - frequent nasal bleedings - benign and malignant new growths in a nasal cavity - full impassability of the nasal courses are not revealed - the children's age up to 3 years of the Precautionary measure Pregnancy and a lactation Pregnancy and feeding by a breast is not a contraindication to use of a product of medical purpose, but before use it is necessary to consult with the doctor. Experience of use for children is absent. The form of release and packing the Volume of 330 ml and 30 packages sachets of sea salt or 30 packages sachets of sea salt together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a cardboard pack. To Store storage conditions in the dry place at a temperature not over 25 of 0C. To store out of children's reach! Expiration date 3 years. Not to use after an expiration date. Prescription status Without prescription the Name (designation) of the normative document according to which the product of medical purpose the European Pharmacopoeia the YaDRAN-GALENSKI manufacturing Organization of LABORATORIES is made and. the lake, Svilno 20, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia the Name and the address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan a claim (offer) on products of medical purpose from consumers Representation of YaDRAN-GALENSKI of LABORATORIES and. lake. Republic of Kazakhstan, 050040, Almaty, Markov St., 61/1, building No. 2, office No. 122
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