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Zokson 4 mg (30 tablets)

  • $27.90
Sku: 32b8388c82df
Ingredient: Doxazosin
The instruction for use
medicine for experts
Z O K S O of N (Z O X O N ®)

the Trade name

the International unlicensed

name Docsazozin Lekarstvennaya a form
of the Tablet of 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg

One tablet contains
active agent-docsazozin of 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg (docsazozina of the mezilat of 1.21 mg, 2.42 mg and 4.85 mg).
excipients: the lactose, cellulose microcrystalline granulated, cellulose microcrystalline, sodium salt of carboxymethylstarch A, sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal dioxide of silicon, magnesium stearate.

The description
of ZOKSON (tablets on 1 mg)
Round flat tablets of white or almost white color with an engraving of ZX 1 on one of the parties. A type of a tablet on a break: the dense pressed mass of white or almost white color.

ZOKSON (tablets on 2 mg)
Oblong shape, biconvex tablets of white or almost white color, on one of the parties an engraving of ZX 2 and dividing in half risk. A type of a tablet on a break: the dense pressed mass of white or almost white color.
ZOKSON (tablets on 4 mg)
Oblong shape, biconvex tablets of white or almost white color, on one of the parties an engraving of ZX 4 and dividing in half risk. A type of a tablet on a break: the dense pressed mass of white or almost white color.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Antihypertensive drugs. Peripheral anti-adrenergic drugs. An alpha 1 – adrenoblocker.
The code of automatic telephone exchange CO2CAO4

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Later properties of intake docsazozin is well soaked up in digestive tract, the level of the maximum concentration in blood plasma is reached in 1 – 2 hour after reception. Up to 98% contacts proteins of plasma. Docsazozin is exposed to considerable biotransformation in a liver, metabolites have no pharmacological activity. Removal of drug from plasma is two-phase, with final elimination half-life 22 hours. The most part of the docsazozin accepted inside is removed in the form of inactive metabolites with a stake, less than 5% of the accepted dose are allocated in not changed look.
The pharmacodynamics
Active ingredient of the drug Zokson is docsazozin - a selection blocker of alfa1-adrenoceptors. Prescribing of drug to patients with a benign hyperplasia of a prostate leads to considerable improvement of an urodynamic and reduction of manifestations of symptoms of a disease. The effect of positive action is explained by blockade of the alfa1-adrenoceptors located in a stroma and the capsule of a prostate and also in a bladder neck.
Use of the drug Zokson leads to significant decrease in level of arterial blood pressure as a result of reduction of the general peripheric vascular resistance. When prescribing drug of 1 times a day clinically significant hypotensive effect which remains for 24 hours is reached. Gradual decrease in level of arterial blood pressure is noted, at the same time the level of the maximum pressure decrease is reached in 2 – 6 hours after administration of drug.
The drug Zokson has positive impact on a blood lipid profile, substantially reduces the level of concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol that promotes reduction of risk of development of coronary heart disease, use of drug leads to reduction of a hypertrophy of a left ventricle of heart, promotes oppression of aggregation of thrombocytes and reduces tendency to a thrombogenesis.
Zokson has no negative impact on the general metabolism, can be applied at the patients having bronchial asthma, diabetes, gout and also at elderly people.

- a benign hyperplasia of a prostate: for treatment of the disturbances of urination caused by a benign hyperplasia of a prostate.At patients with a benign hyperplasia of a prostate Zokson it is possible to apply both in the presence of arterial hypertension, and at the normal level of arterial blood pressure. At the patients who at the same time have arterial hypertension and a benign hyperplasia of a prostate, Zokson effectively influences both diseases.
- arterial hypertension.
In case it is not possible to receive the required control of arterial blood pressure, using Zokson as means of monotherapy, drug can be combined with other antihypertensive drugs (thiazide diuretics, β-adrenoblockers, blockers of calcium channels, inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme).

The route of administration and doses
Drug is used on doctor's orders in order to avoid complications.
Treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate is begun, as a rule, with drugs with a smaller dosage of active agent. The initial recommended dose makes 1 mg of 1 times a day. Depending on specific features of an urodynamic and symptoms of a disease, at insufficient effect the dose can be increased up to 2 mg, further up to 4 mg and then to the maximum allowed dose - 8 mg. It is necessary to increase the dosing mode gradually within 1–2 weeks. The recommended maintenance dose makes 2 – 4 mg of 1 times a day.
In arterial hypertension the initial recommended dose makes 1 mg of 1 times a day within 1 or 2 weeks. Further the dose can be increased up to 2 mg a day. At insufficient effect the daily dose of drug should be increased gradually depending on expressiveness of reaction of the patient to the carried-out treatment and degrees of a lowering of arterial pressure. It is necessary to increase the dosing mode gradually within 1–2 weeks. The recommended maintenance dose makes 2–4 mg once a day, the maximum allowed dose - 16 mg a day.
Tablets should be swallowed entirely, without getting to the core, washing down with water or another, not containing alcohol, liquid.
The course of treatment Zokson long is also appointed by individually attending physician.

Side effects
Usually the drug Zokson is transferred well.
- seldom: orthostatic hypotension (in isolated cases with an unconscious state), as a rule, after the first administration of drug or at increase in a dose
- dizziness, a headache, fatigue, an indisposition, peripheral hypostases, an asthenia, drowsiness, nausea, rhinitis, nasal bleeding
- diarrhea, vomiting, an abdominal pain
- isolated cases: agitations, a tremor, tachycardia, heart consciousness, stethalgias, stenocardia attacks, a myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, cerebrovascular disturbances, however reliable connection of their emergence with administration of drug
- seldom was not established: skin rashes and an itching
- isolated cases of a disorder of vision, incontinence of urine, a priapism, a polyuria.
Patients should report to the doctor about all side (unusual) effects, including, not specified in the present instruction.

- hypersensitivity to a docsazozin, derivatives of quinazoline or other components of drug
- children's age up to 18 years
- pregnancies and the period of a lactation.

Medicinal interactions
the Possibility of simultaneous use of the drug Zokson decides on other medicines by the doctor. Patients should not use without consultation of the doctor drug along with other medicines.
At the simultaneous use of the drug Zokson and other medicines intended for treatment of arterial hypertension, perhaps mutual strengthening of hypotensive action.
Simultaneous use of a docsazozin with diuretics (derivatives of a tiazid),
β-adrenoblockers, furosemide, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, oral gipoglikemiziruyushchy means, uricosuric means and anticoagulants does not lead to negative interaction of drugs of the marked-out groups.

Special instructions
patients should be careful when prescribing the drug Zokson with an abnormal liver function (as well as when prescribing other drugs which are exposed to active biotransformation in a liver).
Influence on ability to driving of motor transport and control of mechanisms
Administration of drug Zokson can have negative impact on the activity demanding the high speed of mental and physical reactions, for example: the control of vehicles, service of cars, work be on the ball
, etc.

Symptoms: the overdose docsazoziny can lead to arterial hypotension. In this case administration of drug should be stopped, the patient needs to be laid on a back, having hung the head down.
Treatment: to wash out a stomach, to appoint activated carbon, patients need to see a doctor urgently.
The symptomatic treatment directed to stabilization of indicators of a hemodynamics and the vital functions of an organism. Considering high linking of a docsazozin with proteins of plasma, use of dialysis is not effective.

A form of release and packing
of ZOKSON (tablets on 1.0 mg): in packing of 15 or 30 tablets.
(tablets on 2.0 mg): in packing on 10 or on 30 tablets with the enclosed instruction for use.
(tablets on 4.0 mg): in packing on 30 tablets with the enclosed instruction for use.

Storage conditions
it is necessary to Store drug in the dry, protected from light place at
a temperature from +10 to + 25 °C.
To store in the place inaccessible for children!

An expiration date
3 years
it is impossible to use Drug after the expiration date specified on packing.

Prescription status
According to the prescription

the Producer Zentiva of ampere-second.
At a kabelovna 130, 102 37 Prague 10,
Dolni Mekholupy, the Czech Republic.

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