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Nasobek 50 ug / dose of 200 doses of nasal spray metered

  • $23.90
Sku: 7b1d74958686
Ingredient: Beclomethasone
The instruction
for medical use

of Nasobek Torgovoye medicine a name

Mezhdunarodnoye the unlicensed

name Beclomethasone Dosage Form Spray dosed for intranasal use, 50 mkg / a dose, 200 dosed

One bottle of drug contains
active agent - Dipropionas beclomethasone - 0.0125 g
excipients: 50% solution a chloride benzalkoniya, phenylethyl alcohol, polysorbate 80, glucose the anhydrous, microcrystalline cellulose, acid of chlorohydrogen 35% and water purified.

The description
Suspension of white color without visible foreign inclusions.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
of Antikongestanta and other nasal drugs for topical administration. Beclomethasone.
The code of automatic telephone exchange R01AD01

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics properties of beclomethasone of Dipropionas at intranasal use is in detail not studied.
At an inhalation method of administration in the recommended doses has no essential system activity. After intranasal use it is quickly soaked up through a mucous membrane of a nose. A part of drug is swallowed. Absorption from digestive tract low. Elimination half-life of drug makes 3-15 hours of a human body.
The most part of the drug which got into a GIT is metabolized at the first passing through a liver. The main part of drug (35-76%), regardless of a method of administration is removed within 96 hours with a stake, mainly in the form of polar metabolites. 12–15% are allocated with urine in the form of a conjugate or free metabolites. The therapeutic effect at intranasal introduction for treatment of rhinitis develops gradually, usually in 4–5 days from an initiation of treatment and reaches a maximum within several weeks.

The pharmacodynamics
Nasobek represents beclomethasone diester, the synthetic glucocorticosteroid having anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic properties. Nasobek's action in the center of inflammation is resulted by reduction of quantity of mast cells (and the histamine allocated by them), eosinophils, T lymphocytes, the expression of adhesive molecules decreases, secretion, an ekstravazation of plasma decreases and fabric swelled and also the sensitivity of receptors of a mucous membrane of a nose to a histamine and mechanical irritants decreases.
Nasobek applied in the recommended doses renders local effect, without considerable system activity.

- prevention and treatment of seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis (including rhinitis in hay fever (pollinosis), vasomotorial rhinitis.

The route of administration and doses
the Drug Nasobek is intended only for intranasal use.
Adults and children are more senior than 6 years:
Drug is appointed on 2 doses (100 mkg) in each nasal course 2 times a day or on 1 dose (50 mkg) by 3–4 times a day.
The maximum daily dose makes 400 mkg (8 doses).
The therapeutic effect develops within several days of use of drug.
The dose at elderly patients does not differ from the dose recommended to other patients.
In case of lack of improvement of a condition of the patient after therapy by Nasobek lasting 3 weeks, it is recommended to stop further treatment by this drug.

Route of administration of intranasal Nasobek spray:
Before the first use of spray remove the strip from plastic which is available between a cap of a bubble and the nasal applicator (see Fig. 1).
1. Before use slightly stir up a bubble and after that remove a cap of the nasal applicator.
2. Take a bubble between big and index fingers so that the bottom of a bubble leaned on a thumb, and index and average fingers leaned on both opposite sides of the lower part of the applicator (see Fig. 2).
3. Before the first use of drug, or in case of a week break in use, the first dose should be released in free space.
4. Slightly exhale through a nose.
5. The nasal course in which the drug will not be administered should be clamped a finger, and it is necessary to insert a trailer part of the applicator into the free nasal wheeling. Then slightly incline the head so that the bubble was in perpendicular situation
(see Fig. 3).
6. After that slightly inhale through the open nasal course and at the same time press the nasal applicator and enter a dose.
7. Make an exhalation through a mouth.
8. At repeated administration of drug in the same nasal course, repeat the manipulations described in subparagraphs 7 and 8.
9. At administration of drug in other nasal course, repeat the manipulations described in subparagraphs 6, 7, 8 and 9 (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 1 of Fig. 2 of Fig. 3 of Fig. 4

After the end of use of drug should clean a trailer part of the applicator with a clean rag and to return a protective cap into place.

Cleaning of the nasal applicator:
The nasal applicator should be cleaned not less once a week to prevent a possibility of its contamination.
For this purpose it is necessary to press slightly the lower part of a bottle and to take out the nasal applicator from a bottle (see Fig. 4)
the Applicator and a cap wash with warm water and allow to dry. After that the applicator and a cap are dressed back on a bottle.

Side effects
- change of olfactory and flavoring perception
- dryness and irritation of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity and upper airways, a rhinorrhea, cough, sneezing, nasal bleeding
- decrease in visual acuity (owing to increase in intraocular pressure)
is Extremely rare
- skin rash, a small tortoiseshell, an itching, an erythema, edema of face, lips, throats, an asthma, a bronchospasm, anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions.
Other: perforation of a nasal partition, myalgia, candidiasis of an oral cavity and upper airways (at prolonged use and/or in high doses - more than 400 mkg/days), is possible a growth inhibition at children (at prolonged use).

– hypersensitivity to drug components
– hemorrhagic diathesis
– acute respiratory diseases
– frequent nasal bleedings
– candidiasis of upper airways
– pregnancy (I trimester)
– a pulmonary tuberculosis
– children under 6 years

Medicinal interactions
At combined use Nasobek increases effect beta adrenostimulyatorov.

Special instructions
System influences are observed extremely seldom.
Special attention should be paid to patients throughout transition from system therapy by steroids to the Nasobek drug treatment as disturbances from outside gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system are possible.
The drug Nasobek should be used with the increased care the patient with glaucoma, and also with ulcerations and wounds in a nose.
The drug Nasobek, as a rule, is effective in most cases seasonal allergic rhinitises as monotherapy. However, at the expressed symptoms, use of the combined treatment is possible.
Pregnancy and the period of a lactation
Nasobek is contraindicated to use in the I trimester of pregnancy. In II and III trimesters of pregnancy and in the period of a lactation the drug Nasobek should be used with care and only when the expected advantage of its use exceeds potential risk.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms.
Nasobek does not influence control of vehicles and activity which demands the increased concentration of attention.

At short-term use of the drug Nasobek in the doses exceeding recommended the function oppression gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system is possible. In these cases it is not required to resort to any urgent measures. It is necessary to continue treatment by the recommended doses. At the same time function normalization gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system happens within one-two days.

The form of release and packing
On 25 g (200 doses) of drug, place in the polyethylene bottle supplied with the dosing applicator with a plastic cover. On 1 bottle together with the instruction for use in the state and Russian languages put in a pack from cardboard.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature from 10 °C to 25 °C.
To store out of children's reach!
Not to freeze!

Period of storage
4 years.
After opening of a bottle, drug has to be used within 3 months.
Not to use drug after the expiration of the expiration date specified on packing.

Prescription status
According to the prescription

Producer and the enterprise the packer:
TEVA Czech Industries with. r.o.,
Ostravsk 29747 70 Opava Mosquitoes,
Czech Republic

Holder of RU:
TEVA Pharmaceuticals Industries Limited,
Petach Tikva, Israel

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products (goods): Ratiofarm Kazakhstan LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050000, Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 19, BC Nurly-Tau, 1B, office 603, Phone number: +7 (727) 311 09 15, Fax: +7 (727) 311 07 34, e-mail address:
To Develop Safety.Kazakhstan@tevapharm.coml
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