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Hondrokol (60 capsules)

  • $68.10
Sku: 6423b612fba0
HONDROKOL of the Ingredients capsule: contains In 3 capsules: glycosamine sulfate of 1500 mg, chondroitin sulfate of 200 mg, collagen of 800 mg, serrat boswelliya (ladanum tree) of 200 mg. Metilsulfonilmetan (MCM) 500 mg, extract of a turmeric of 400 mg, tsetilmeristoliat 100 mg. Pharmacological properties: The glycosamine participates in creation of cartilaginous tissue, formation of sinews, articulate liquid, connective tissue of skin, bones, etc. The glycosamine has low molecular weight and are almost completely soaked up at intake. Thanks to it, it is possible to achieve easily effective concentration of a glycosamine in cartilaginous tissue and to compensate insufficiency of the last. Glycosamines are also predecessors of the hyaluronic acid which is an important component of synovial fluid. Chondroitin is a specific component of a cartilage and it is found only in cartilaginous tissue. Low-molecular fractions sulfate chondroitin are almost completely soaked up in a GIT and, having kept the structure, are built in cartilaginous tissue. Chondroitin sulfate promotes deduction of water in the thickness of a cartilage in the form of water cavities (microspace – water pillows) that creates good depreciation, absorbs blows, and as a result increases durability of connective tissue. Chondroitin sulfate oppresses effect of the specific enzymes destroying connective tissue including the lizosomalny enzymes which are released as a result of destruction of chondrocytes (elastase, cathepsine, interleukin-1, etc.). Chondroitin sulfate, as well as a glycosamine, has anti-inflammatory and analgeziruyushchy effect, reduces a joint pain and a backbone at rest and when walking. Stabilization of radiological indicators, such as width of an articulate crack, demonstrates permanent recovery of structure of an articulate cartilage that is never observed at use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alone (diclofenac, piroxicam, indometacin, etc.). Thus, at treatment of an osteoarthrosis, traditional anti-inflammatory drugs have to be combined with a hondroprotektor surely. Collagen necessary protein for synthesis of connective tissue and fibrous - cartilaginous tissue. At insufficiency of collagen the cartilage loses the elasticity and durability, becomes rough, razvoloknyatsya. Boswelliya of the serrat (ladanum tree) has anti-inflammatory effect. Bosveliya possesses the significant anti-inflammatory action, promotes strengthening and restoration of walls of vessels, facilitating thereby access of blood to the damage centers, softens signs of inflammation in arthritises. The mechanism of action of a bosveliya is based on blocking of synthesis of leukotrienes and also is similar to effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVP) with the only difference - the boswelliya does not give the side effects inherent in NPVP (expression mucous, a small tortoiseshell, a bronchospasm, etc.). Methyl sulfonyl methane (MCM) natural compound of the organic sulfur entering sulfur-containing amino acids, complex and plain proteins, enzymes, other vital biological substrates of an organism. The special effect of MCM renders on regeneration and recovery of normal structure of skin and its appendages: hair, nails, sweat and sebaceous glands. Organic complexes of sulfur are a basis of connective tissue, including the valve device of heart, basal membranes of venous and arterial vessels, the articulate surfaces, sinews, fastion, the copular device of heart, basal membranes of venous and arterial vessels, the articulate surfaces, sinews, fastion, a copular complex of knee, femoral joints, a backbone and other, most vulnerable body tissues. Appointment of MCM allows to warn posttraumatic complications at damages of a musculoskeletal system that it is especially important for athletes. A turmeric active substances are kukumin, essential oils, bitterness, etc. Biological effect of a turmeric: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoksikatsionny, bile-expelling, reducing aggregation of thrombocytes. Tsetilmeristoliat - the modified fatty acid used in treatment of a pseudorheumatism. Ososbenno is effective in treatment of osteoarthrites. Also shows quite good results in treatment of many autoimmune diseases. Indications: Degenerative inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system: - A diskopathy, a spondylarthrosis, osteochondrosis - the Dysplasia of a hip joint, rickets, relaxation of ligaments - Arthritis, arthrosis, a hemarthrosis, a synovitis, a bursitis, a tendovaginitis, musculoskeletal system miozittravma (fractures, dislocations, stretchings, etc.). A functional load on joints (excess weight, physical activity, etc.). Contraindications: Pregnancy and feeding by a breast. The increased individual sensitivity to any of drug components. Phenylketonuria. Side effects: Are observed in rare instances and are shown by discomfort from a GIT. Use doses: On 1 capsule 2-3 times a day in 2 months. For achievement of steady effect and depending on response of an organism to treatment, a course of reception repeats in 3-6 months. Packaging: 60 capsules, in a bottle. The owner of a trademark and the certificate of registration is the Claus Marsh company, Great Britain. Drug is manufactured in the USA.
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