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Gelmintoks (Pyrantel) 250 mg (3 tablets)

  • $7.00
Sku: af36ff4069ff
Ingredient: Pyrantel
The instruction for medical use

of GELMINTOKS medicine

the Trade name
of Gelmintoks

the International unlicensed

name Pyrantelum Dosage Form
of the Tablet, film coated, 125 and 250 mg

One tablet contains
active agent - Pyrantelum embonat 360.50 (721.00) in terms of Pyrantelum of 125.00 (250.00) mg
excipients: prezhelatinizirovanny starch corn, povidone, kroskaramelloza of sodium, magnesium stearate,
structure of a cover: Sepifilm TM 002 (a gipromelloza, cellulose microcrystalline, a macrogoal the 8th stearate type I), Sepispers of TM AP3065 yellow (propylene glycol, the titan dioxide (E171) dye a sunset yellow (E110), a gipromelloza, aluminum varnish, water cleaned)

the Description
of the Tablet, coated yellow-orange color, oblong shape, with risky on one party.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Anthelminthic drugs. Drugs for treatment of a nematodosis. Tetragidropirimidina derivatives. Pyrantelum.
ATXP02CC01 code

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Practically properties is not absorbed from digestive tract. After reception of a single dose of 12.5 mg/kg of body weight the concentration of Pyrantelum in blood plasma during 1-3 h makes 0.05-0.13 mkg/ml. It is partially metabolized in a liver up to N-methyl-1.3-propanediamina. It is removed through intestines (about 93%) in not changed look, kidneys (7%) - in not changed look or in the form of a metabolite.
The pharmacodynamics
Protivogelmintny drug, causes neuromuscular blockade of helminths, sensitive to it, and provides their exile without excitement and stimulation of migration of the struck worms. In a gleam of intestines it is effective against mature and unripe sensitive helminths of both sexes.
It is highly effective at the invasions caused by pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis), ascarids (Ascaris lumbricoides), hookworms (Ankylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus).


enterobiosis (infection with pinworms)

Route of administration and doses
Inside. Tablets are intended for adults.
gelmintoks it is possible to accept at any time, without preliminary intake of laxatives, not necessarily on an empty stomach.
Enterobiosis and ascaridosis: At treatment of an enterobiosis and ascaridosis, drug is appointed once in the recommended dose.
Usual dosage of 10 mg/kg of weight once:
- with an adult weight less than 75 kg: 6 tablets on 125 mg, or 3 tablets on 250 mg once,
- with an adult weight more than 75 kg: 8 tablets on 125 mg, or 4 tablets on 250 mg once.
For prevention of repeated infection it is recommended to repeat administration of drug in 3 weeks.
Dochmiasis: In endemia zones, in case of infection of Necator americanus or in case of heavy infection Ankylostoma duodenale, a dosage makes 20 mg/kg / in day (for one or two receptions) within two-three days, that is:
- with an adult weight less than 75 kg: 1.5 in day
- with an adult weight more than 75 kg: 2 g a day.
In case of Ankylostoma duodenale infection out of endemia zones (proceeds more easily) appoint in a dose in 10 mg/kg at one time.

Side effects
- nausea, vomiting, an abdominal pain, diarrhea and loss of appetite (most often these symptoms are explained by death of helminths)
- skin rash, short-term fervescence
It is rare
- a headache, dizziness, a sleep disorder, weakness, feeling of fatigue
- slight short-term increase of activity of hepatic transaminases

of the Contraindication
- hypersensitivity to Pyrantelum and other components of drug
- a myasthenia (treatment period)
- a liver failure
- children's age up to 18 years
- the period of lactations

Medicinal interactions
is not recommended co-administration of levamisole, piperazin. Increases concentration of theophylline in plasma.

Special instructions
in case of the available diseases of a liver it is necessary to warn the doctor.
In order to avoid repeated infection it is necessary to follow rules of hygiene strictly: to wash hands, to cut and clean nails, not to allow combing of area of a crotch, to change daily bed and underwear. Treatment of all family members is at the same time recommended. Infection can often not be shown by any symptoms.
After completion of treatment it is necessary to conduct a control research a calla on existence of eggs of helminths.
This drug contains the excipient capable to cause allergic reaction: dye sunset yellow (E110).

To apply pregnancy and the period of a lactation At pregnancy only in urgent cases, according to strict indications after careful assessment of a ratio of advantage / risk for a fruit by which the doctor defines, and strictly to adhere recommended dosed If during treatment you find out that you are pregnant, see a doctor since only he will be able to make the decision on need to continue treatment. Due to the insufficiency of researches, drug should not be used during feeding by a breast, behind an exception, cases when it is strictly necessary.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

the Overdose
Even does not influence the significant overdose does not cause symptoms of serious intoxication.
Symptoms: strengthening of side effects.
Treatment: symptomatic

the Form of release and packing
On 6 tablets (for a dosage of 125 mg) or 3 tablets (for a dosage of 250 mg) in blister strip packaging from a film of polyvinylchloride and aluminum foil.
On 1 blister strip packaging together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a box of cardboard.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature not above 25 °C.
To store out of children's reach!

3 years
not to use a period of storage after the expiration date specified on packing.

Prescription status
According to the prescription

the Producer Innotera Shuzi, Rue Rene Shantero L'Isl Ver, 41150, Shuzi-Sur-Cis, France.

The owner of the registration certificate
Innotek Internasional Laboratory, France
the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products Representation Innotek Internasional Laboratory of S.A.S. in RK 050059, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 17, business center of Nurla Tau, the block of 4 B, office 606, ph./fax: +7-727-311-09-71, +7-727-311-09-72, e-mail: innotech@innotech.kz
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