Bobotik 66.66mg / ml 30 ml of the emulsion. orally

  • $12.90
Sku: ea6a4d01a0ae
Ingredient: Simethicone
The instruction for medical use

of BOBOTIK medicine

the Trade name


Mezhdunarodnoye unlicensed name


the Dosage form

the Emulsion for intake of 66.66 mg/ml, 30 ml


of 1 ml of an emulsion contains

active agent - simetikon (in the form of 30% of an emulsion) 66.66 mg,

excipients: sodium saccharinate, methylparahydroxybenzoate, propilparagidroksibenzoat, sodium of a karmelloz, citric acid, fragrance crimson, the water purified.

The description

Dense, opaque liquid of whitish or light-cream color of sweet-sour taste with a fruit smell

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Drugs, for treatment of functional disorders of intestines. Other drugs for treatment of functional disorders of intestines. Silicones.

ATX A03AX13 code

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Simetikon properties after oral introduction is not soaked up from a GIT and output with a stake in not changed look. Bobotik does not influence absorption of food in intestines. Does not change pH and volume of gastric juice.

The pharmacodynamics

is Active ingredient in the drug Bobotik simetikon (dimetikon, activated by silicon dioxide). The mechanism of action of a simetikon is based on decrease in surface intention of the film slime covering an intestines wall by merge of small gas bubbles by means of drops of polydimethyl polysiloxanes that leads to a rupture of a surface of a slime layer and emission of gas. In such way the formed gases can be soaked up in digestive tract or be removed from intestines as a result of peristaltic movements.

During radiological and ultrasound examinations of digestive tract Bobotik improves visualization as prevents imposing of a shadow of gases and the foaming intestines contents on a picture of the studied bodies.


of a condition of excess accumulation of gases in digestive tract (feeling of overflow in an abdominal cavity, a long meteorism, a postoperative meteorism),
as supportive application it is applied to training of the patient for some diagnostic tests, such as radiological and ultrasound examinations of abdominal organs and also at gastroscopy and a duodenoskopiya.

The route of administration and doses

Apply inside.

1 ml of drug contains about 27 drops.

In conditions of excess accumulation of gases in digestive tract:

Children aged from 28 days up to 2 years: - on 8 drops (20 mg of a simetikon) 4 times a day.

To children aged from 3 up to 6 years: - on 14 drops (35 mg of a simetikon) 4 times a day.

To children 6 years and the adult are more senior - on 16 drops (40 mg of a simetikon) 4 times a day.

Usually at adults drug is used after meal by 3 times a day and just before a dream.

Preparation for diagnostic tests:

Radiological and ultrasound examination of digestive tract

A day before the research:

Children are aged more senior than 28 days up to 2 years - on 10 drops (25 mg of a simetikon) 2 times a day.

Children aged from 3 up to 6 years: - on 16 drops (40 mg of a simetikon) 2 times a day.

Children are more senior than 6 years and adults - on 20 drops (50 mg of a simetikon) 2 times a day.

In the morning, in day of a research, on an empty stomach, it is necessary to repeat a single dose.


Before administration of drug it is necessary to shake up bottle contents several times carefully.

Bobotik it is possible to mix previously with a small volume of boiled, chilled water, with dietary additive or with other not gassy liquid.

Medicine does not contain some sugar and can be applied at diabetics.

Treatment should be continued before disappearance of symptoms.

If necessary Bobotik it is possible to apply longer time.

The begun packing should be used within 2 months.

Side effects

of the Message about side effects are absent.


- hypersensitivity or to any excipient as a part of

the drug Drug Bobotik should not be applied to a simetikon at newborns (children aged up to 28 days).

Medicinal interactions

follows From some messages that simetikon can break absorption of oral anticoagulants. Use of a simetikon can yield false positive results of diagnostic tests using guaiac pitch, however does not affect results of the fast ureazny test (diagnostics of Helicobacter pylori).

Special instructions

At use of Bobotik medicine it is not necessary to use gassy liquid.

Medicine contains parahydroxybenzoate and propilgidroksibenzoat that can cause allergic reactions (reactions of the slowed-down type are possible).

Pregnancy and the period of a lactation

Are absent controlled researches at pregnant women and at children on breastfeeding.

Medicine can be used at pregnancy only in cases when, according to the doctor, the advantage for mother exceeds potential threat for a fruit. There are no data on use of drug during breastfeeding.

Features of influence on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mekhpnizm

Bobotik does not influence ability to control of vehicles and service of mechanisms.

The overdose

Simetikon after intake is not soaked up from digestive tract and does not make threat for life or health. Uncontrollable emission of gases or an eructation can be symptoms of overdose. The intensity of symptoms of overdose to a large extent depends on a look and volume of the eaten food.

The form of release and packing

On 30.0 ml of drug spill in bottles of dark Oster glass. Bottles cork the polyethylene screwing-up cover with sealing ring and a vertical dropper.

Each bottle, with the pasted label, together with the approved instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages is placed in a pack from cardboard.

To Store storage conditions in original packing at a temperature not over 25C.

To store out of children's reach!

The period of storage

After the first opening of packing a bottle needs to be used 3 years within 2 months.

Not to use drug after expiry date.

Prescription status

Without prescription

the Producer

of Medan of JSC Pharm

98-200 Seradz, V. Loketk St. 10, Poland

the Owner of the registration certificate

of JSC Khimpharm, the Republic of Kazakhstan

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products (goods)

of JSC Khimpharm,

Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan Rashidov St., 81 Phone number 7252 (561342)

Fax number 7252 (561342)

the E-mail address of
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