Aqua Maris 10 ml nasal drops childrens

  • $10.80
Sku: ac77a32aa2dc
Aqua Maris, drops nurseries
Ingredients: 100 ml of solution contain 30 ml of sea water with natural salts and microelements. Does not contain preservatives.
Pharmacological properties: Maintains the normal physiological state of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity. Promotes fluidifying of slime and normalization of its development. Enhances resistance of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity to introduction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, promotes clarification of the last from the polluting impurity. Indications: - to babies for a toilet of a nasal cavity and improvement of nasal breath (according to the recommendation of the doctor), - to the children having adenoides - as symptomatic means to children and adults in acute rhinitises, - in chronic diseases of a nasal cavity and nasopharynx, - diseases of adnexal bosoms of a nose and their aggravations, - to children and adults in allergic vasomotorial rhinitises, especially to the persons predisposed or suffering from hypersensitivity to medicines - as prevention of infections of a nasal cavity during the autumn and winter period, - to the persons having the diseases of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity which are shown its increased dryness - the persons living and working in rooms with artificial atmosphere and/or central heating - people whose mucous membrane of upper airways constantly is exposed to harmful effects (smokers, professional singers, drivers of motor transport, etc.). Dosage and route of administration: With the hygienic purposes: - to children till 1 year: 4 times a day on 2 drops in each nostril, With the medical purposes: - to children till 1 year to carry out a toilet in the form of burying drops Aqua Maris 2 - 3 times a day on 1 - 2 drops to each nostril. For softening and removal of the polluting accumulation and nasal discharges: AQUA MARIS is dug in in each nasal course so much how many the situation demands, eliminating the following excess of liquid by means of cotton wool or a handkerchief. The procedure can be repeated repeatedly until an accumulation of the polluting particles is not successfully softened and removed. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to drug components.
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