Antiflu 12s tablets

  • $11.20
Sku: da83bf505209
Brand: CPC (USA)
Kombinirovanny the drug used in catarrhal diseases. Quickly removes: heat, head and muscular pain, sore throat, congestion of a nose.
Ingredients: Powders: acetaminophen of 650 mg, Phenylephrinum of a hydrochloride of 10 mg, chlorphenaminum of a maleate of 4 mg. Tablets: acetaminophen of 325 mg, Phenylephrinum of a hydrochloride of 5 mg, chlorpheniramine of a maleate of 2 mg.
Pharmacological properties: Acetaminophen (paracetamol) renders analgetic, febrifugal and weak anti-inflammatory action. Chlorpheniramine a maleate – H1 blocker – histamine receptors, interferes with action of one of the main mediators of inflammation – a histamine, reducing permeability of walls of capillaries and eliminating puffiness of mucous membranes of a nose, nasopharynx, upper airways. The anti-exudative effect of chlorpheniramine of a maleate is shown also with acute allergic reactions of local type (cold, conjunctivitis). Phenylephrinum - alpha adrenomimetik which due to vasoconstrictive action reduces hypostasis and hyperaemia of mucous membranes of upper airways and adnexal bosoms of a nose. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – actively participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes. Normalizes permeability of capillaries, regulates immunological reactions, increases body resistance to infections, has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, slows down release and accelerates degradation of a histamine, inflammation mediators.
Indications: Elimination of symptoms of flu, SARS and catarrhal diseases (indisposition, a fever, congestion of a nose, dacryagogue), and also in pollinoses and others of a disease of VDP of allergic genesis.
Route of administration and doses: Antiflu, tablets from 6 to 12 years since 12 years 1*2 times a day 1-2*2 times a day of Antiflu, powders since 12 years 1*4 times a day.
Special instructions: If cold does not pass within three days, see your attending physician.
Contraindications: The increased individual sensitivity to drug components, the profound abnormal liver functions and/or kidneys, deficiency of enzyme glucose – 6 – fosfatdegidrogenaza, blood diseases, serious cardiac vascular diseases, arterial hypertension, tendency to angiospasms, a closed-angle form of glaucoma, difficulty of urination in prostate adenoma, emphysema of lungs or chronic bronchitis, diabetes.
Medicinal interaction: Drug can enhance effects of oppression of central nervous system of MAO inhibitors, sedative drugs, tranquilizers (anxiolytics), alcohol.
Packaging: Tablets, on 12 in the blister, powders, on 5 in a cardboard box.
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