5% Solcoseryl ointment 20g in tube

  • $19.00
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Sku: 30977e0a738c
The instruction for medical use

of Solkoseril Torgovoye medicine a name

Mezhdunarodnoye the unlicensed name
Is not present

the Dosage form

1 g of ointment contains
active agent – deproteined hemoderivative from blood of milk calfs (Bos taurus) standardized chemically and biologically 2.07 mg,
excipients: propilparagidroksibenzoat, methyl-parahydroxybenzoate, cholesterol, cetyl alcohol, vaseline white, water for injections.

The description
From white till slightly yellowish color homogeneous fat mass, with a slight smell of a solkoseril (the pleasant, reminding smell of beef-infusion broth) and vaseline

the Pharmacotherapeutic group
Drugs for treatment of wounds and ulcers
Other drugs promoting normal scarring
the ATX D03AX Code

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics as a result of properties of researches was found low system absorption of active agent from dosage forms for external use.
The pharmacodynamics
the Drug Solkoseril represents the deproteined, standardized hemoderivative from blood of healthy milk calfs (Bos taurus) containing a wide range of low-molecular components of cellular weight and blood serum of milk calfs.
Established that Solkoseril:
- increases reparative and regenerative processes
- promotes activization of aerobic metabolic processes and oxidizing phosphorylation
- increases consumption of oxygen and stimulates glucose transport in the cells which are in conditions of a hypoxia and ischemia
- increases collagen synthesis, stimulates proliferation of cells.
Thus, Solkoseril ointment protects fabrics from a hypoxia and nutrient deficiency, promotes restoration of normal functioning of fabrics with reversible damages and promotes acceleration of process of healing of wounds.

- grazes, cuts
- the dry not becoming wet wounds
- wounds from the moment of emergence of granulations

the Route of administration and doses
Solkoseril apply ointment locally. Solkoseril ointment is applied directly on a wound surface after preliminary clarification of a wound using disinfecting solution. Before an initiation of treatment of trophic ulcers and also in cases of purulent infection of a wound the preliminary surgical treatment is necessary. Solkoseril is recommended to apply ointment to treatment of dry not contaminated wounds.
Solkoseril ointment is applied by a thin layer on the cleaned wound 1-2 times a day. Solkoseril ointment can be applied under bandages. The course of treatment Solkoseril ointment proceeds to a complete wound healing, its epithelization and formation of elastic cicatricial fabric and is appointed individually the doctor.
For treatment of heavy trophic injuries of skin and soft tissues simultaneous use of the parenteral Solkoserila forms is recommended.

Side effect
- allergic reactions in the form of a small tortoiseshell, regional dermatitis
of the Contraindication
- hypersensitivity to drug components

Medicinal interactions
Solkoseril's Interaction is not established to ointment with other medicines of local action.

Special instructions
Solkoseril ointment should not be applied on the polluted wound as Solkoseril ointment does not contain anti-infectious components in the structure.
Solkoseril ointment should be applied with care at predisposition to allergic reactions.
Solkoseril ointment is applied to treatment of trophic defeats of fabrics of various origin only after removal from a wound of nekrotizirovanny fabrics.
In case of pain, reddening of sites of skin near the site of application of Solkoseril ointment, secretion discharges from a wound, temperature increase it is necessary to see a doctor urgently. In case at Solkoseril's use ointment is not observed healing of an affected area, it is necessary to see a doctor.
Use in pediatrics
Use of drug at children's age is possible.
Pregnancy and lactation
Use of drug for treatment of pregnant women and the feeding women perhaps on doctor's orders if the expected advantage for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit and the child.
Influence on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms
does not influence

of Data on effects of overdose of Solkoseril ointment are absent.

The form of release and packing
On 20 g of drug place in tubas aluminum with a membrane and a plastic cap (polypropylene of high density), with internal coating on the basis of epoxy-phenolic pitches.
On 1 tuba together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a pack from cardboard.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature not above 30 °C.
To store out of children's reach!
A period of storage
of 5 years
the use Period after opening of a tuba – 4 weeks.
Not to apply after an expiration date.

Prescription status
Without prescription

the Producer
of Legasi Pharmasyyutikals Switzerland Ryurbergstrasse
21, 4127 GmbH Birsfelden, Switzerland

the Owner of the registration certificate
of Pharmasyyutikals HONEY Switzerland Hegnaustrasse
60, 8602 GmbH Vangen-Bryuttizellen, Switzerland

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products
Representation Pharmasyyutikalz HONEY Switzerland GmbH in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Dostyk Ave. 97, office 8, ph. +7 727 264-17-94, fax: + 7 727 264-17-71
E-mail address: info.safety@meda-cis.com
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