Vitreous 10s 2ml injection ampoules

  • $6.40
Out Of Stock
Sku: d019632b6c8d
The instruction for use
of medicine for experts

the Vitreous
(Corpus vitreum)

the Trade name
the Vitreous

the International unlicensed name
Is not present

the Dosage form
Solution for injections

active agent: a vitreous of eyes of cattle (to. river of page) and pigs

Transparent slightly yellowish liquid. Easy opalescence, existence of a small crystal and fabric suspension is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Other medicines.
The code of automatic telephone exchange V03AX

the Pharmacological
Drug properties has the stimulating impact on formation of a bone callosity, reduces pain at injuries of peripheral nerves. Softens cicatricial fabric and promotes its resorption.

- an asthenia
- nutritional and postinfectious dystrophy
- a polyneuritis
- sciatica
- neuralgia
- a stump neuralgia
- prevention of excess growth of connective tissue in the early postoperative period,
- treatment burn, postoperative, keloid and other origin of extensive hems,
- a contracture of joints,
- a keratitis, an ulcer and a burn of a cornea (in the regressive period)
- for acceleration of formation of a bone callosity in fractures.

The route of administration and doses
administer the Drug under skin on 2 ml daily.
A course of treatment in neuralgia - 8-10 days, at hems, contractures and changes - up to 25 days. Repetition of a course of treatment is recommended in one month or later.
In a keratitis, burns and helcomas the drug is administered subkonjyunktivalno on 0.3-0.5 ml. The course of treatment is established by the doctor depending on effect of therapy.

Side effects
are not revealed

- infectious diseases
- acute inflammatory processes
- a cachexia
- nephrite, nephrosclerosis
- cirrhosis
- chronic heart failure
- oncological diseases
- pregnancy and the period of a lactation.

Medicinal interactions
the negative phenomena at use of drug along with other medicines are noted.

Special instructions
With care appoint drug to patients with the burdened allergo-anamnesis.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to run vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms: drug does not affect ability to run vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms.

The overdose
is not revealed

the Form of release and packing
Solution for injections in ampoules on 2 ml. On 10 ampoules with a knife for opening of ampoules or the scarificator ampoule and the instruction for use in a cardboard box.

To Store storage conditions in the dry place at a temperature not over +25 of 0C.
To store out of children's reach!

2 years
not to apply an expiration date after expiry date.

Prescription status
According to the prescription

RUP Producer of Belmedpreparata.

Republic of Belarus, 220007, Minsk, Fabritius St., 30 ph. / fax: (+375 17) 220-37-16
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