Badger fat enriched 120s caps.

  • $5.50
Sku: 7ea1bf9c7df5
Weighing 120 capsules 0.3gobogashchyonny badger fat Ingredients: badger fat of 0.20 g, wheat germ oil of 0.05 g, dry gelatinous cover of 0.05 g. Structure of a dry gelatinous cover: gelatin, glycerin (moisture-holding agent) the water demineralized Indications: The inflammatory and infectious diseases of lungs and airways which are followed by cough and department of a phlegm (bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, ORZ, etc.), atherosclerosis as an additional source the Omega-3, a hypertension, anemia, hormonal disturbances, digestive tract diseases (gastritises, ulcers, an intestines atony), the general exhaustion of an organism, the weakened immunity which is followed by frequent catarrhal diseases a syndrome of chronic fatigue. It is contraindicated at individual intolerance of one of components. Route of administration: A reception course – 1-2 months. Carrying out 2-3 courses in a year is allowed. An adult dosage – 8 capsules 3 times a day, inside at meal time. Contraindications: individual intolerance of the dietary supplement components. Storage conditions: to store in the dry place protected from light at the room temperature. Expiration date: 2 years. Is not medicine
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