Gerpevir 2.5g of 5% ointment

  • $12.10
Sku: 69075657e8d1
Ingredient: Acyclovir
The instruction for use
of medicine for experts


the Trade name

Mezhdunarodnoye the unlicensed

name Acyclovir Dosage Form 2.5% Ointment, 5 g

of 1 g of ointment contains
active agent - acyclovir in terms of dry matter of 0.025 g,
excipients: proksanol 268, propylene glycol, polyethylene oxide 400, emulsifier No. 1.

The description
Uniform ointment of white color, with a slight specific smell

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Other antimicrobial drugs for external use. Antiviral drugs. Acyclovir.
The code of automatic telephone exchange D06BB03

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics At properties external use is practically not soaked up in a system blood stream and has no systemic action. When putting ointment on an affected area of skin in it therapeutic concentration of drug which is maintained at the constant level not less than 5 hours is created.

A pharmacodynamics
Gerpevir – an analog of a purine nucleoside of a dezoksiguanidin – the DNA component (deoxyribonucleic acid). Drug is especially effective concerning viruses of a herpes simplex and shingles. The similarity of structures of a gerpevir and dezoksiguanidin allows it to interact with virus enzymes that leads to interruption of a cycle of reproduction of a virus. After implementation of a gerpevir in the cell affected with herpes under the influence of the thymidinekinase allocated by a virus it turns into acyclovir-monophosphate. Atsiklovir-monofosfat enzymes of a cell of the owner turns into acyclovir-diphosphate. Then, its transformation into an active form acyclovir-triphosphate which selectively blocks synthesis of virus DNA is carried out. Acyclovir-triphosphate practically does not influence DNA replication of a cell of the owner (person).
Gerpevir in herpes prevents formation of new elements of rash, reduces the probability of skin dissimination and visceral complications, accelerates formation of crusts, weakens pains in a sharp phase of shingles.

- the herpetic damages of skin and outer mucous membranes (in herpes of lips, external genitals) caused by the Herpes simplex viruses of types 1 and 2, Varicella zoster
- primary and recurrent herpes infections at patients with an immunodeficiency.

The route of administration and doses
Is applied only outwardly! It is recommended to use rubber gloves or fingerstalls for prevention of spread of an infection. It is necessary to appoint treatment at emergence of the first symptoms of a herpes infection.
Ointment is applied to the affected skin and outer mucous membranes. Before ointment applique the struck surface needs to be washed up water with soap and to dry up carefully. Ointment is applied a thin layer from calculation (for adults): the strip of ointment of 1.25 cm should be applied on 25 cm2 of an affected area of 4-5 times a day and to rub easy movements within 1 minute. To children from 3 months to 12 years ointment is applied a thin layer at the rate of acyclovir of 250 mg/sq.m of a body surface.
Ointment should be applied also on sites, boundary with the struck surface.
It is regularly necessary to apply ointment, in cases of the admission of the next applique it is not necessary to double a dose during the following use of drug.
It is recommended to complete a full course of treatment – 10 days even if symptoms of a disease will disappear earlier specified term.
In the absence of effect at external use, it is recommended to appoint drug in the tableted form for intake.

Side effects
- burning sensation, a mild pain in the place of defeat, the itching
- at hit on internal mucous membranes can develop inflammation

of the Contraindication
- hypersensitivity to Gerpevir
- infectious diseases with similar symptoms, but the called other activators
- pregnancy and the period of a lactation
- children's age up to 3 months

Medicinal interactions
Probenetsid slows down drug removal – elimination half-life is extended. Gerpevir's interaction with other medicines which are also applied locally was not investigated.

The special
instructions Gerpevir apply after emergence of the first symptoms of herpes as soon as possible. To preserve affected areas against irritation. To avoid sexual contacts in the presence of herpes symptoms at one of sexual partners.
Not to allow hit of ointment on mucous membranes of an oral cavity, a nose, eyes, vaginas.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms.
Not studied.

Symptoms: in places of long putting ointment the erythema, peeling, burning sensation, a burn are possible.
Treatment: drug withdrawal.

A form of release and packing
Ointment of 2.5% on 5 g in a tuba, on 1 tuba in a cardboard box.

To Store storage conditions in the dry place at a temperature from +8 °C to +15 °C.
To store out of children's reach!

3 years
not to use an expiration date after the expiry date specified on packing

Prescription status
Without prescription

Ukraine JSC Kiyevmedpreparat Producer, 01032, Kiev, Saksagansky St., 139
ph./fax: (044) 216-31 - 84, 216-14-74.
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