Engystol (50 tablets)

  • $20.20
Sku: 75260ac56adb
The instruction for medical use of the ENGISTOL homeopathic medicine the Trade name of ENGISTOL the International unlicensed name Is not present the Dosage form of the Tablet Structure One Tablet contains active agents: sulfur D4 of 37.5 mg, sulfur D10 of 37.5 mg, vincetoxicum hirundinaria D6 of 75 mg, vincetoxicum hirundinaria D10 of 75 mg, vincetoxicum hirundinaria D30 of 75 mg, excipients: magnesium stearate the Description of the Tablet of round shape, with a flat surface, from white till ochroleucous color, flavourless. Pharmacotherapeutic group Immunomodulators, Immunostimulyatora. Other immunostimulators. The ATH L03AX code the Pharmacological Pharmacokinetics to Investigate properties pharmacokinetic properties of homeopathic medicines is not possible. A pharmacodynamics Engistol – complex homeopathic medicine which effect is defined by properties of the components which are a part. Engistol has antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the immune system, activates nonspecific factors of protection of an organism. Indications - in complex treatment of the flu and acute respiratory viral infections, as means activating nonspecific protective mechanisms of an organism. The route of administration and doses to Adults and children are more senior than 12 years: on 1 tablet 3 times a day. To children up to 12 years on 1 tablet 2 times a day. In sharp cases on 1 tablet each 15 minutes within 2 hours (all - 8 tablets), then adhere to the recommended dosage. The tablet is rassasyvat under language in 15-20 minutes prior to or in 1 hour after a meal. For children it is possible to pound a tablet and to add a small amount of water. Course of treatment: 2-4 weeks. For prevention of flu and respiratory infectious diseases, accept on 1 tablet Engistola 1-2 times a day. Side effects Seldom: - skin rash In such cases use of drug it is necessary to stop and consult with the doctor. Contraindications - hypersensitivity to drug components (sulfur and a swallow wort medicinal) Medicinal interactions of Interaction with other medicines are not established. Prescribing of complex homeopathic medicines does not exclude use of other medicines applied in this disease. Special instructions At intake of homeopathic medicines can temporarily become aggravated the available symptoms (primary deterioration). In this case it is necessary to interrupt administration of drug and to see the attending physician. At manifestation of the side effects which are not described in the instruction for medical use it is necessary to report about it to the doctor. The instruction for the patients having diabetes: 1 tablet supports 0.025 XE. Use in pediatrics As experience of use of this drug by children has no sufficient documentary confirmation, to children from 6 years to accept only after consultation with the doctor. Pregnancy and a lactation to Apply only after preliminary consultation with the doctor. Influence on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms is not established to feature of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms. The overdose is not revealed the Form of release and packing of 50 tablets in a polypropylene container. The polypropylene container together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages is placed in cardboard packing. To Store storage conditions at a temperature from 15 °C to 30 °C. To store out of children's reach! Not to use a period of storage of 5 years after the period of storage specified on packing! Prescription status Without prescription Biologishe Haylmittel Heel GmbH Producer, Germany the Dr. - Rekeveg Strasse 2-4, 76532 Baden-Baden the Owner of the registration certificate of Biologishe Haylmittel Heel GmbH, Germany the Address of the organization in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the accepting claim (offer) on quality of medicines from consumers, responsible for post-registration observation of safety of medicine of AEM Services LLP 050040, RK, Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 75A, office 102-103 of aemservices@mail.ru +7 707 798 83 99
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