Ceraxon 10g / 100 ml 10ml 10s oral solution

  • $88.30
Sku: ae88d23a583d
Ingredient: Citicoline
The instruction for medical use

of medicine


the Trade name


The international unlicensed

name Tsitikolin Lekarstvennaya a form

Solution for intake of 10 g / 100 ml of 30 ml in a bottle or 10 ml


of 100 ml of solution for intake contain

active agent in a bag - tsitikolin sodium of 10.450 g (10.0 g

of a tsitikolin are equivalent),

excipients: sorbitol of 70%, glycerin, methylparahydroxybenzoate, propilparagidroksibenzoat, glycerin formaldehyde, citrate sodium a dihydrate, sodium saccharinate, dye crimson (Ponso 4-R), essence strawberry, potassium sorbate, citric acid of 50% solution, water

the Transparent liquid of pink color purified the Description, can be observed small amounts of a flaked deposit.

The pharmacotherapeutic group

Psychostimulants and nootropa others

ATC N06BX06 Code

The pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Tsitikolin properties is natural compound which contains in an organism. Removal from an organism happens very slowly, mainly through respiratory organs and to urine.


Nootropic drug. Improves transfer of nervous impulses in cholinergic neurons, positively influences plasticity of neuronalny membranes and function of receptors. Improves a cerebral blood stream, strengthens metabolic processes in a brain, activates structures of a reticular formation of a brain and restores consciousness in a traumatic brain damage.

Ceraxon is a sincaline source, increasing synthesis of acetylcholine and stimulates biosynthesis of structural (basic) phospholipids in a membrane of neurons that promotes improvement of function of membrane mechanisms, including functioning of ion-exchange pumps and the receptors shipped in them which modulation is a necessary condition of neurotransfer.

Ceraxon softens the symptoms which are observed in a hypoxia and ischemia of a brain, including a memory impairment, emotional lability, lack of initiative, difficulties during the performing of daily actions and self-service.

Ceraxon is effective in treatment of cognitive, sensitive and motive neurologic disorders of a degenerative and vascular etiology.

Ceraxon thanks to the membrane stabilizing activity has properties which promote reduction of wet brain.
The research showed that Ceraxon inhibits activation of some phospholipases that reduces education of free radicals, avoiding destruction of membrane systems and keeping an antioxidant system as glutathione. Ceraxon protects a reserve of active neurons and inhibits apoptosis. Ceraxon also renders preventive neurotyre-tread effect in brain ischemia.

Clinical researches showed that Ceraxon considerably improves a functional condition of patients with an acute disorder of a brain. At patients with a craniocereberal injury Ceraxon accelerates their restoration and umenshat duration and degree of intensity of a posttraumatic syndrome.


- a stroke and its consequences

- a craniocereberal injury and its consequences

- the cognitive, sensitive and motive neurologic disorders caused by degenerative and vascular disorders

the Route of administration and doses

the Daily dosage makes from 500 to 2000 mg depending on disease severity. The recommended frequency rate of reception 2 - 3 times a day within 6-8 weeks. Drug can be used as independently, and by cultivation in half of glass of water (120 ml), during meal or between meals.

Solution for intake, in a bottle. 1 bottle contains 3000 mg of a tsitikolin. Drug is appointed by means of the dosing syringe. After purpose of each dose it is recommended to wash the dosing syringe with water.

Solution for intake, in a bag. 1 bag contains 1000 mg of a tsitikolin. The bag is recommended for single, single dose.

Duration of treatment depends on extent of defeat of substance of a brain. The minimum recommended duration of treatment is 30 - 45 days.

The dose and a course of reception can be changed according to the recommendation of the doctor.

Side effects

- allergic reactions, hyperaemia of the person, hypostasis of extremities

- a headache, dizziness

- nausea, diarrhea

- increase or short-term lowering of arterial pressure

of the Contraindication

- hypersensitivity to drug components

- a state with a high tone of parasympathetic nervous system

- insufficient zymolysis of fructose (sprue) because of existence in composition of sorbitol

Medicinal interactions

Tsitikolin enhances effects of L-dihydroxyphenylalanin.

It is not necessary to appoint along with the medicines containing meklofeksonat.

The special

instructions Use in pediatrics

In children's practice appoint medicine if the expected therapeutic advantage exceeds possible risk.

Pregnancy and the period of a lactation

Though proofs of risk at use of drug during pregnancy or in the period of a lactation were not received, drug is appointed if the expected advantage exceeds potential risk.

The feature of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous Tsitikolin mechanisms does not influence ability to control of vehicles and dangerous mechanisms.


Long appointment of Tserakson was not followed by toxic effects regardless of a method of administration.

Symptoms: strengthening of side effects of drug.

Treatment: symptomatic.

A form of release and packing

of 30 ml of drug in a bottle from the colourless transparent glass corked by the screwing-up plastic cover, the dosing syringe.

10 ml of drug in double bags (with the line of a gap between bags) from polyethylene. On 3 or 5 couples of bags together with the instruction for use in the state and Russian languages put in a pack from cardboard.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature from +15 to + 30 C

to Store out of children's reach!

3 years

not to apply a period of storage after the expiration date specified on packing.

Prescription status

According to the prescription

the Producer Ferrer Internasyonal, S.A.

Gran of VIA de Carles III, 94, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.

Ferrer Internacional,

S.A. Gran Via de Carles III, 94, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Is provided Nikomed Austria, GmbH, Austria

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products (goods)

of Nikomed Ostevropa Marketing Service GmbH

Almaty, Begalin St. 136 and

Phone number (727) 2444004

Fax number (727) 2444005

E-mail address of aknu@nycomed.com
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