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Langen (30 capsules)

  • $35.10
Sku: 8b57ec062e9b
TRADE NAZVANIYELANGENA, LangenaMEZhDUNARODNOE UNLICENSED НАЗВАНИЕ−ЛЕКАРСТВЕННАЯ FORMATverdyy gelatin capsules. Description: the solid gelatin capsules, size No. 0, the body and a lid of the fioletovogotsvet containing mix of powder of brownish-yellow color with particles of white color.SOSTAVKapsula soderzhitaktivny substances: Dry extract of a root of a ginseng (Panax ginseng) 40 mgsukhy extract of leaves of a ginkgo of bilobed (Ginkgo biloba) 40 mgsukhy extract of fruits of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) to 30 mgkoenzy Q10 50 mgvspomogatelny substances: calcium carbonate, magnesium stearate, silicon dioksidkolloidny anhydrous, calcium hydrophosphate anhydrous. Structure of a cover of the capsule: titan dioxide, azoruby, indigotin, gelatin. The CODE of DRUG ON ATH N07XXFARMAKOTERAPEVTIChESKAYa GRUPPAPROCHIYE drugs for treatment of diseases of nervous system. PHARMACOLOGICAL SVOYSTVAFARMAKODINAMIKALANGENA helps to keep optimum vital force, including in a preklonnomvozrasta. Maintains physical and intellectual activity, improves the funktsiyuserdechno-vascular system, blood circulation and a tone of veins. At a dlitelnomprimeneniya prevents flabbiness of skin and early aging of an organism. Dry extract of a root of a ginseng contains saponinovy glycosides-ginsenozidy, essential oils, styrene, peptides, vitamins and minerals. Ginseng extract okazyvayetstimuliruyushchy action on central nervous system, raises intellectual and a fizicheskuyurabotosposobnost. Stimulates a metabolism and energy, cellular activity, improves digestion of oxygen cells of an organism and, thus, pomogayetznachitelno to increase power opportunities of the person. Extract zhenshenyaregulirut work of hemadens, slightly raises an arterialnoyedavleniye and also reduces the level of cholesterol and glucose in blood serum (okazyvayetgipoglikemichesky action). Improves resilience to adverse the faktoramvneshny environment and to stressful situations. Raises nonspecific a rezistentnostyorganizm. The dry extract of leaves of a ginkgo which is a part of drug bilobed, in kotoromsoderzhatsya flavonovy glycosides and terpenic lactones, promotes strengthening and increase in elasticity of a vascular wall, restores rheological svoystvakrov. Improves microcirculation and supply of a brain and peripheral tkaneykislorody and glucose. Extract of a ginkgo bilobed normalizes a metabolism in cells, interferes with aggregation of erythrocytes, inhibits aggregation of thrombocytes, expands small arteries, raises a tone of veins and regulates a krovenapolneniye of vessels. Dry extract of fruits of blackcurrant is rich with flavonoids (anthocyans), linolenic acid, vitamins C, A, B6, B12, E, minerals and antioxidants. Facilitates symptoms of a menopause, skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis) and arthritises. Improves a condition of hair, teeth and gums. Prevents development of a cataract. Coenzyme Q10 (ubikhinon) stimulates processes of oxidizing phosphorylation in a cell. It is necessary for energy balance and normal activity of cells. Approximately after 30-year age at the person the coenzyme Q10 level decreases. Priusloviya of regular reception coenzyme Q10 prolongs active zhiznedeyatelnostzrely cells of an organism, restores functions of the growing old cells, increases the siluimmunny answer of cells and their resistance to overloads, stresses and drugimneblagopriyatny influences, improves work of fabrics and bodies cordial sosudistoysistemy, a liver, kidneys, the condition of skin, slows down processes of biological aging.FARMAKOKINETIKADeystvie of the drug Langena is caused by cumulative properties of its components therefore carrying out kinetic observations is not possible.INDICATIONS - distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy of various etiology, the followed snizheniyemvnimaniya and/or memories, disturbance of mental abilities, feeling of alarm, fear, sleep disorders, - a syndrome of vegetative dystonia, - asthenic conditions of various etiology, an asthenic syndrome, - disturbances of peripheric circulation and microcirculation, - neurosensory disturbances (dizziness, a ring in ears, a gipoakuziya, a macula lutea starcheskayadegeneration, diabetic polyneuropathy), - deterioration in sight (cataract, a retinopathy), - for increase in body resistance, strengthening of immunity, to the osobennoposla of the postponed serious illness and at the increased physical, intellectual iemotsionalny activities (including in a stress), - in complex treatment of male and female infertility, in erectile dysfunction (impotence), - in complex treatment of a menopausal and premenstrual syndrome, - for prevention of aging of an organism, prevention of senilism, - for regeneration and rejuvenation of skin cells, for prevention of formation of wrinkles, flabbiness of skin, - in programs for weight reduction, - diseases of gums (periodontal disease). The ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION And DOZYPreparat Langena accept inside, 1-2 capsules in time or after a meal in the pervoypolovena of day, washing down with enough liquid. Duration terapiisostavlyat from 2 weeks to 2 months then it is necessary to make dvukhnedelnyypereryv. CONTRAINDICATIONS - hypersensitivity to drug components, - reduced blood clotting, - a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum in an aggravation stage, - acute disorders of cerebral circulation, - a serious illness of a cardiovascular system (a sharp coronary syndrome, disturbances of a warm rhythm), - epilepsy, convulsive states, - pregnancy and the period of a lactation, - children's age up to 12 years. COLLATERAL DEYSTVIYEPREPARAT is well had, side effects arise seldom. From digestive system: dispepsichesky disorders, nausea. From the central nervous system: headache, dizziness. Allergic reactions: skin rash, an itching. Other: decrease in blood clotting (after prolonged use). SPECIAL UKAZANIYaV the period of administration of drug (especially white-skinned patients) follows izbegatdlitelny stay on sunlight and visits of sunbeds. It is necessary to avoid simultaneous use of other means, a vyzyvayushchikhfotosensibilization. It is necessary to stop administration of drug in 2 weeks prior to the planned hirurgicheskogovmeshatelstvo. It is not recommended to apply Langena along with MAO.VLIYaNIE inhibitors ON ABILITY TO DRIVING of MOTOR TRANSPORT And UPRAVLENIYuMEHANIZMAMIV the period of treatment it is necessary to be careful when driving motor transport of an izanyatiya other potentially dangerous types of activity, trebuyushchimipovyshenny concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. USE AT PREGNANCY And LAKTATSIIPREPARAT it is contraindicated to use at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation. USE In PEDIATRIIPREPARAT Langena is contraindicated to children aged up to 12 years. INTERACTION WITH OTHERS MEDICINAL SREDSTVAMIPREPARAT strengthens effect of sleeping and analgetic medicines of ispazmolitik.PEREDOZIROVKAPri to overdose oppression of the central nervous system, drowsiness is possible. Treatment: symptomatic. VYPUSKATVERDYE FORM gelatin capsules. 15 capsules in the blister. 2 blisters together with a leaf insert in a cardboard box. CONDITIONS HRANENIYAKHRANIT in the place protected from moisture and light at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store out of children's reach! The TERM of GODNOSTI3 of year of date of production. Not to apply after an expiration date. PRESCRIPTION STATUS FROM Aptekotpuskayetsya without prescription.
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