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Stugeron 25 mg (50 tablets)

  • $9.30
Out Of Stock
Sku: c7a169d90ff7
Ingredient: Cinnarizine
StugeronMezhdunarodnyy name:
Cinnarizine Group accessory:
Description of active ingredient (MNN):
TsinnarizinLekarstvennyy form:
capsules, tabletkipharmakologichesky action:
Selection BMKK, reduces receipt in Ca2 cells + and reduces their concentration in depot of a plasmolemma, reduces a tone of smooth muscles of arterioles, strengthens vazodilatiruyushchy effect of carbon dioxide. Directly influencing smooth muscles of vessels, reduces their reaction to biogenous substances (epinephrine, Norepinephrinum, dopamine, angiotensin, vasopressin). Has vasodilating effect (especially concerning brain vessels), without having significant effect on the ABP. Shows moderate antihistaminic activity, reduces excitability of a vestibular mechanism, lowers a tone of sympathetic nervous system. It is effective at patients with latent insufficiency of cerebral circulation, initial atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain and chronic diseases of vessels of a brain with postinsultny focal symptoms. At patients with disturbance of peripheric circulation improves blood supply of bodies and fabrics (century of h a myocardium), strengthens post-ischemic vasodilatation. Increases elasticity of membranes of erythrocytes, their deformability, reduces viscosity of blood. Increases resistance of muscles to a hypoxia. Indications:
An ischemic stroke, postinsultny states (including after a hemorrhagic stroke), a convalescence after ChMT, distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy, vestibular disturbances (including Menyer's disease, dizziness, sonitus, a nystagmus, nausea and vomiting of labyrinth origin), prevention of kinetoz ('a road disease' - sea and airsickness), migraine (prevention of attacks), senile dementia, decrease and loss of memory, disturbances of peripheric circulation (the 'alternating' lameness, the obliterating atherosclerosis obliterating a thromboangitis (Thrombangiitis obliterans), a Raynaud's disease, a diabetic angiopatiya, thrombophlebitis, trophic disturbances (including trophic and varicose ulcers, pregangrenous states), paresthesias, night spasms and a cold snap in extremities. Contraindications:
Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation period. With care. Parkinson's disease. Side effects:
From nervous system: drowsiness, increased fatigue, headache, extrapyramidal disorders (tremor of extremities and increase in a muscle tone, hypokinesia), depression. From digestive system: dryness in a mouth, pain in epigastric area, dyspepsia, cholestatic jaundice. From integuments: the increased sweating, red flat deprive (extremely seldom). Allergic reactions: skin rash. Other: decrease in the ABP, increase in body weight, development of a volchanochnopodobny syndrome. Overdose. Symptoms: vomiting, drowsiness, tremor, excessive decrease in the ABP, lump. Treatment: specific antidote does not exist, gastric lavage, activated carbon, symptomatic therapy. Route of administration and doses:
Inside, after a meal. At disturbance of cerebral circulation - on 25-50 mg 3 times a day, in drops - on the 8th cap 3 times a day or on 1 capsule (75 mg) of 1 times a day. At disturbance of peripheric circulation - on 50-75 mg 3 times a day. For prevention sea and airsickness - on 25 mg in 30 min. before the forthcoming trip, if necessary reception of a dose is repeated in 6-8 h. In labyrinth disorders - on 25 mg 3 times a day. To children the dose is reduced twice. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 225 mg. At high sensitivity to drug the treatment is begun about 1/2 doses, increasing it gradually. For achievement of optimum therapeutic effect the drug should be taken it is continuous, long - from several weeks to several months. Special instructions:
In an initiation of treatment it is necessary to abstain intake of ethanol. Due to presence of antihistaminic effect, cinnarizine can affect result at anti-doping control of athletes (false positive result) and also to level positive reactions when conducting skin diagnostic tests (in 4 days prior to a research the treatment should be cancelled). At prolonged use carrying out control inspection of function of a liver, kidneys, pictures of peripheral blood is recommended. Feeding is not recommended to the women accepting cinnarizine by a breast. The patients having Parkinson's disease should appoint only when advantages of its appointment exceed possible risk of aggravation of symptoms. During treatment it is necessary to be careful during the driving of motor transport and occupation other potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. Interaction:
Strengthens effect of ethanol, nootropic, sedative, hypotensive and vasodilating HP. Reduces effect of hypertensive HP.
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