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Polezzno Spirulina tablets 100 g

  • $25.50
Sku: 9da1a21117a7
Than polezzno: Spirulina – the undisputed leader on phytalbumin content. More than 60% of weight of this alga – amino acids from which the human body builds proteinaceous molecules. The regular use of a spirulina enriches an organism with vitamins and minerals in the balanced proportion. Spirulina contains 12 vitamins A, V1, V2, VZ, V5, V6, V8, V9g, B12, Vs, E, N and 14 minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, boron, silicon, zinc, potassium, copper, manganese, chrome, selenium, iodine and sodium. Provides the healthy cellular nutrition: everything that is necessary for each cell of an organism in a natural, natural form. At the expense of it protective forces of an organism increase, the immunity becomes stronger. Improves a condition of intestinal microflora, well influencing a condition of skin. Contains 12% of phycocyanin – the most rare natural component with onkoprotektorny it svoystvamiyavlyatsya by a cyanocobalamine source, or B12 vitamin in number of 16 mkg on 10 g of a spirulina. B12 vitamin is vital that who does not use animal products: to vegetarians, vegans and syroyeda. Spirulina possesses the antiage, nutritious and modeling action on face skin and bodies. Therefore she is widely used in professional and house cosmetology. Route of administration and doses: Daily 10-20 tablets. It is desirable on an empty stomach or in intervals between meals.
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