Mastofit 200 mg (100 tablets)

  • $15.80
Sku: 8b8a3a6bac94
Mastofit Evalar cream Contributes to normalization of exchange processes and decrease in puffiness in tissues of a mammary gland. According to the statistics, about 60% of women have predisposition to changes of structure milk zhelezy*. The World Health Organization recommends to complement a food allowance with natural means from plant extracts for maintenance of health of a mammary gland. It is considered that even 150 g of broccoli a day are capable to have significant effect on tissues of mammary glands by means of normalization of hormonal balance (ratio of metabolites of estrogen) in an organism and to adjust proliferative processes in fabrics milk zhelez*. The nature put a certain ratio of active agents in broccoli which is capable to provide similar action. Still it is not clear what of substances more — askorbigen, sulforafan, indole-3-carbinol, or their combination in certain quantities — protects tissues of mammary glands. Therefore use of products on the basis of a natural complex from broccoli is preferable. Mastofit Evalar is a complex product which part the broccoli cabbage concentrate rich with indole-3-carbinol (up to 50 mg/%) and also askorbigeny (up to 1.5% is), sulforafany (up to 6 mg/%). Besides, extract of vitex of sacred (summer cypress) which around the world is natural parts for maintenance of health milk zhelezy* is entered into structure of the tablets Mastofit Evalar. Active active ingredients of vitex sacred promote decrease in production of prolactin that the general hormonal background of an organism balances. Thus, Mastofit Evalar is the complex phytoproduct for maintenance of health of a mammary gland influencing many known factors of emergence of changes in mammary glands. The tablets Mastofit Evalar and Mastofit cream, working in common and strengthening each other, will deliver vegetable indoles directly to the destination. Action of the components which are a part Mastofit Evalar: Indole-3-carbinol – the main biologically active agent which is contained in vegetables of family of a cruciferae family. The most important function of indole-3-carbinol (besides antioxidant properties) is maintaining health of fabrics milk zhelezy*. Fucus extract – a source of organic iodine which renders resorptional effect and does not give the complications which are observed at use of metal iodine. Extract of vitex of sacred (summer cypress) – a source of the iridoid and essential oils containing the diterpenes oppressing formation of prolactin. Decrease prolactin content to physiologically normal level keeps health of fabrics milk zhelez*. Literature: Treatment of diseases of mammary glands and the accompanying disturbances of the menstrual Mastodinonom function. L.M. Burdina, doctor of medical sciences, professor. The Moscow mammology clinic, Fitopreparata in gynecologic practice. Bionorica. The phytoneering company, V.N. Prilepskaya, E.A. Mezhevitinova Premenstrual syndrome. Scientific center of obstetrics and gynecology. Moscow, Ginekologiya magazine: Volume 07 No. 4/2005, from materials VIII of the International congress Fitopharm 2004, Mikkeli, Finland, p. 550-553, G.G. Onishchenko, the Balanced diet. Methodical recommendations of MP 2.3.1. 19150-0, L.A. Ashrafyan, V.I. Kiselyov. Tumors of reproductive organs (etiology and pathogenesis) M.: Dimitrade Grafik Group publishing house, 2007. Structure of 6 tablets (daily reception) Weight Cabbage of broccoli of 1051.2 mg Extract of vitex of sacred 4.8 mg Additional information the Route of administration the Adult on 2 tablets 3 times a day at meal time contain Extract of a fucus of bubbly 120 mg. Duration of reception is not less than 2 months. Document SWAMP-SUBORS No. RU. of 31.07.2014. The form of release of the Tablet Mass of a Tablet is 0.2 g No. 100
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