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Le Karnith 10 ml solution 10s

  • $39.10
Sku: 2ece3263952a
The instruction for use of dietary supplement to Le-Carnita Sostav food on 10 ml: Active agents: L-carnitine of 2.0 g, arginine of 0.20 g Excipients: the water purified. Physiological action: Le-Carnita – is recommended for correction of metabolic processes, renders metabolic, nonsteroid anabolic, anti-hypoxemic and anti-thyroid action, activates lipometabolism, stimulates regeneration, increases appetite. A L-carnitine – natural substance, related to group B vitamins. Is a cofactor of the metabolic processes providing maintenance of activity of KoA. Reduces standard metabolism, slows down disintegration of proteinaceous and carbohydrate molecules. Promotes penetration through membranes of mitochondrions and to splitting of long-chain fatty acids (palmitic, etc.) with education atsetil-KoA (it is necessary for ensuring activity pyruvatecarboxymanholes in the course of a gluconeogenesis, formation of ketone bodies, synthesis of sincaline and its ethers, oxidizing phosphorylation and formation of ATP). Mobilizes fat (existence of three labile methyl groups) of fat depos. Competitively forcing out glucose, turns on the fatty acid metabolic shunt which activity is not limited by oxygen (in difference from aerobic glycolysis) in this connection Le-Carnita is effective in the conditions of an acute hypoxia (including a brain), etc. critical conditions. Increases secretion and fermentalny activity of digestive juices (gastric and intestinal), improves digestion of food. Reduces excess body weight and reduces fat content in muscles. Raises a resistance threshold to physical activity, reduces degree of a lactacidemia and, as a result, restores working capacity after the long exhausting physical activities. At the same time promotes economical expenditure of a glycogen and increase in its stocks in a liver and muscles. Has neurotrophic effect, limits a zone of defeat and restores structure of nervous tissue. Normalizes proteinaceous and lipometabolism, the increased standard metabolism in a hyperthyroidism (being a partial antagonist of thyroxine), restores an alkaline reserve of blood. Restores a normal metabolism in an eyeball and improves signal transmission on an optic nerve. L-arginine partial and replaceable aminoxylot. It is soaked up in a small intestine and transported in a liver where its main quantity is utilized in an ornitinovy cycle. The part of L-arginine which was not metabolized in a liver is used as substrate for products NO. Arginine is the anti-asthenic, filling shortage of amino acids means. Increases endurance, activates cellular metabolism, urea exchange, promotes neutralization and removal of ammonia, stimulates release of growth hormone from a hypophysis. Regulates sugar level in blood and reduces the lactic acidosis caused by a muscular exercise, transfers metabolism to an aerobic way. Shows nootropic and anti-amnesic activity, interferes with stressful changes in exchange of mediator amino acids, increases phosphorylation of a number of proteins in central nervous system. Raslyablyaet blood vessels of a brain, a retina of an eye, heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines, cavernous fabric, a heart muscle, Promotes a relaxation of smooth muscle tissue of trachea, a stomach, intestines, a bladder, a uterus. Renders the neuromodulating activity defining long-term potentiation, memory forming, perception of pain, the visual analysis. Regulates synthesis and secretion of hormones: insulin, prolactin, thyroid hormone, parathyroid hormone, hormones of adrenal glands, hormones of a reproductive cycle. Stabilizes interaction of leukocytes with walls of vessels and also activity of thrombocytes. Indications: Promotes completion of a lack of a left carnitine at children and adults. Children: a hypoxia, asphyxia of postnatal injuries, a hypotrophy, an adynamia, a growth inhibition, a delay physical and loonies - chesky development in children and teenagers, a cerebral palsy, intensive physical activities. Adults: psychogenic anorexia, physical exhaustion, mental diseases, neurasthenia. Primary deficit of a carnitine: a myopathy with lipidic savings, hepatic encephalopathy and/or the dilatatsionny progressing cardiopathy. Secondary deficit of a carnitine: Marfan's syndrome, Elersa-Danlo's syndrome, Bils's syndrome, a tuberous sclerosis, some forms of the progressing muscular dystrophies, etc., deficit of a carnitine when carrying out a hemodialysis, propionic, etc. organic acidemias, exogenous and constitutional obesity, a convalescence (after a serious illness and surgical interventions), a thyrotoxicosis (easy forms), skin diseases (psoriasis, seborrheal dermatitis, a focal scleroderma, a diskoidny lupus erythematosus). In cardiology: disturbance of metabolism of a myocardium in an ischemic cardiopathy, stenocardia, an acute myocardial infarction, hypoperfusion owing to cardiogenic shock, postinfarction states, prevention of cardiotoxicity at treatment by anthracyclines, long intensive physical activities (for increase in working capacity, endurance and decrease in fatigue – as anabolic steroid and an adaptogen), atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, including with manifestations of the alternating lameness, arterial hypertension at pregnant women, pulmonary hypertensia, coronary heart disease (stenocardia), an arrest of development of a fruit and a preeclampsia. In neurology: an ischemic stroke (in the sharp, recovery periods), passing disturbance of cerebral circulation, distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy, traumatic and toxic brain damages. In gastroenterology: chronic gastritis (with the lowered secretory function), chronic pancreatitis (with vneshnesekretorny insufficiency). Acute and chronic hepatitises of various etiology (including reactive in infectious diseases), poisoning with hepatotrophic poisons (death angel, chemical and medicinal substances), cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy. In ophthalmology: glaucoma, eye retina dystrophy. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity to the Route of administration components: In 10 ml of solution (1 bottle) 2.0 g of a left carnitine and 0.20 g of arginine contain. The dose is calculated proceeding from age and body weight. Le-Carnita is accepted inside, in 30 minutes prior to food, in the first half of day, in addition diluting with liquid. Children from 1 year to 14 years: 0.1 g/kg once a day. Adults: 0.9 g (5 ml) once a day. The recommended reception term - 1 month. Side effects: Allergic reactions. Overdose: Pains in epigastric area. If necessary carry out symptomatic treatment. Storage conditions: To store in the dry, protected from light place, at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store out of children's reach! To store an open bottle in the fridge no more than 72 hours. Not to use on expiry date! Expiration date: 3 years. Packaging: 10 bottles on 10 ml the Producer: ERBOZETA S.p.A., Strada delle Seriole, 41/43-Loc. Gavalotto, 47894, Kyezanuova, the Republic of San Marino for Perrery Farmaceutici S.r.L., Corso San Lorenzo 1 - 37026 Pescantina, Verona, Italy the Organization accepting claims in RK EL company LLP Almaty, Masangchi St. 98A, office 41 Ph. 8 (727) 292-26-30, 292-26-65 fax: 8 (727) 292-26-37 www.elcompany.kz
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