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Klirvin 25g of cream in the tube

  • $4.90
Klirvin cream the Effective multipurpose problem skin cream containing extracts of rare and unique herbs.
This excellent cream does skin smooth and helps to keep elasticity. Natural antioxidants, vitamin E and microcomponents of herbs improve blood circulation, interfere with formation of dark circles under eyes. Skin becomes smooth and nice on the touch.
Ingredients: the Neem, an emblika medicinal, the acorus ordinary, a lodhra, turmeric, a madder serdtselisty, kayfat also Aloe Vera fulfilled in sesame oil, beeswax, a basil sacred, borax, a cream basis.
Action: Klirvin - Wins against scars and spots on skin! The situation when the small cut or a trace on skin spoils all your outward is familiar to you? Hems and spots on skin not only spoil your beauty, but also your self-assessment. You can win against hems and spots, to reduce or even completely to get rid of them at constant and correct use of this means. Klirvin the Ayuverdichesky drug containing extracts of herbs and natural antioxidants, natural vitamin E and other components deeply influences an integument, keeping its elasticity and interferes with formation of excess of melanin. Klirvin splits a spot from within, improves breath of skin cells and promotes their updating. The microcomponents of herbs which are contained in cream improve blood circulation, interfering, thus, with formation of dark circles under eyes. Klirvin improves complexion and reduces pigmentation. Cream saturates with moisture upper layers of epidermis, softens and restores water balance of skin. It allows to regulate and slow down process of forming of melanin in epidermis. Klirvin is used for prevention and correction of extensions. Oils and the moisturizing substances are entered into structure drug in order that skin was velvety, soft and smooth. That is these substances are used for maintenance of water balance in the upper layers of the skin. At the same time, as Klirvin is created on the basis of herbs, it has no side effects. So, forward, get rid of all undesirable spots on skin. Surprise the world with magnificent skin – skin from Klirvin. The unique ayuverdichesky composition of cream is effective at treatment of injuries of skin. Also it can be applied to treatment for skin extensions after pregnancy. Has antibacterial and antiseptic effect, thanks to Nym and Kurkuma's contents. Destroys bacteria and suppresses reproduction of microorganisms, especially on living tissues. Gives the rejuvenating and refreshing effect. Has a wide range of impact on skin thanks to contained in it Tangkan of a bkhasm and Yashada of a bkhasm. Yashada the bkhasma has the knitting properties (degreases skin) and also protects, pulls together and heals skin. Also prevents harmful effects of sunshine. It is effective against acne rash, pimples, thanks to Vachcha which are a part and Lodhr. Acne rash arises at inflammatory processes in sebaceous glands. The skin fat emitted by glands consists generally of fatty acids and cholesterol. The Vachcha interferes with accumulation of skin fat and thus heals skin from later eels and pimples. Lodhra has the anti-inflammatory and softening effect, does skin of more elastic, pulls together a time, gives to skin a healthy look. Improves blood circulation as are its part Mandzhishta and Tulsi. It improves blood circulation at the microlevel, thus, promoting a conclusion from blood of toxins. Natural humidifier. Has natural moisturizing components. Contained in composition of cream of Aloe Vera in combination with Yashada of a bkhasm has moisturizing effect on skin. Influences a hypodermic. Cream affects a hypodermic thanks to the oil of Sesame which is its part and beeswax.
Regular use of Klirvin cream helps to keep skin healthy, soft, gentle, clean and also saves from signs of acne rash and pimples. Cream also significantly improves skin color.
Indications: Extensions on skin at pregnancy and sharp increase in weight, postoperative hems, a nevus pigmentosus on a face and a body.
Use: To apply on problem sites of skin twice a day, carefully massing before full absorption. Daily use is recommended. In most cases the positive take is observed in 4-6 weeks.
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