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Irifrin 5 ml of 2.5% eye drops

  • $21.30
Sku: 526a437fdd7c
Ingredient: Phenylephrine
The instruction on medical primeneniyulekarstvenny means
the IrifrinTorgovyy
name Irifrin Mezhdunarodnoye the unlicensed
name Fenilefrin Lekarstvennaya of a formakapla eye 2.5%
Structure of 1 ml of drug soderzhitaktivny substance - Phenylephrinum a hydrochloride of 25 mg, excipients: a benzalkoniya chloride, dinatrium edetat, a gipromelloza, sodium metabisulphite, citric acid, citrate sodium a dihydrate, water for injections.
OpisanieProzrachnyy solution from colourless till light yellow color. Pharmacotherapeutic group Drugs for treatment of diseases of eyes. Sympathomimetics (excepting protivoglaukomny drugs). ATX S01FB01 code
Pharmacological svoystvapharmakokinetika. After instillation Phenylephrinum reduces the dilator of a pupil and unstriated muscles of arterioles of a conjunctiva, thereby, causing mydriasis. The size of a pupil reverts to the original state within 4-6 hours. As Phenylephrinum makes insignificant impact on a tsiliarny muscle, the mydriasis arises without tsikloplegiya. Fenilefrin easily gets into eye tissues, mydriasis comes within 10-60 minutes after single burying. The mydriasis remains within 4-6 hours. Owing to considerable reduction of the dilator of a pupil under the influence of Phenylephrinum in 30-45 minutes after instillation in moisture of an anterior chamber of an eye parts of a pigment from a pigmentary leaf of an iris of the eye can be found. The suspension in chamber moisture needs to be differentiated with manifestations of a front uveitis or with hit of uniform elements of blood in moisture of an anterior chamber. Pharmacodynamics. At topical administration Irifrin in ophthalmology causes mydriasis, improves outflow of intraocular liquid and narrows conjunctiva vessels. Stimulation of dezakkomodatsionny muscles of a ciliary body of 2.5% by Irifrin reduces convergence, promotes reduction of pressure of an internal oblique muscle approximately and, as a result, stops eyeball stretching. Besides, Irifrin causes a konstriktion of vessels of a ciliary body, reducing thereby products of intraocular liquid that leads to decrease in intraocular tension and minimizes risk of developing hypertensia. Irifrin – a sympathomimetic. Possesses promoting effect on postsynaptic alpha adrenoceptors, makes very weak impact on heart beta adrenoceptors. Drug possesses the vasopressor action similar to effect of Norepinephrinum (noradrenaline), at the same time it practically has no chronotropic and inotropic impact on heart. The angiotonic effect of Phenylephrinum is weaker, than at noradrenaline, but is longer. Has alpha and adrenergic activity and at use in usual doses does not make the considerable stimulating impact on the central nervous system.
Indications - spasmolysis of accommodation and therapy of the progressing short-sightedness (as a part of complex therapy) at adults and children since 8 years - an iridocyclitis (prevention of emergence of back synechias and reduction of exudation from an iris of the eye) - an oftalmoskopiya and other diagnostic procedures (the diagnostic mydriasis necessary for control of a condition of a back piece of an eye) - carrying out the provocative test at patients with a narrow profile of a corner of an anterior chamber and suspicion of closed-angle glaucoma - differential diagnostics for the purpose of definition of type of an injection of an eyeball - carrying out laser interventions on an eyeground and in vitreo-retinal surgery (for mydriasis) - a syndrome of a red eye.
The route of administration and dozypr carrying out an oftalmoskopiya are applied single instillations of 2.5% of solution of Irifrin. As a rule, for creation of a mydriasis there is enough introduction of 1 drop of 2.5% of Irifrin to a conjunctival sac. The maximum mydriasis is reached in 15-30 minutes and remains within 1-3 hours. In case of need maintenance of a mydriasis for a long time, in 1 hour the repeated instillation of Irifrin is possible.In uveites of 2.5% Irifrin's solution is used for prevention of development and a rupture of already formed back synechias, for decrease in exudation in an anterior chamber of an eye. 1 drop of drug in a conjunctival sac of a sore eye (eyes) of 2-3 times a day is dug in. As a part of complex therapy for spasmolysis of accommodation and therapy of the progressing short-sightedness in the period of the maximum visual loads at adults and children 8 years are more senior: on 1 drop in each eye daily for the night within 4 weeks.
Side effects - burning sensation, a sight zatumanennost, irritation, sensation of discomfort, dacryagogue, increase in intraocular pressure - a reactive miosis next day after use. Repeated instillations of drug can give less expressed mydriasis at this time, than the day before. This effect is more often shown at elderly patients. - the cardiopalmus, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, ventricular arrhythmia, reflex bradycardia, occlusion of coronary arteries, an embolism of a pulmonary artery
of the Contraindication - hypersensitivity to drug - narrow or closed-angle angle glaucoma - an arterial hypertension in combination with an ischemic heart disease, an aortic aneurysm, atrioventricular block of the I-III degree, arrhythmia, tachycardia - diabetes of the I type in the anamnesis - constant intake of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, hypotensive drugs - use of drug for additional mydriasis during surgeries at patients with disturbance of integrity of an eyeball and also at disturbance slezoproduktsii-a hyperthyroidism - a hepatic porphyria - congenital deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy-children's age up to 8 years
Medicinal vzaimodeystviyamidriatichesky effect of Irifrin amplifies at his use in a combination with topical administration of atropine. Use of 2.5% of solution of Irifrin with monoamine oxidase inhibitors and also within 21 days after the termination of intake of these drugs, has to be carried out with care as in this case there is a possibility of development of system adrenergic effects. Angiotonic action of adrenergic agents can be also exponentiated at combined use with tricyclic antidepressants, propranolol, reserpine, guanetidiny, Methyldopum and m-holinoblokatorami. Irifrin can exponentiate oppression of cardiovascular activity at an inhalation anesthesia.
Special ukazaniyadlya reduction of absorption in a system blood stream via plaintive channels it is necessary to press slightly a finger area of a dacryocyst (area at an internal corner of an eye). Pregnancy and a laktatsiyaposkolka Irifrin's action at pregnant women and nursing mothers is insufficiently studied, it is necessary to use drug at these categories of patients when the expected advantage for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit and the child. Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms. Not studied.
PeredozirovkaSimptoma: ventricular premature ventricular contraction and short paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia, heavy feeling in the head and extremities, substantial increase of arterial blood pressure. Treatment: at emergence of systemic action of Phenylephrinum it is possible to stop the undesirable phenomena by use of alpha adrenceptor blocking agents, for example from 5 to 10 mg of phentolamine intravenously. If necessary it is possible to repeat an injection.
A form of release and an upakovkakapla eye 2.5%po 5 ml of drug in plastic bottles droppers. On 1 bottle dropper together with the screw-on cap in which there is a device for opening of a bottle and with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a cardboard pack.
Conditions to hraneniyakhranit in the place protected from light at a temperature not over 25C. Not to freeze. To store out of children's reach!
A period of storage 2 godaperiod uses after opening of a bottle 1 month.Not to use after the expiry date specified on packing! Prescription status from aptekpo to the prescription
of ProizvoditelSENTISS FARMA Pvt. Ltd., 212/D-1, Greene Park, New Delhi, IndiyaNa plant: Villidzh Khera Nikhla, Tekhsil Nalagarkh, Region of Solan, Himachal Pradesh 174,101, India
Name and country of the owner registration udostovereniyasentiss FARMA of Pvt. Ltd., India
the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050000, Almaty, Bogenbay St. of the Batyr 132, office 309. Ph./fax: +7 (7272) 96-45-99, Email:
To Develop sentiss_kz@land.ru
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