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Higienika 60 ml -in pediculicides comb +

  • $9.70
Sku: 9377271e58c3
Higiyenika means pedikulitsidny 60 ml Description: means pedikulitsidny Higiyenika represents viscous nacreous liquid of yellow color. Ingredients: Active agent. permethrin of 1% Excipients: cocamidopropyl a betaine, C10-C16 sodium alkylethoxysulphate, PEG-18 glyceryl oleate / kokoat, benzyl alcohol, kokamid, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80, dinatrium edetat, citric acid (EZZO), aroma of apricot/mint, Sunset dye yellow (E110), water cleaned. Main action: Permethrin belongs to group of piretroidny insecticides - analogs of a natural insecticide of the pyrethrin which is in extract of flowers of some types of a tansy. Permethrin quickly gets into nervous system of insects, is the nervous and contact poison which is very effectively operating on louses. Except louses, destroys also nits. Permethrin affects directly membranes of neurons at insects. The mechanism of action consists in slowing down of process of repolarization by means of blockade of natrium channels in a membrane of the neuron regulating polarization of a memebrana owing to what paralysis and the death of an insect develop. Permethrin malotoksichen also belongs to the 111th class of dangerous substances. It is strongly toxic for bees and useful insects and also for fishes. Does not possess selective effect. Malotoksichen for warm-blooded animals and the person. Cumulative properties are significant poorly. At hit in a human body permethrin is metabolized in non-toxic connections by means of liver enzymes. This fast and effective process. Even if the means containing permethrin come to an organism in excessively high doses, for warm-blooded animals they are almost not toxic. Scope: Extermination of head and pubic louses at adult population and children since 5 years. Route of administration: To apply means of Higiyenik on the moistened hair of the head, rubbing in roots of hair. For the purpose of improvement of influence of drug to wait 20 minutes Then from the processed parts of the head means to wash away flowing warm water. For elimination of dead louses and nits it is necessary to comb carefully hair the small hairbrush which is included in the package. Processing of pubic area of a body is made similarly hairy part of the head. It is necessary to watch that means was distributed by all hairy part of the pubic area, the interior of hips and area around an anus. Drug consumption rate at a head pediculosis is 15 - 20 ml on processing of the head of the person depending on infectiousness degree insects, length and density of hair, at a pubic pediculosis of-10-15 ml. Processing needs to be repeated in 7-10 days, but no more than 2 times a month. At use use protective gloves and a mask (points) for eyes. Side effects: At patients, iyepolzuyushchy means from louses of Higiyenik, seldom or never can arise irritation of skin (itching, a burn, hypostasis or an eritrema) or allergic reactions. These symptoms usually arise in connection with infection with a pediculosis, than in connection with use of means. Because through skin the insignificant amount of permethrin is soaked up, it has no system impact on an organism. Contraindications: Use for children under five years, pregnant women and the feeding women and also people having various skin diseases or with manifestations of an allergy to medical and to cosmetics is not recommended. Special instructions and precautionary measures: At emergence of allergic reactions during drug use its use should be stopped. When using means from louses of Higiyenik it is necessary to avoid hit it on mucous membranes of eyes and a nasopharynx. Before processing of hair it is necessary to tie around the head (lower than hair) the cotton kerchief curtailed by a plait. In case of hit of drug in eyes or their mouth it is necessary to wash with water carefully. At accidental swallowing of drug it is necessary to see a doctor urgently. It is necessary to abstain from long use of drug. In case of infection in such public places as kindergartens, preschool institutions, schools, drug use once a week as prevention in lifetime of risk of infection is recommended. At mass use the health workers should use gloves if processing by this means is carried out by the same person. It is necessary to follow rules of personal hygiene (to wash up hands upon termination of work) When developing infection in family, it is recommended that all family members underwent processing by drug for prevention. In some places of interaction with skin of Higiyenik can cause contact dermatitis. Permethrin is toxic for water organisms and insects with long-term consequences therefore do not allow hit of liquid to the environment. Utilize contents and the used container as dangerous withdrawal. Dangerous ingredients: permethrin, cocamidopropyl betaine, C10-C16 sodium alkylethoxysulphate (sodium lauryl sulfate). Packaging: Drug is packaged in polyethylene bottles with a capacity of 60, 100 and 120 ml and packed into a cardboard pack together with the instruction for use. Storage: 3 years at a temperature of 15 °C-25 of °C in packing of the producer. To store out of children's reach! Before the use carefully to shake up! Producer: ABP VETPROM, Bulgaria, 2400 Radomir, St. 'Father Paisius' 26 E-mail: vetprom@abv.bg the import Organization authorized to accept claims from consumers: CJSC Dominanta-Service, 142100, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Podolsk, Komsomolskaya St., 1.
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