Dikloran Plus 30g gel in a tube

  • $9.80
Sku: b2fb681fa57f
Ingredient: Diclofenac
The instruction for medical use of medicine

of Dikloran® Plus Torgovoye nazvaniye Dikloran® Plus

the International unlicensed name
Is not present

the Dosage form
Gel for external use of 30 g

1 g of gel contains
active agents:
diclofenac of diethyl amine of 11.60 mg (it is equivalent sodium of diclofenac of 10 mg) methyl salicylate of 100 mg left menthol of 50 mg linseed oil of 30 mg,
excipients: carbomer homopolymer type C (Carbomer 980),
citric acid monohydrate, diethyl amine, dinatrium edetat, benzyl alcohol, a macrogoal glitserilgidroksistearat (RH-40 Cremophore), propylene glycol, butylhydroxyanisole, butyl hydroxytoluene, water cleaned.

The description
Soft gel from white till pale yellow color

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Drugs for topical treatment of diseases
of the musculoskeletal system. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for topical administration.
The ATX M02AA code

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Due to properties low system absorption data on pharmacokinetics
of drug are absent.
A pharmacodynamics
Pharmacological effect of drug is caused by structure
of the components entering it.
Diclofenac of sodium and methyl salicylate are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of which pharmacological effect the ability to suppress synthesis of prostaglandins is the cornerstone. At topical administration, diclofenac and methyl salicylate are quickly soaked up and, getting into hypodermic cellulose, muscle tissue and
the articulate capsule, reduce pain and inflammation in joints, morning constraint and a swelling of joints, promoting increase in volume of movements. The main component of linseed oil is and - the linolenic acid possessing anti-inflammatory action. Menthol at rubbing in in skin causes irritation of nerve terminations, has the local distracting and easy anesthetizing effect.

- musculoskeletal system diseases: a pseudorheumatism,
the psoriasis arthritis ankylosing a spondylarthritis, an osteoarthrosis of peripheral joints and a backbone
- muscular pains of rheumatic and not rheumatic origin
- traumatic damages of soft tissues.

Route of administration and doses
Outwardly. A single dose of drug - 2-4 g (4-8 cm at completely open
mouth of a tuba). To adults and children 12 years drug are more senior apply to skin 3-4 times a day and slightly rub. The necessary amount of drug depends on the size of a painful zone. Treatment duration without
consultation of the doctor should not exceed 10 days.

Side effects
Local reactions: eczema, contact dermatitis (itching, reddening, puffiness of the processed site of skin, a papule, a vesicle, peeling).
System reactions: generalized skin rash, allergic reactions (urticaria, Quincke's disease, bronkhospastichesky reactions), photosensitization.
- hypersensitivity to diclofenac, methyl salicylate or other components of drug, acetylsalicylic acid or other
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - aspirinovy asthma, urticaria or acute rhinitis caused by intake of acetylsalicylic acid or other
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- disturbance of integrity of integuments, the inflamed or infected skin, mucous membranes, eczema
- pregnancy (III trimester) and the lactation period
- children's age up to 12 years
With care: hepatic porphyria (aggravation), erosive cankers of digestive tract, heavy abnormal liver functions and kidneys, chronic heart failure, bronchial asthma, advanced age.

Medicinal interactions
Diclofenac can strengthen effect of the drugs causing a photosensitization. Clinically significant interaction with other medicines is not described.

Dikloran® Plus should apply special instructions only to the uninjured skin, avoiding hit on open wounds. After drawing it is not necessary to apply an occlusive bandage. It is not necessary to allow hits of drug in eyes and on mucous membranes.
Use at pregnancy
Use of drug during pregnancy in I and II trimester is possible after consultation
of the doctor Osobennosti of influence of medicine on ability to run vehicles or potentially dangerous mechanisms
does not influence
If medicine became useless or the expiration date expired – do not throw out it in sewage or on the street! Place medicine in a package and put in a garbage container. These measures will help to protect the environment!

The overdose
At external use in the recommended doses overdose is not revealed.

A form of release and packing
On 30 g in the plastic laminated tuba with the screwing-up cap. On 1 tuba together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a cardboard pack.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature not above 30 °C. Not to freeze!
To store out of children's reach!

3 years
not to use a period of storage after an expiration date.

Prescription status
Without prescription

Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories Producer (department of firm J.B. Kemikals and Pharmasyyutikals Ltd.)
Nilam Senter, a wing of B, the 4th floor, Hind Saykl Road, Vorley, Mumbai – 400,030, India

the Holder of the registration certificate
of LLC Johnson & Johnson,
Russia 121614, Russia, Moscow, Krylatskaya St., 17, building 2

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of the products (goods) responsible for post-registration observation of safety medicinal sredstvafiliat LLC Johnson & Johnson in Republic of Kazakhstan 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Timiryazev St. 42, the pavilion 23-Atet. / fax: +7 (727) 356-88 - 11, +7 (727) 356-88-19электронная mail: safetyru@its.jnj.com
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