Apkosul No. 100 caps.
mandur a basma (iron oxides) - 33 mg,
Kakadana (capparis spinosa) - 75 mg,
Kasny (Cichorium intybus) - 75 mg,
Solanum nigrum - 25 mg,
Cassia occidentalis - 25 mg,
Terminalia arjuna - 32 mg,
the Yarrow ordinary (Achillea millefolium) - 25 mg,
other components: lactose, methylparaben, cellulose microcrystalline, silicon dioxide colloidal, the povidone, talc purified magnesium stearate
Pharmacotherapeutic group:
Hepatotrophic drugs.
Effect of the medicine:
Drug Apkosul is mix of grass ingredients and iron oxides which effect is directed to normalization of disturbances of action of a liver, its regeneration and protection. Protects a liver from negative factors, improves a functional condition of hepatocytes, accelerating their regeneration, protects from fat infiltration. Improves appetite, digestion of food, interferes with a meteorism.
Mandur Basma is means that consists of oxide of two and trivalent iron which provide normalization of action of a stomach and process of digestion. Also promotes increase in hemoglobin in blood. It is applied in liver diseases.
Kakadana vegetable drug which includes a glycoside helps to regenerate liver tissues.
Kasna includes chicory that improves biliation, eliminates spasms, inflammation.
Mako includes alkaloids, stimulates mitochondrial enzymes of a liver that increases her metabolism, has anti-virus action against V.
Kasonda's hepatitis reduces inflammation, is a natural sorbent, has laxative action.
Ardzhuna has diuretic properties, reduces inflammation, is used in cirrhosis.
The yarrow ordinary has the knitting, diuretic, antiseptic actions, stimulates and increases immunity
Disturbances of functions of a liver, fatty degeneration as auxiliary drug in cirrhosis. Apkosul at a rehabilitation stage after hepatitis, after treatment by antibiotics is recommended to apply, at decrease in body weight and a growth inhibition.
Way of use and dose:
To accept inside 1-2 capsules of Apkosul 2-3 times per day washing down with water, after a meal. The drug is taken within 4 – 6 weeks. If necessary it is possible to prolong treatments up to 3 months.
Side effect:
Drug is transferred well. In isolated cases – allergic reactions.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, children's age up to 10 years.
Data about use of drug for pregnant women and in the period of a lactation are absent therefore it is not recommended to women to appoint drug during pregnancy and feeding a breast.
In case of overdose carry out symptomatic treatment.
Features of use. It is necessary to appoint carefully Apkosul the patient with an acute inflammation of a stomach and intestines.
Interaction with other medicines. Data about incompatibility or interaction with other drugs are absent
mandur a basma (iron oxides) - 33 mg,
Kakadana (capparis spinosa) - 75 mg,
Kasny (Cichorium intybus) - 75 mg,
Solanum nigrum - 25 mg,
Cassia occidentalis - 25 mg,
Terminalia arjuna - 32 mg,
the Yarrow ordinary (Achillea millefolium) - 25 mg,
other components: lactose, methylparaben, cellulose microcrystalline, silicon dioxide colloidal, the povidone, talc purified magnesium stearate
Pharmacotherapeutic group:
Hepatotrophic drugs.
Effect of the medicine:
Drug Apkosul is mix of grass ingredients and iron oxides which effect is directed to normalization of disturbances of action of a liver, its regeneration and protection. Protects a liver from negative factors, improves a functional condition of hepatocytes, accelerating their regeneration, protects from fat infiltration. Improves appetite, digestion of food, interferes with a meteorism.
Mandur Basma is means that consists of oxide of two and trivalent iron which provide normalization of action of a stomach and process of digestion. Also promotes increase in hemoglobin in blood. It is applied in liver diseases.
Kakadana vegetable drug which includes a glycoside helps to regenerate liver tissues.
Kasna includes chicory that improves biliation, eliminates spasms, inflammation.
Mako includes alkaloids, stimulates mitochondrial enzymes of a liver that increases her metabolism, has anti-virus action against V.
Kasonda's hepatitis reduces inflammation, is a natural sorbent, has laxative action.
Ardzhuna has diuretic properties, reduces inflammation, is used in cirrhosis.
The yarrow ordinary has the knitting, diuretic, antiseptic actions, stimulates and increases immunity
Disturbances of functions of a liver, fatty degeneration as auxiliary drug in cirrhosis. Apkosul at a rehabilitation stage after hepatitis, after treatment by antibiotics is recommended to apply, at decrease in body weight and a growth inhibition.
Way of use and dose:
To accept inside 1-2 capsules of Apkosul 2-3 times per day washing down with water, after a meal. The drug is taken within 4 – 6 weeks. If necessary it is possible to prolong treatments up to 3 months.
Side effect:
Drug is transferred well. In isolated cases – allergic reactions.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, children's age up to 10 years.
Data about use of drug for pregnant women and in the period of a lactation are absent therefore it is not recommended to women to appoint drug during pregnancy and feeding a breast.
In case of overdose carry out symptomatic treatment.
Features of use. It is necessary to appoint carefully Apkosul the patient with an acute inflammation of a stomach and intestines.
Interaction with other medicines. Data about incompatibility or interaction with other drugs are absent