VIFERON® 3 000 000 IU, 10 suppositories

  • $56.00
Sku: 43ecb2924532
Ingredient: Interferon Alpha-2b
The instruction for medical use

of VIFERON® medicine

Trade name

the International unlicensed
name Interferon an alpha

the Dosage form
Suppositories rectal, 150000 ME, 500000 ME, 1000000 ME, 3000000 ME
One suppository contains
active agent - interferon alpha 2b human recombinant 150000 ME, 500000 ME, 1000000 ME, 3000000 ME,
excipients: ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, alpha tocopherol acetate, dinatrium edetat dihydrate, polysorbate-80, cocoa butter, fat confectionery or substitute of cocoa of oil.

The description
the Suppository of a bullet form from white-yellow till yellow color. Heterogeneity of coloring in the form of impregnations or marbling is allowed. On longitudinal section there is a funneled deepening. Diameter of a suppository is no more than 10 mm.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Immunomodulators. Interferona. Interferon alpha 2b.
The ATX L03AB05 code


Faramakokinetika Rektalnoye properties use of the drug VIFERON® promotes longer circulation of interferon in blood, than at intravenous or intramuscular administration of interferon alpha 2b human recombinant.
Decrease in level of serumal interferon in 12 hours after administration of the drug VIFERON® causes need of its repeated introduction.
The analysis of dynamics of maintenance of endogenous interferon at premature newborn children with gestational age confirms less than 34 weeks need of administration of the medicine ВИФЕРОН® 3 times a day in 8 hours.
The pharmacodynamics
Interferon alpha 2b human recombinant has the significant antiviral, anti-proliferative and immunomodulatory properties.
The complex composition of drug causes a number of new effects: in the presence of ascorbic acid and tocopherol of acetate the specific antiviral activity of interferon alpha 2b human recombinant increases, its immunomodulatory action on T amplifies - and V-lymphocytes, immunoglobulin E level is normalized, there is a restoration of functioning of an endogenous system of interferon, there are no side effects arising at parenteral administration of drugs of interferon. It is established that at use of VIFERON® medicine within 2 years the antibodies neutralizing antiviral activity of interferon alpha 2b human recombinant are not formed functioning of an endogenous system of interferon is normalized.

- infectious and inflammatory diseases at newborn children, including premature (as a part of complex therapy)
the acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), pneumonia (bacterial, virus, chlamydial), meningitis, sepsis, a specific pre-natal infection (clamidiosis, herpes, a cytomegaly, an enteroviral infection, visceral candidiasis, mycoplasmosis)
- a chronic viral hepatitis In, With, D at children and adults (as a part of complex therapy) and also in a viferonoterapiya combination using a plasma exchange and hemosorption of a chronic viral hepatitis of the expressed degree of activity and cirrhosis
- an urogenital infection at pregnant women (clamidiosis, genital herpes, a Cytomegaloviral infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, a bacterial vaginosis, a human papillomavirus infection, the bacterial vaginosis recuring vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis) as interferonkorregiruyushchy means
- the flu and other acute respiratory viral diseases including complicated by bacterial infections at adults (as a part of complex therapy)

the Route of administration and doses
use Drug rektalno.
To children up to 7 years appoint ВИФЕРОН® 150000 ME, to children 7 years and adult – ВИФЕРОН® 500000 ME are more senior.
ÉêöàÉÄì® 1000000 ME, ВИФЕРОН® 3000000 ME are appointed mainly for treatment of a viral hepatitis at children and adults.
In complex therapy of various infectious and inflammatory diseases at newborn children including premature
to Newborn children of ВИФЕРОН® 150000 ME appoint on 1 suppository 2 times a day in 12 hours. Course of treatment of 5 days.
The recommended quantity of courses in various infectious and inflammatory diseases at newborn children, including premature:
A SARS - 1 course, pneumonia (bacterial - 1-2 courses, virus - 1 course, chlamydial - 1 course), sepsis - 2-3 courses, meningitis - 1-2 courses, a herpes infection - 2 courses, an enteroviral infection - 1-2 courses, a Cytomegaloviral infection - 2-3 courses, mycoplasmosis - 2-3 courses.
The break between courses makes 5 days.
To premature newborn children with gestational age 3 times a day in 8 hours appoint less than 34 weeks of ВИФЕРОН® 150000 ME on 1 suppository. The course of treatment makes 5 days.
In complex therapy of a chronic viral hepatitis In, With, D at children and adults and also in a viferonoterapiya combination using a plasma exchange and hemosorption of a chronic viral hepatitis of the expressed degree of activity and cirrhosis
to Children with a chronic viral hepatitis drug is appointed in the following age dosages:
up to 6 months a daily dose 300000 ME,
from 6 to 12 months – 500000 ME-1000000 ME (depending on growth and weight),
from 1 year to 3 years - 1000000 ME-2000000 ME,
from 3 to 7 years – 2000000 ME-3000000 ME,
is more senior than 7 years – 4000000 ME-5000000 ME.
In the morning and in the evening use of various dosages is possible, for example: morning - 1 million ME, for night of 500 thousand ME. Drug is used by 2 times a day in 12 h the first 10 days daily, further three times a week every other day within 6-12 months. Duration of treatment is defined by clinical performance and laboratory indicators. Use of drug within 14 days daily on 1 suppository 2 times a day in 12 h is shown to children with a chronic viral hepatitis of the expressed degree of activity and cirrhosis before carrying out a plasma exchange and/or hemosorption (to children up to 7 years of ВИФЕРОН® 150000 ME, to children 7 years - ВИФЕРОН® 500000 ME are more senior).
Adult with a chronic viral hepatitis appoint ВИФЕРОН® 3000000 ME on 1 suppository 2 times a day in 12 h within 10 days daily, further three times a week every other day within 6-12 months. Duration of treatment is defined by clinical performance and laboratory indicators.
As interferonkorregiruyushchy means at pregnant women with an urogenital infection (clamidiosis, genital herpes, a Cytomegaloviral infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, a bacterial vaginosis, a human papillomavirus infection, the bacterial vaginosis recuring vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis)
In complex therapy of pregnant women with an urogenital infection from 28 to 34 weeks of a gestation apply ВИФЕРОН® 150000 ME on 1 suppository 2 times a day in 12 hours every other day (on a course - 10 suppositories). From 35th week before delivery apply ВИФЕРОН® 500000 ME daily on 1 suppository 2 times a day in 12 hours within 5 days.
Only 7 courses within 12 weeks, since 28th week of a gestation, a break between courses - 7 days. Duration of treatment is defined by clinical performance and laboratory indicators.
In the complex therapy of flu and other acute respiratory viral diseases including complicated by a bacterial infection at adults
Apply ВИФЕРОН® 500000 ME on 1 suppository 2 times a day in 12 hours daily. The course of treatment makes 5 days.

Side effects
Seldom - allergic reactions (skin rashes and an itching). These phenomena are reversible and disappear in 72 hours after the termination of administration of drug.

- hypersensitivity to active component or excipients
- the pregnancy period up to 28 weeks

Medicinal interactions
ВИФЕРОН® is compatible and is well combined with all medicines used at treatment of the specified diseases (antibiotics, khimiopreparata, glucocorticosteroids, immunosuppressors).

The special
instructions Pregnancy and the period of a lactation
Drug is allowed for use from 28th week of pregnancy.
Has no restrictions to use in the period of a lactation.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms
influence of interferon alpha 2b human recombinant in the form of suppositories (ВИФЕРОН®) on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms is not revealed.

Cases of overdose are not registered.

A form of release and packing
On 10 suppositories in blister strip packaging from a film polyvinylchloride and polyvinylchloride (PVC/PVC).
On 1 blister strip packaging with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages put in a pack from cardboard.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C, in the place protected from light. To store in the places inaccessible for children!

A period of storage
2 years
not to use drug after an expiration date.

Prescription status
Without prescription

LLC FERON Producer. 123098, Moscow, Gamalei St., 18.
Phone number / fax (499) 193-30-60.

Owner of the registration certificate
of LLC FERON. 123098, Moscow, Gamalei St., 18.
Phone number / fax (499) 193-30-60.

The address of the organization accepting claims from consumers in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050059 Almaty, St. Samal-2, 56 A.
ph. / fax: +7 (727) 264-63-15
E-mail address:

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