Loroflyu - Remedy for rinsing the mouth and nasal lavage with 250g of propolis

  • $7.00
Sku: 1a1b3ec61ef4
Means for rinsing of an oral cavity and washing of a nose with Loroflyu propolis of 250 g INGREDIENTS: salt, soda, INDICATIONS propolis extracts: sea salt with pro-cotton velvet possesses anti-inflammatory and antiseptic actions. It is recommended for rinsing of an oral cavity. ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: to dissolve 2 teaspoons of means in 1 glass of water and to rinse 4-6 times a day. CONTRAINDICATIONS: hypersensitivity to drug components. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Pregnancy and the Woman's lactation during pregnancy and a lactation can apply means. Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles and other mechanisms. Use is possible as means does not contain alcohol in the structure. STORAGE CONDITIONS: To store at a temperature not above 25 °C. EXPIRATION DATE: 3 years. PRESCRIPTION STATUS It is released without prescription. It is made in RK ST 29772-1910-TOO-02-2017 the Declaration on compliance No. KZ.7500042.24.01.01016 Medoptik LLP 050039 PK, Almaty, Ogarev St., 2 of B of e-mail Is made: medoptik@medoptik.kz www.medoptic.kz
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