Glycine Forte 20s tab. blister

  • $6.00
Sku: afdead05ee10
Ingredient: Glycine
Glycine Forte Evalar

Feel a difference!

The description

Glycine Forte Evalar feel a difference!

Life of the modern person is dynamic, saturated and besides is filled with intellectual and emotional loadings. Work, study, preparation for examinations, the forthcoming conference, a responsible meeting not all list of the causes of nervous tension and intellectual fatigue.

Normal at the person the influence of parasympathetic nervous system prevails (tranquility), and at long nervous tension the balance is broken and sympathetic nervous system (activity) becomes more active. As a result the superactivity which is necessary for the person for the solution of specific objectives becomes the prevailing condition of overexcitation which is difficult for managing. At the same time concentration of attention decreases, there is a feeling of concern, it is harder and harder to find a way out of a difficult situation. The intellectual tension, impossibility to fall asleep, relax lead to a nervous breakdown. It is difficult to cope with a problem of such level most. Around the world for the solution of these problems glycine as not medicine promoting reduction of a stress and an intellectual overstrain and in significant amounts up to 1000 mg in den1 is widely used.

The Evalar company produces Glycine Forte Evalar similar foreign with the increased glycine content that positively influences activity of nervous system: promotes alignment of processes of excitement and braking in a cerebral cortex, to increase in intellectual working capacity, decrease in acrimony, normalization of a dream.

For the first time effect of glycine is strengthened by the maximum dosage of B1, B6, B12 vitamins in such ratio as they exist in the nature. Group B vitamins well influence nervous system, help to counteract a stress.

The combination in one tablet of glycine and vitamins of group B is necessary for our brain at the raised intellectual and psychoemotional loadings.

Only 2 tablets Glycine Forte Evalar in day:

promote improvement of your emotional spirit,
maintain intellectual working capacity,
help to resist to intense situations.

More detailed information on composition of biologically active components:
2 tablets Glycine Forte Evalar contain: glycine of 600 mg, mg B1 5 vitamin, mg B6 6 vitamin, mkg B12 9 vitamin.

Amino acid glycine is produced in a human body, its shortcoming is expressed that the person is tired quicker, cannot focus on the carried-out task, becomes nervous. Glycine normalizes and activates processes of protective braking in the central nervous system, promotes reduction of psychoemotional pressure, increase in intellectual working capacity.
B1 vitamin a necessary element for maintenance of health of nervous system, intellectual operability, optimization of informative activity and cogitative activity. B1 vitamin promotes improvement of metabolism of nervous tissue.
B6 vitamin promotes normal work of a brain, is necessary for digestion of B12 vitamin. The deficiency of B6 vitamin is shown in irritability or block and drowsiness.
B12 vitamin promotes natural updating of structure of nervous tissue, decrease in irritability, improvement of concentration of attention and memory. Participates in processes of products of acetylcholine of a neurotransmitter with the participation of which in a brain there are processes connected with memory and training. The lack of B12 vitamin causes structural changes of nervous tissue.

The tablets Glycine Forte Evalar are convenient in use, easily resolve that promotes fast achievement of effect to reduction of nervous tension and increase in intellectual working capacity.

Glycine Forte Evalar does not form dependence at long reception as contains the natural to an organism operating components.


2 tablets (daily reception) contain

the Mass

of % of RSN


of 600 mg


B6 6 vitamin of mg

300 *

Thiamine (B1 vitamin)

of 5 mg

357 *

B12 9 vitamin of mkg

900 *

* Does not exceed the top acceptable level of daily consumption
of 1

Additional information

A route of administration

the Adult on 1 tablet 2 times a day. To hold a tablet in a mouth before full resorption. Reception duration not less than 1 month. If necessary after a 10-day break the reception can be repeated.

It is not recommended

to Persons with individual intolerance of components, to the pregnant women nursing. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.

Document SWAMP-SUBORS dietary supplement No. RU. of 17.12.2014

No. 20, 60
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