Gerbastress 450 mg (30 tablets)

  • $29.50
Sku: 73c34e54e4bc
1 tablet contains GERBASTRESS of the tablet Structure Active Agents: passionflowers (Passiflora incarnata) dry extract of 50 mg, inflorescences of hop (Humulus lupulus) dry extract of 50 mg, seeds of oats (Avena sativa) dry extract of 50 mg, flowers of a camomile (Matricaria chamomilla) dry extract of 30 mg, roots of the Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) dry extract of 30 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6 vitamin) of 2 mg, 0.1% cyanocobalamine powder (B12 vitamin) of 3 mkg.


calcium Carriers hydrophosphate anhydrous (E 341), microcrystalline cellulose (E 460). Stabilizer krospovidon (E 1202). The sliding magnesium substance stearate.

Average mass of one tablet of 450 mg.

Form of release

of the Tablet.

Round biconvex tablets of light-brown or brown color with irregular light and dark impregnations.

Nutrition and energy value

Nutrition value of 1 tablet:

carbohydrates of 170 mg,

proteins of 22 mg,

fats of 5 mg.

Content of vitamins B of % of the recommended day dose:

pyridoxine hydrochloride of 100%,

cyanocobalamine of 100%.

Energy value of 1 tablet:

3.39 kJ / 0.81 kcal.

Properties and action

of Gerbastress the complex of the vitamins and natural products of plant origin having the salutary, counterbalancing effect on nervous system, helping to overcome a daily stress and are better to adapt to the prompt rate of modern life.

Gerbastress contains five plant extracts optimizing functions of nervous system. The passionflower and hop the main components of a complex help to reduce nervous tension and concern, to facilitate a relaxation and to overcome sleep disorders. A camomile the easy calming and antistressorny means. Oats reduce depression and strengthen nervous system. The Siberian ginseng is considered one of the most effective natural remedies now in stressful situations which exceeds on activity even an Asian ginseng. The tonic action inherent in the Siberian ginseng counterbalances the calming effect of other components therefore Gerbastress does not cause drowsiness and does not reduce reaction.

The complex is complemented with B6 and B12 vitamins which are necessary for normal functioning of nervous system and are strongly spent in the period of a stress and also improve action of the vegetable products which are contained in a complex.

In maintenance of health the essential role belongs to a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activities and also the various balanced food.


of Gerbastress are recommended to be applied to maintenance of functions of nervous system at increased loads.

The route of administration and the recommended dose

Is recommended to adults inside on 1 tablet a day. Duration of use is 30 days.

The tablet should be swallowed, without chewing, washing down with enough water.

Not to use feature of use as substitute of the good and balanced nutrition.

Not to exceed the recommended day dose!

Precautionary measures when using

during pregnancy and feeding by a breast can be applied only after consultation with the doctor.


of Gerbastress cannot be applied at hypersensitivity to any component of a complex and also people with the increased blood pressure.

Not intended for use to children.

Side effect

At people with hypersensitivity allergic reactions and disturbances of activity of digestive tract are possible. At emergence of allergic symptoms the use of a complex should be stopped.

3 years

not to apply an expiration date after the expiration date specified on packing.

To Store storage in the place protected from light at

a temperature not higher than 25 S. Hranit in the place, inaccessible and invisible to children!


On 10 tablets in the blister. On 3 blisters in a pack.

Date of updating of the text: May, 2014.

JSC Grindex producer. Krustpils 53 St., Riga, LV-1057, Latvia

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products (goods)

Representative office of JSC Grindex

050010, Almaty, Dostyk Ave., a corner of Bogenbay St. of the batyr, 34a/87a, office No. 1
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