Fulfleks (24 capsules)

  • $19.80
Sku: 50645d49aaf5
Brand: VIS (Russia)

One capsule contains Structure:
Extract of a root of a martiniya fragrant - 225 mg, extract of bark of a white willow – 75 mg.
Fulflex - action
Extract of a root of a martiniya fragrant - the anti-inflammatory, soothing, antirheumatic drug of plant origin applied in musculoskeletal system diseases Extract of bark of a white willow possesses anti-inflammatory action.
Fulflex - indications
· gout,
· arthritises,
· myalgias,
· lumbago,
· rheumatism.
Fulflex - the direction of use
to Adults and children is more senior than 14 years - on 1 capsule at meal time once a day. Reception duration - 1 month.
Fulflex - side effects and contraindications
Individual intolerance of the dietary supplement components, pregnancy, the lactation period. It is contraindicated to children up to 14 years. Before use of dietary supplement it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
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