Formula Tranquillitatis Tryptophan 0.275g (15 capsules)

  • $15.30
Sku: 56a027996f42
Tranquility formula Tryptophane Quiet nochischastlivy days! Today one of the most adverse effects of an intense rhythm of life in our society is increase of stress loads and overfatigue. Unfortunately, the stress became the norm of life of most of us – very few people can brag of lack of negative emotions and stable self-control. Loss of composure, irritability, nervousness, feeling of alarm, dissatisfaction with and the life, decrease in working capacity, a problem with a dream are well-known much. In the countries of Europe and the USA as natural antidepressants dietary supplements with high content (not less than 500 mg a day) irreplaceable amino acid of L-tryptophane enjoy wide popularity. Now the complex on the basis of tryptophane is issued also in Russia: The tranquility formula Tryptophane will help with any situation to keep calm and serenity in the afternoon, and at night – it is easy to fall asleep and to get enough sleep fully. In its structure – the complex of L-tryptophane and vitamins of group B necessary for synthesis of happiness hormone – serotonin from which in night-time sleep hormone – melatonin is produced. A tranquility formula Tryptophane, promoting synthesis in an organism of serotonin and melatonin, works universally. Creates feeling of high spirits in the afternoon, emotional and peace of mind, increases working capacity level, stimulates informative activity (including in stressful situations), promotes maintaining emotional stability (self-control) in the conditions of the raised intellectual and emotional loadings, reduces irritability, aggression (including – against the background of diets, refusal of smoking and alcohol), eliminates feeling of alarm, fear, emotional pressure. Helps to fall asleep easily and quickly at night, improves depth and sleep quality, fixes a problem of a faltering dream, allows to get enough sleep and have a rest fully for shorter time. The tranquility formula Tryptophane will help to restore the got-off control of your organism most naturally. Every new day to you the good mood, cheerfulness and self-confidence will come back. How do ingredients work? L-tryptophane – irreplaceable amino acid. Without tryptophane in an organism serotonin to which we are obliged by feelings of high spirits, emotional comfort, joy, happiness cannot be produced, it increases the level of physical and intellectual effeciency, stimulates informative activity, raises a self-assessment, helps to keep self-control in stressful situations. It is proved that at people in suppressed and a depression the level of serotonin is extremely low. With approach of night-time melatonin – the physiological regulator of a dream which promotes its approach is formed of serotonin, regulates phases of a dream and their duration. Pantothenic acid (B5 Vitamin) – promotes absorption of amino acids in intestines, supports function of bark of adrenal glands, participates in synthesis of a number of hormones (including serotonin and melatonin). B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) – in the form of the coenzymes participates in metabolism of tryptophane, lipids and nucleic acids, regulates processes of braking and excitement in the central nervous system. 2 capsules (daily reception) contain structure: The mass of % of RSN L-tryptophane of 500 mg 62.5 B5 Vitamin (pantothenic acid) of 5 mg 83 B6 Vitamin (pyridoxine) of 2 mg 100 Additional information the Route of administration the Adult on 1 capsule 2 times a day. Reception duration – 1 month. If necessary reception can be continued. It is not recommended At individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, feeding by a breast. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor. Form of release of Capsule No. 15, 60 Document SWAMP-SUBORS No. RU. of 12.08.2013.
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