Ferlatum 800 mg/15 ml solution 10s

  • $25.20
Sku: 005f8f59a28a
Ingredient: Iron Protein Succinylate

the Trade name

the International unlicensed name
Is not present FERLATUM®

the Dosage form
Solution for intake 800mg/15ml

15 ml of solution contain
active agent in bottles - a protein suktsinilat gland of 800 mg
(40 mg of Fe3+ are equivalent).
excipients: sorbitol, propylene glycol, marked p-hydroxysodium benzoate, p-hydroxysodium benzoate, flavoring additive of Morell, sodium saccharin, purified water spent on drink.

The description
Transparent brownish liquid with a pleasant characteristic smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Iron preparations (trivalent) for intake.
The code of automatic telephone exchange B03AB

Pharmacological properties
Active agent of the original drug Ferlatum is ferroprotein suktsinilat. This iron-protein complex containing 5.0±0.2% of trivalent iron does not collapse pepsin and is hydrolyzed only by Pancreatinum at neutral level rn. Carrying out pharmacokinetic researches of the drug Ferlatum is not possible as in iron drugs a protein suktsinilat protein fraction is split by gastrointestinal juice, and iron is soaked up in the form of ions, in the quantity depending on requirements of an organism.
Ferlatum is antianemic drug. Iron – the microelement stimulating an erythrogenesis. Trivalent iron participates in formation of a gem that leads to increase in level of hemoglobin.

- therapy of the hidden and demonstrated forms of iron deficiency anemias, owing to insufficient consumption with food or insufficient absorbability of iron, against the background of sharp or chronic blood loss or infectious process at patients of any age (children and adults)
- prevention of deficiency of iron during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.

The route of administration and doses
Ferlatum accept inside, it is preferable to food.
Adults: on 15 ml 1 or 2 times a day.
Children since the neonatality period: 1.5 ml/kg/days (in the quantity equivalent to 4 mg/kg/days of Fe3+), in two steps.
The total period of use of Ferlatum should not exceed 6 months, except for cases of the proceeding bleeding, a menorrhagia and pregnancy.

Side effects
- gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, a constipation, nausea, pain in epigastriums) which disappear at decrease in a dosage or drug withdrawal.

- hypersensitivity to drug
- a hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, aplastic, hemolytic and sideroakhrestichesky (sideroblastny) anemias
- chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis.

Medicinal interactions
Iron preparations break processes of absorption of tetracyclines in digestive tract. At simultaneous use of Ferlatum with blockers of H2-histamine of receptors pharmacological interaction is absent.
The absorbability of iron can be increased at co-administration of ascorbic acid in a dose more than 200 mg or is reduced at simultaneous use of antacids. Chloramphenicol causes the delayed response to therapy by iron.

Special instructions
in the presence at the patient of anemia, before a therapy course, it is recommended to establish its reason.
Pregnancy and the period of a lactation
Use of drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast does not demand special precautionary measures.
Features of influence on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

the Overdose
after reception of overdoses of drug does not influence the First 6-8 hours epigastric pains, nausea, vomiting are noted (sometimes with blood), diarrhea, drowsiness, pallor of integuments, development of a coma is possible. Treatment includes immediate prescribing of emetic drugs, if necessary, gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment.

A form of release and packing
Solution for intake of 800 mg / 15 ml in a plastic bottle.
The cardboard box contains 10 plastic bottles.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature not above +25os.
To store out of children's reach!

2 years
After an expiration date drug not to use a period of storage.

Prescription status
According to the prescription

the Producer Italpharmako S.A., Spain
San Rafael3, 28108 Alkobendas, Madrid
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