Femofit female grass 2's 50ml drops for oral administration

  • $12.60
Sku: ec4a0672e28d

the Kapli Femofit drops of 50 ml. containing extracts of a pine-forest uterus and a red brush, are applied to treatment and prevention of female diseases and also to prevention of climacteric manifestations, the indispositions arising at periods, menstrual pains, an irregular cycle, cystitis, inflammatory processes in bodies of a small pelvis.
Ingredients: aqueous-alcoholic extracts: roots of a red brush (Rhodiola quadrifida) (40.0%), herbs of a uterus pine-forest (ortiliya one-sided) (Orthilia secunda L.) (40.0%), the water purified (up to 100%).
The red brush as a part of drops of Femofit possesses anti-inflammatory and styptic action, also reduces risk of growth of tumors and prevents their emergence, improves blood circulation, slows down inflammatory processes in bodies of a small pelvis and considerably improves body resistance to infections. The red brush is applied also to prevention and treatment of such diseases as atherosclerosis, anemia, cardiac diseases, leukoses. The red brush is effective in mastopathy and developments of stagnation in an organism, an irregular menstrual cycle, excessive bleeding in the period of periods and also during rehabilitation of patients after radiation therapy. Biological properties of a red brush allow to struggle with such diseases as a craw, inflammations of lymph nodes of a thyroid gland, dysfunction of adrenal glands. The red brush contains natural plant hormone which in the structure is similar to hormone of a thyroid gland of the person. As a part of a red brush sugar, glycosides, tannins, mucous substances, phytalbumins and sugar contains.
A pine-forest uterus – a grass, useful to women, which contains the whole complex of the useful substances which are positively influencing a condition of all reproductive system of women and function of female genitals. The pine-forest uterus is also called forty diseases Medicine as it successfully treats practically all diseases of a reproductive system, an uric system, kidneys. Also pine-forest uterus shows excellent results in fight against prevention and development of already available new growths in a uterus – fibromas, fibromyomas, myomas. New growths are dangerous that they can do irreparable harm to health and an opportunity to have the child. Besides, any tumoral formations if not to treat them, become direct threat of human life. Therefore phytotherapists recommend to use a grass of a pine-forest uterus for treatment and prevention of female diseases. The pine-forest uterus contains tannins, vitamins, microelements, essential oil. It possesses the knitting, anti-inflammatory, styptic action, reduces risk of growth of tumors, improves blood circulation, slows down inflammatory processes. Working in a complex, these components allow to influence effectively internals, improve immunity and body resistance to infections. Alcohol extract of a pine-forest uterus and red brush which is contained in drops of Femofit 50 ml. allows to use this drug not only houses, but also in working conditions, at office. In comparison with usual grass mix, drops of Femofit are much more effective on the influence speed as get to blood, thanks to presence of alcohol solution quicker.
Route of administration: to women of 20-30 drops to part in 0.5 glasses of water. To accept to food three times per day. Course of reception of 30 days. The course can be repeated. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Contraindications: individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, the lactation period, to children up to 14 years, fever, hyperphrenia, high arterial blood pressure, to persons who accept hormones (synthetic iliprirodny). It is incompatible together with herbs: hop, clover, licorice, durnushnik.
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