Casanova 8's 33 mg capsules

  • $92.20
The Casanova capsules are created on the basis of the latest developments and modern scientific and technical ways of processing, with use of 100% of natural, curative herbs, traditional prescriptions of the Chinese medicine, the millennia which are secretly transferred from generation to generation. Their use allows to raise sexual opportunities, activity and endurance. Promote improvement and restoration of sexual function of men.
The Casanova capsules also have function of rejuvenation and treatment of cells of an organism, improves overall health, possess fortifying and tonic action. Promote increase in immunity an ivosstanovleniya of protective forces of an organism.
The natural vegetable structure does not cause side effects, does not contain chemical and hormonal components, does not give any dependence, we will combine with alcohol.

Main components: (0.33/capsule)
a barrenwort large-flowered - 83 mg,
fruits of a box-thorn Chinese – 76 mg,
a morinda root – 66 mg,
a present ginseng root – 33 mg,
a sink of an oyster – 33 mg,
a rhizome of a discoria Chinese – 39 mg.

Description of action:
- increase and recovery of potency
- acceleration and strengthening of an erection
- eliminates frequent urination, incontinence of urine and other symptoms of diseases of a prostate.
- extension of sexual intercourse up to 40 – 60 minutes
- the powerful ejaculation lasting ejaculation up to 10 seconds
- stimulates a spermatogenesis, increases quantity and quality of sperm
- increases the sizes and density of a male genital
- reduces fatigue and allows to restore quickly physical forces
- at long use strengthens health, prevents developing of diseases of the sexual sphere, increases immunity

Reception and a dosage:
- In diseases of a prostate, the broken potency, erectile dysfunction, impotence, a premature ejaculation, a reduced libido. Course use is recommended: on 1 capsule once a day, during a dinner. Reception duration: more than 3 months.
- To men of middle age, for confidence in full sexual intercourse and prevention of diseases of the sexual sphere.
It is recommended to accept: on 1 capsule every other day, during a dinner.
- For single use. It is recommended to accept: on 1 capsule in 3-4 hours prior to sexual intercourse (effect at sexual desire).
Contraindications: it is not recommended to use by the persons suffering from hypersensitivity to drug components.
Storage conditions: to store at the room temperature in the place, dry, inaccessible for children.
This drug is not medicine
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