Actovegin® Tablets and Injections

  • $31.00
Sku: 635b0b335563
Ingredient: Deproteinized Hemoderivative of calf blood
Cas No.: 63748-11-8
ATC Code: B06AB

What is Actovegin®?

Actovegin® is a biologically active medication derived from calf blood. The active substance in Actovegin® is deproteinized hemoderivative, which is a highly purified extract that is free of proteins, ensuring it is safe and effective for medical use.

This medication is primarily used to treat a variety of conditions that involve poor blood flow and oxygenation in tissues, such as cognitive impairments following a stroke, peripheral circulatory disorders, and diabetic polyneuropathy (nerve damage caused by diabetes).

Actovegin® is available in several forms, including tablets and injectable solutions, making it versatile for different treatment needs. The tablet form is typically used for ongoing treatment, while the injection form is often used in more acute settings where faster action is required.

This dual availability allows healthcare providers to tailor the treatment to the specific needs of the patient.

What are the Forms and Dosages of Actovegin®?

Actovegin® is available in two main forms:

  1. Tablets: Each coated tablet contains 200 mg of the active ingredient.
  2. Injections: The solution for injection is available in concentrations of 40 mg/ml, with ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml, and 10 ml.

Composition of Actovegin®

  • Oligosaccharides: Short chains of sugar molecules essential for energy production and cellular communication.
  • Nucleotides: Fundamental building blocks of DNA and RNA, crucial for genetic replication and cellular repair.
  • Low-Molecular-Weight Polypeptides: Small protein fragments that play key roles in cellular signaling and metabolic processes.
  • Glycolipids: Fat and sugar molecules that are integral to cell membranes and cellular communication.
  • Metabolic Intermediates of Saccharides and Lipids: Compounds involved in the metabolism of sugars and fats, vital for energy maintenance and overall metabolic function.
  • Amino Acids: Essential components for protein synthesis, tissue repair, and enzyme production.
  • Trace Elements: Important minerals like zinc, iron, and magnesium necessary for enzymatic reactions and overall cellular health.

  • How Does Actovegin® Work?

    Actovegin® works by enhancing cellular metabolism, particularly in situations where oxygen and glucose supply is compromised. The active ingredient, deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood, promotes the uptake and utilization of oxygen and glucose by cells. This process is crucial because oxygen and glucose are fundamental for energy production and overall cellular function.

    In conditions such as ischemia (restricted blood flow), cells suffer from a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) and glucose, which can lead to cell damage or death. Actovegin® helps to alleviate this by improving the efficiency with which cells utilize the available oxygen and glucose, even in low-oxygen environments. This enhancement supports the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues, leading to improved outcomes in conditions like stroke, where brain cells are deprived of oxygen.

    Additionally, Actovegin® has been shown to improve microcirculation, which is the blood flow in the smallest vessels of the body. This effect further supports tissue recovery and reduces symptoms associated with poor blood flow, such as pain, numbness, and weakness.

    By optimizing the metabolic processes within cells, Actovegin® plays a key role in the treatment of conditions where enhanced oxygen and nutrient supply can significantly improve healing and recovery. This makes it a valuable medication in the management of a wide range of disorders related to impaired circulation and nerve function.

    What are the Indications for Actovegin®?

    Actovegin® is used as part of combination therapy for:

    • Cognitive impairments including post-stroke cognitive issues and dementia.
    • Peripheral circulatory disorders and their consequences.
    • Diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN), which involves nerve damage due to diabetes.

    What Should You Know Before Using Actovegin®?


    Actovegin® should not be used in the following cases:

    • Hypersensitivity to Actovegin® or its components.
    • Fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, or sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.
    • Patients under 18 years of age.
    • Individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU).


    • Phenylalanine: Actovegin® contains phenylalanine, which can be harmful to patients with PKU.
    • Sodium and Potassium: The medication contains sodium and potassium, which should be considered for patients on restricted diets or with kidney issues.
    • Injection Considerations: Due to the potential for allergic reactions, a test dose is recommended before full administration of the injection. Patients should be monitored for at least 30 minutes after the initial injection.

    How Should Actovegin® be Administered?


    • Cognitive Impairments: Start with 2 tablets three times daily (total 1200 mg/day) for up to 6 months.
    • Dementia: 2 tablets three times daily for 20 weeks.
    • Peripheral Circulatory Disorders: 1-2 tablets three times daily for 4-6 weeks.
    • Diabetic Polyneuropathy: Following an intravenous course, take 3 tablets three times daily (1800 mg/day) for 4-5 months.

    Tablets should be swallowed whole with a small amount of water before meals.


    • General Dosing: Begin with 10-20 ml intravenously or intra-arterially, depending on the severity of the condition, followed by 5 ml intravenously or intramuscularly, administered slowly.
    • Specific Conditions:
      • Post-stroke cognitive impairments: 2000 mg daily intravenously for 20 infusions, followed by tablets.
      • Peripheral circulatory disorders: 800-2000 mg daily intravenously for up to 4 weeks.
      • Diabetic polyneuropathy: 2000 mg daily intravenously for 20 infusions, followed by tablets.

      What are the Possible Side Effects?

      Rare side effects include:

      • Allergic reactions like fever and shock symptoms.
      • Skin reactions such as hives or redness.
      • Muscle pain in very rare cases.

      Is Actovegin® Safe and Effective for Use in Sports?

      Actovegin® has become a topic of debate in the sports world due to its potential to enhance physical performance and speed up recovery. Here’s a breakdown of its use in sports and the associated controversies:

      • What is Actovegin® believed to do in sports?

        • Improve oxygen utilization by cells, which is crucial for endurance.
        • Enhance glucose metabolism, providing more energy during intense physical activity.
        • Support faster tissue repair, aiding in quicker recovery after strenuous exercise.
      • Why has Actovegin® gained attention?

        • Some athletes and coaches have turned to Actovegin® for its potential to boost performance, especially in endurance sports like cycling and long-distance running.
        • The theory is that by improving how cells use oxygen and glucose, Actovegin® might give athletes an edge in stamina and recovery.
      • What are the concerns?

        • Lack of robust scientific evidence: While there are anecdotal reports and some limited studies, the scientific community has not conclusively proven that Actovegin® enhances athletic performance.
        • Ethical and legal issues: The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has scrutinized Actovegin® due to its potential misuse in doping. Although it's not currently banned, its use raises questions about fair play in sports.
        • Health risks: Like any medication, Actovegin® can have side effects, including allergic reactions. Using it without medical necessity can be risky.
      • What should athletes consider?

        • Legal implications: Even though it's not banned, using Actovegin® could draw unwanted attention or lead to ethical dilemmas.
        • Effectiveness: With no solid proof that it works for enhancing performance, the benefits might not outweigh the risks.
        • Health and safety: Always prioritize safety and consult a healthcare provider before using any substance, especially for non-medical reasons.

      Notable Cases of Actovegin® Use by Athletes

      Lance Armstrong and the US Postal Service Cycling Team

      One of the most infamous cases involved Lance Armstrong and his US Postal Service cycling team. During the investigation into Armstrong's doping practices, Actovegin® was mentioned as one of the substances used by the team. Armstrong's team was accused of using Actovegin® alongside other performance-enhancing drugs to improve endurance and recovery. Although Actovegin® was not banned at the time, its use raised significant ethical concerns and was part of the broader doping scandal that ultimately led to Armstrong being stripped of his seven Tour de France titles.

      German Athletes in the 2000s

      In the early 2000s, Actovegin® was reportedly used by some German athletes, particularly in endurance sports. The substance was believed to help with recovery and performance enhancement. Reports surfaced that Actovegin® was being smuggled into the country and used by athletes to gain a competitive edge. This usage drew attention from anti-doping agencies, although at that time, there was no definitive ban on the substance.

      2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi

      Before the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, there were reports that some athletes might have been using Actovegin® as part of their training regimen. Although no specific athletes were publicly named in relation to Actovegin® during this event, the substance was on the radar of anti-doping agencies due to its association with performance enhancement and recovery.

      4Katusha Cycling Team

      In 2009, Russian professional cycling team Katusha was linked to the use of Actovegin®. A report surfaced that Actovegin® was among the substances used by the team, leading to increased scrutiny by anti-doping authorities. The team faced criticism, and the use of Actovegin® was part of broader concerns about doping practices in professional cycling at the time.

      How Should Actovegin® be Stored?

      • Tablets: Store at temperatures below 25°C (77°F), away from light.
      • Injections: Store in a similar environment, ensuring the solution remains clear and free of particles.

      Where Can You Buy Actovegin® with Worldwide Shipping?

      You can purchase Actovegin® at our RxEli - Health Products eStore, where we offer worldwide shipping, including to the USA, Australia, Europe, United Kingdom, South Korea, UAE and many other countries. Experience fast and reliable delivery, ensuring you receive this effective product no matter where you are in the world.

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