Active charcoal 500 mg (50 tablets)

  • $3.10
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Sku: 742b9302b8c5
Ingredient: Activated Carbon
Coal an asset of 500 mg No. 50 of the tablet 'Altai Herbs' Dietary supplement to Coal Asset food Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, the coal activated. Contents in a daily dose (8 tablets) of insoluble food FIBRES (not less) — 3.84 g (20 g adequate consumption level) - 19.2% of adequate consumption level Is recommended as dietary supplement to food - an additional source of insoluble food fibers. Effect of drug is caused by properties of the components which are its part: Cellulose microcrystalline (MKC) is the food fiber absorbing moisture and hazardous substances, is capable to enhance functional activity of intestines, to bring products of exchange and the 5th toxic substances out of an organism, to support structure of microflora of a large intestine. The coal activated - has the adsorbing properties. Neutralizes the poisoning effect of toxins of plant, bacterial and animal origin. Recommendations about use: the adult to accept 8 tablets a day (in 3 receptions) at meal time, washing down with a large amount of water. Duration of reception is no more than 10 days. Contraindications: individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, feeding by a breast, GIT cankers (including peptic ulcer of a stomach and 12-perstny gut, ulcer colitis). Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor. Expiration date: 2 years 6 Storage conditions: to store in the dry, inaccessible for children, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Producer: 000 Pharmgroup 656906, Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Forest highway, 65 Organization accepting claims: Pharmaline LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Shamiyeva St. 11.
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