A naphazoline 0.05% 10 ml nasal drops

  • $2.20
Sku: 786065f17841
Ingredient: Naphazoline
The instruction for medical use of NAPHAZOLINE A medicine the Trade name Naphazoline A the International unlicensed name Naphazoline Dosage Form of the Drop nasal 0.05% and 0.1%, 10 ml Structure of 10 ml of drug contain active agent – naphazoline nitrate – 5 mg or 10 mg excipients - boric acid, water the Transparent colourless or slightly yellowish liquid purified the Description. Pharmacotherapeutic group of Antikongestanta and other nasal drugs for topical administration. Sympathomimetics. Naphazoline. The ATX R01AA08 code the Pharmacological Pharmacokinetics Therapeutic Effect properties of naphazoline develops in 5 minutes after burying drug and proceeds till 8 o'clock. At topical administration, naphazoline can be soaked up in a system blood stream and have systemic action. Pharmacodynamics Alpha adrenomimetik. Naphazoline is a sympathomimetic with direct promoting effect on alfa2-adrenoceptors. Owing to vasoconstrictive action puffiness, hyperaemia, exudation decreases. At intranasal use, naphazoline promotes simplification of nasal breath in rhinitises. Promotes opening and expansion of entrance channels of adnexal bosoms of a nose and release of Eustachian tubes. It promotes outflow of a secret and prevents sedimentation of bacteria on mucous a nose. Indications - acute rhinitis - hay cold - hyperaemia and puffiness of mucous membranes of upper airways after operations - a rinoskopiya the Route of administration and doses of the Drop apply nasal 0.1% to adults and children 15 years on 1-3 drops in each nasal course 3 times a day are more senior. As supportive application at surface anesthesia – on 2-4 drops on 1 ml of local anesthetic. Course of treatment of 5-7 days. The repeated course of treatment is appointed by the doctor. Drops apply nasal 0.05%: - children are from 2 to 6 years old - on 1-2 drops in each nasal course 3 times a day - children are from 6 to 15 years old - on 2 drops in each nasal course 3 times a day. Course of treatment of 5-7 days. The repeated course of treatment is appointed by the doctor. Side effects - irritation of a mucous membrane - the increased arterial blood pressure, tachycardia - nausea, a headache - a reactive hyperemia of a mucous membrane - at use - flowed more than 1 week a mucous membrane, atrophic rhinitis of the Contraindication - hypersensitivity to drug components - an arterial hypertension, tachycardia, the profound atherosclerosis - a serious illness of eyes - a hyper thyroidism - diabetes - chronic rhinitis - children's age up to 2 years of 0.05%, 0.1% - closed-angle glaucoma - a concomitant use of inhibitors of a monoaminooxidase and the period up to 14 days after the end of their use Medicinal interactions Drug slows down absorption of mestnoanesteziruyushchy means (extends their action when carrying out surface anesthesia). It is incompatible with monoaminooxidase inhibitors. The special instructions Naphazoline with care it is applied at persons with labile arterial blood pressure, arrhythmia, heartbeat, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia. Pregnancy and the period of a lactation Use of drug at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation perhaps only according to strict indications when the expected therapeutic effect for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit or the child. Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms Considering side effects of drug it is necessary to be careful at control of motor transport or potentially dangerous mechanisms. Overdose Symptoms - decrease in body temperature, bradycardia, arterial hypertension. Treatment is symptomatic. A form of release and packing On 10 ml of drug in the plastic bottles droppers corked by caps with control of the first opening. On each bottle paste the label. Bottles together with iinstruktion on medical use in the state and Russian languages by quantity of bottles place in group packing. To Store storage conditions in the place protected from light, at a temperature from 18 °C to 25 °C. To store out of children's reach! 3 years not to apply a period of storage after an expiration date. Prescription status Without prescription DOSFARM LLP Producer for Alyce Pharm LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty, Chaplygin St., 3 the Owner of the registration certificate of Alyce Pharm LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Topolevskaya St., 157K the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of the products responsible for post-registration observation of safety of medicine. Alyce Pharm LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Topolevskaya St., 157K
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