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Zeeman (30 capsules)

  • $43.20
Ziman No. 30 caps. Ziman a complex improves physical and sexual capacities of men, helps extension of muscles of a body. Ingredients: Magnesium of 83.52 mg Zinc of 5.58 mg B6 1,935 Vitamin of mg of the L-carnitine of 100 mg Niacinamide of 20 mg 1.70 mg 0.15 mg Selenium metioninovy complex of 7 mg equivalent Selena of 70 mkg mg B1 1,50 Vitamin mg B2 1,70 Vitamin Biotin of 0.15 mg DOSAGE: On 1-3 capsule a day, for the night, washing down with water. The provided information is fact-finding and Any information provided on the website cannot be used for making decision on a possibility of use of specific medicine does not replace consultation of the doctor and cannot serve as a guarantee of positive effect of medicine. Name: Ziman Pharmacological action: A source of additional receipt in an organism of zinc, selenium, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6) and carnitine. It is positioned in the form of the MVR-complex including important minerals and vitamins. Pharmacological action of Ziman follows from properties of the substances which are a part. Zinc - the major microelement demanded for maintenance of normal functionality and activity of an organism. It is used by cells as a ligandoobrazovatel for various organic molecules. Therefore this microelement is required for work practically of all systems. Zinc ensures functioning of 200 enzymes and coenzymatical systems, also it is present at biomembranes, the major proteins, receptors of cellular type. Due to lack of oxidatic properties, zinc has rather simple scheme of transportation that allows to bring it to the necessary bodies and fabrics quickly. Magnesium in Ziman is included for improvement of work of a system of vessels and heart. It affects arterial blood pressure and a heart rhythm, normalizing their indicators. Spazmirovanny vessels of a blood system relax that reduces the peripheric resistance of blood, improving blood supply of bodies. The balanced content of magnesium allows to control calcium level in blood that promotes strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, calcium also participates vovnutrikletochny processes, especially in heart, kidneys. Magnesium promotes removal of lipoproteids of low and very low density, reducing thus cholesterol level. Selenium - the microelement participating in work of an antioxidant system. Improves sensitivity of a retina of an eye to sunshine that promotes improvement of sight. Also influences work of an endocrine system, in particular gonads. Selenium improves a state during a climacteric at the woman, and at men is responsible for maintenance of quality of sperm at the sufficient level. Has antineoplastic effect, destroying pathological cells. Also has reparative action, well influencing skin. Vitamins of group B have tonic and fortifying effect on an organism. Participate in creation and work of enzymes, coenzymatical systems. Indications: Ziman is used as fortifying and tonic. In view of features of structure drug is especially recommended for reception to men who need improvement of sexual and physical indicators. Ziman stimulates muscle work, promotes their increase. It can be used as a reserve source of vitamins, provitamins, microelements. Route of administration: On 2-3 capsules for the night with water. A course of treatment - 1 month. It is recommended to spend on drink 2-3 courses in a year. Side effects: Side effects are practically absent and are connected only with specific features of an organism. Rash, an itching, allergic rhinitis, other manifestations of individual intolerance are possible. Contraindications: Individual allergy to separate components. Pregnancy: Data on safety are absent. Interaction with other medicines: Negative reactions of interaction, both pharmaceutical, and pharmakodinamichesky, it is not revealed.
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