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Vitazim (30 tablets)

  • $25.50
Sku: 3769e7bbcbe8
VITAZIM of the tablet Ingredients: Each tablet contains: pancreatic substance - 200 mg, papain - 50 mg, proteases - 100 mg, pepsin - 50 mg, amylase - 100 mg, a lipase - 25 mg, extract of bull bile - 30 mg, cellulose - 10 mg, bromelain - 50 mg, a betaine a hydrochloride - 100 mg, calcium phosphate - 50 mg. Pharmacological features: Multifermental drug which represents a combination of highly active enzymes of animal and plant origin and also a gepatoprotektor. Pepsin - is one of the main proteolytic enzymes of a digestive tract. Pepsin splits proteins, stimulates production of gastrin and cholecystokinin that is an important link in digestion regulation coordination. Extract of bull bile – strengthens products of bile and juice of a pancreas, renders bile-expelling effect, promotes digestion of fats and promotes pancreas lipase discharge. Protease – participates in the proteolysis. Amylase participates in starch splitting. The lipase together with bile acids splits food triglycerides to fatty acids, participates in splitting and absorption of fats. Cellulose is not synthesized by digestive system of the person, digests vegetable fibers (cellulose) with formation of glucose and disaccharide. Besides, cellulose releases soluble fibers for binding of cholesterol and toxins in a digestive tract. Bromelain – the proteolytic enzyme received from fruits and leaves of pineapple in action is similar to effects of pepsin and trypsin. Increases activity of other enzymes, promotes splitting of proteinaceous food and assimilation by its organism. Bromelain has also ability to split fats that is important in lipometabolism regulation. Papain – proteolytic enzyme, plant origin, is similar to action of a bromelain and is used for digestion improvement. A betaine a hydrochloride – lipotropic vegetable matter. Activates lipidic exchange in a liver, normalizes the level of triglycerides in blood, participates in exchange processes. Possesses cholepoietic and bile-expelling action, normalizes acidity of gastric contents. Is a gepatoprotektor, promotes prevention of fat regeneration of a liver and decrease in cholesterol in blood. Indications: An eructation, nausea, heartburn, weight after meal, unpleasant smack in a mouth, a meteorism, disturbances of a chair at: chronic gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, a chronic coloenteritis, Functional dyspepsia at diskineziya of biliary tract, States after a resection or radiation of bodies of a GIT, Disturbance of digestion at errors in food (intake of heavy greasy food, a diet, irregular food, overeating). Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to drug components, initial stages of acute pancreatitis. Side effects: in extremely exceptional cases the nausea and allergic reactions is possible. Use doses: Children till 1 year: 1/4 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children from 1 year to 6 years: ½ tablets 3 times a day. Adults and children are more senior than 6 years: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The drug is taken at meal time. Packaging: Vitazim, tablets No. 30, in a bottle. Producer: Gemini Pharmaceutical Inc., 87 Modular ave., Commack, NY 11725, USA. The owner of a trademark and the certificate of registration is the Claus Marsh company, Great Britain. The organization accepting claims in RK: Altes Pharm LLP, Almaty, mdt. Koktem-2, 19. Ph. 8 (727) 344-91-40.
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