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Upsarin with vitamin C tablets effervescent 10s

  • $7.00
Sku: ace950e83031
Brand: UPSA (France)
Ingredient: Acetylsalicylic Acid
The instruction for medical use of UPSARIN UPSA medicine WITH VITAMIN C the Trade name UPSARIN UPSA with vitamin C the International unlicensed name Is not present the Dosage form of the Tablet sparkling Structure One tablet contains active agents: acetylsalicylic acid – 330 mg, ascorbic acid – 200 mg, excipients: glycine, anhydrous citric acid, Natrium benzoicum, Natrii hydrocarbonas, povidone. The description White tablets with slanted edges and a notch for division, are dissolved in water with sparkling reaction. Pharmacotherapeutic group Analgetics-antipyretics others. Salicylic acid and its derivatives. Acetylsalicylic acid in a combination with other drugs (excepting psikholeptik). The ATX N02BA51 code the Pharmacological Pharmacokinetics Acetylsalicylic Acid properties is quickly absorbed at oral introduction. The maximum concentration in plasma are reached in 15-40 minutes. Acetylsalicylic acid is exposed to fast hydrolysis with formation of an active metabolite of salicylic acid. The bioavailability depends on a dose and is 60% for a dose less than 500 mg and 90% for doses over 1 g. Acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid are quickly distributed in all fabrics. Get through a placental barrier and come to maternal milk. Salicylic acid substantially communicates proteins of plasma (90%). Plasma elimination half-life makes 15-20 minutes for acetylsalicylic acid and 2-4 hours for salicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid substantially is exposed to metabolism in a liver, is removed mainly with urine in the form of salicylic acid and glucuronic conjugates. Being soaked up in a small intestine, ascorbic acid is widely distributed and partially deposited in fabrics (especially in adrenal glands). Linking with proteins of plasma makes about 25%. If its receipt in an organism exceeds necessary quantity, the surplus is removed with urine. The pharmacodynamics Acetylsalicylic acid has anesthetic, the febrifugal, anti-inflammatory effect connected with suppression of COG 1 and 2 regulating synthesis of prostaglandins slows down aggregation of thrombocytes. Ascorbic acid plays an important role in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, angenesis, promotes increase in body resistance. Being dissolved in water, the tablet UPSARINA UPSA with vitamin C forms buffered solution which after administration of drug supports active ingredients in the dissolved look, without allowing them to pass at contact with acidic environment of a stomach back into not dissolved form and to be besieged in the form of solid particles on its walls. Faster and full absorption of drug and also its best shipping in comparison with usual tablets of acetylsalicylic acid is as a result provided. Indications Moderately or a mild pain syndrome at adults of various origin (a headache, a toothache, migraine, neuralgia, a chest radicular syndrome, muscular and articulate pains, pains at periods and other). The increased body temperature in catarrhal and other infectious and inflammatory diseases (at adults and children 15 years are more senior). A route of administration and doses For intake. To completely dissolve a tablet in a big glass of water and to drink immediately. This form of release is intended for adults and children 15 years are more senior. At children it is necessary to observe the dosages established depending on the body weight of the child. The recommended daily dose of acetylsalicylic acid makes about 60 mg/kg/day. The daily dose should be divided into 4 receptions, i.e. to about 15 mg/kg there are each 6 hours. Treatment duration (without consultation with the doctor) should not exceed 5 days when assigning as anesthetic and within 3 days – as febrifuge. Side effects - allergic reactions - skin rash, anaphylactic reactions, a bronchospasm, a Quincke's edema - gastrointestinal disorders – diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pains in epigastric area, a loss of appetite, gastrointestinal bleedings (vomiting like coffee thick, a black tar-like chair), a liver failure - a hemorrhagic syndrome (nasal bleeding, bleeding of gums), increase in time of blood clotting, thrombocytopenia, anemia, a leukopenia, lengthening of a bleeding time - lengthening of a menstrual cycle - Reja/Ray's syndrome (the progressing encephalopathy: nausea and pernicious vomiting, breath disturbance, drowsiness, spasms, fat infiltration of a liver, a giperammoniyemiya, increase in level of nuclear heating plant, ALT) - interstitial nephrite, a prerenalny azotemia with increase in creatinine in blood and a hypercalcemia, an acute renal failure, a nephrotic syndrome - disorders from an urinary system (formation of oxalic, tsistinovy and/or uratny stones) - oppression of the insulyarny device of a pancreas, a glucosuria, oppression of synthesis of a glycogen At manifestation of any side effects it is necessary to stop immediately administration of drug and to inform the attending physician. Contraindications - hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid or to any of excipients - existence in the anamnesis of asthma provoked by intake of salicylates or substances with similar activity, NPVP - pregnancy, the lactation period - ulcer of stomach and duodenum in an active phase - gastrointestinal bleeding in the anamnesis - hemorrhagic diathesis, predisposition to hemorrhages, the increased bleeding, disturbance of blood clotting (hemophilia, an angiohemophilia, telangiectasias, deficiency of vitamin K, thrombocytopenia) - the combined use of a methotrexate in a dose of 15 mg a week and more - a combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent pollinosis of a nose and near-nasal bosoms - heavy liver, renal and uncontrollable heart failure - children's age up to 15 years Medicinal interactions Acetylsalicylic acid enhances toxicity of a methotrexate, pemetreksed, effects of direct and indirect anticoagulants, nonsteroid protivospalitelny drugs, glucocorticoids, trombolitik and inhibitors of aggregation of thrombocytes, streptocides, triiodothyronine, reserpine, reduces effects of uricosuric drugs, antihypertensives, diuretics, antidepressants. The antacids containing magnesium and/or aluminum hydroxide slow down and worsen absorption of acetylsalicylic acid. At combined use with valproic acid drugs, cephalosporins or anticoagulants the risk of developing bleeding increases. Drug weakens effect of Spironolactonum, furosemide, the hypotensive and antigouty means promoting removal of uric acid. Ascorbic acid improves absorption in intestines of iron preparations. At simultaneous use with salts of lithium increases concentration of ions of lithium in plasma. Strengthens toxic effect of alcohol on a mucous membrane of digestive tract. Special instructions in order to avoid risk of overdose at a combination with other drugs it is necessary to be convinced that other drugs do not contain acetylsalicylic acid. In cases of insufficiency of glyukozo-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase acetylsalicylic acid should be accepted under observation of the doctor because of risk of emergence of hemolysis. Considering antithrombocytic effect of acetylsalicylic acid which is shown at the lowest doses and remains within several days, patients should be warned about risk of bleeding which can arise during surgical interventions. Drug contains 485 mg of sodium on one sparkling tablet that should be considered at treatment of the patients keeping to a rigid low-salt diet. Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms the Overdose Symptoms does not influence: a ring in ears, feeling of decrease in hearing, headaches, vertigo. Later development of fever, hyperventilation, ketosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, coma, vascular insufficiency, the respiratory insufficiency expressed to a hypoglycemia is possible. Treatment: it is necessary to cause vomiting or to make gastric lavage, to appoint activated carbon and laxative. Further treatment should be carried out in the conditions of specialized department. A form of release and packing On 10 tablets sparkling in a polypropylene tuba with the polyethylene cover containing desiccant. On 1 tuba together with the instruction for medical use in the Kazakh and Russian languages place in a cardboard box. To Store storage conditions in the dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store out of children's reach! 2 years not to use a period of storage after an expiration date. Prescription status Without prescription UPSA SAS Producer, 979, de Pirene's avenue, 47520 Le the Passage, France the Owner of the registration certificate of UPSA SAS, 3 Rue Joseph Monie, 92500 Ryuey-Malmezon, France. The name and the address of the organization in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the accepting claim (offer) on quality of medicines from consumers, responsible for post-registration observation of safety of medicine (Switzerland), 050040, Almaty, Bostandyksky district, Bayzakov St., 280
to Develop Representative office of JSC Delta Medikel Promoushnz AG
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