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Troxerutin Sopharma 2% gel in 40g tube

  • $5.00
Sku: 1c5ba87e6fa3
Ingredient: Troxerutin
The instruction for use

of medicine for experts



the Trade name

Trokserutin of Sopharm

of Troxerutin Sopharma

the International unlicensed

name Trokserutin Lekarstvennaya a form

Gel of 2% - 40 g


of 40 g of gel contain

active agent - trokserutin 0.800 g,

excipients: carbomer 940 0,240 of, disodium edetat 0.020 g, a benzalkoniya chloride of 0.0230 g, sodium hydroxide of 30% - 0.280 g, the water purified 38.637 g.


Jellylike weight, flavovirent color, flavourless.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

the Drugs reducing permeability of capillaries. Bioflavonoids.

The code of automatic telephone exchange C05CA04

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Trokserutin properties is well soaked up from the surface of skin at its drawing in the form of gel. Active agent gets into blood vessels of hypodermic fabric. At topical administration does not influence internals as it is not observed considerable penetration of a trokserutin into a system blood stream. Gel reaction (rn) corresponds that skin therefore at external use does not cause her irritation and hypersensitivity. Gel does not break normal physiological properties of skin (passing through a time, acid-base equilibrium, permeabilitt) as it is created on a water basis.

The pharmacodynamics

Bioflavonoid (derivative a routine), has R-vitamin activity, renders venotoniziruyushchy, angioprotektorny, anti-inflammatory and antiedematous, action, reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries. Pharmakodinamichesky properties of Trokserutin of Sopharm are connected with participation of bioflavonoids of a trokserutin in oxidation-reduction processes and inhibition of hyaluronidase. Suppressing this enzyme, it stabilizes hyaluronic acid of cellular covers and reduces their permeability. Has antioxidant activity therefore prevents oxidation of ascorbic acid, adrenaline and lipids. Besides, reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries and prevents damage of a basal membrane of endotelny cells at impact of various factors on it. Trokserutin reduces exudative inflammation in a vascular wall, limiting sticking of thrombocytes to its surface.


- the chronic venous insufficiency which is followed by pain and


- a varicosity

- superficial thrombophlebitis

- a periphlebitis

- a phlebothrombosis

- a postflebitichesky syndrome

- posttraumatic hypostases, hematomas

- hemorrhoids

Apply the Route of administration and doses outwardly.

Gel is rubbed easy movements before full absorption on affected areas by 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening.

If necessary gel can be applied in the form of compresses. The interval between appliques has to make not less than 10-12 hours.

Side effects

- erubescence and

naggers Protivopokazaniya

- hypersensitivity to a trokserutin and other flavonoids or

excipients of gel.

Medicinal interactions

Are not present data on adverse interaction of a trokserutin in the form of gel with other drugs.

Special indications

of Pregnancy and a lactation

Are not present data on adverse influence on fetation at use of drug during pregnancy in this connection there are no contraindications of its appointment to pregnant women.

There are no data on excretion of drug in breast milk therefore trokserutin in the form of gel women can appoint in the period of a lactation.

There Is no feature of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms data on adverse influence on psychomotor reactions and ability of control of potentially dangerous mechanisms.

The overdose

Is not present data on overdose of drug at its topical administration.

The form of release and packing

Gel of 2% - 40 g in aluminum tubas pack into a cardboard pack with the instruction for use for patients.

Storage conditions

In the place protected from light, at a temperature not higher than + 25C.

To store out of children's reach!

Not to apply an expiration date of 5 years after an expiration date.

Prescription status

Without prescription

JSC SOFARM Producer,

Bulgaria 1220 Sofia, Iliyenskoye Highway, 16
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