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Tagansorbent 1g 30s powder pack.

  • $16.00
Sku: 4cf44394f716
The instruction for use
of medicine for experts


the Trade name
of Tagansorbent®
of Tagansorbent

the International unlicensed name
Is not present

the Dosage form
Powder of 1 g

of 1 g of powder contains
active agent - natural mineral sodium-calcium-magnesium montmorillonite – 100%.

The description
Powder from light pink till dark gray color, flavourless, slightly astringent taste. Drug is insoluble in the water purified, divorced alkalis and acids

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Other intestinal adsorbents.
The code of automatic telephone exchange A07BC

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics of Tagansorbent properties is not soaked up, output in not changed look.

Tagansorbent has the following parameters:
1) The big specific surface (more than 800 mg2/g)
2) the Electrokinetic potential (negative, positive charges)
3) Thin dispersion (75% <>
4) Exchange capacity - Na +, Sa ++, Mg ++, K+ (ability to remove up to 300 mg/g of toxic substances)
5) of pH - 7.2 - 8.0
Thanks to such crystal structure Tagansorbenta® at its dissolution in water, suspension gets a negative charge, Sa ++, Mg ++ is saturated with Na cations +, K+ and in such look is easily transported on gastrokishichnomu to a path.
Na cations + the exchange capacity of Tagansorbenta®, pass from an intestines gleam in a cell. On the contrary, parts of the initial substance Tagansorbenta® do not get and are not soaked up in a blood system because of the big sizes, and with the bacteria adsorbed on the surface, by viruses and other toxic agents are brought out of an organism with stool.
Тагансорбент® does not connect albumens, enzymes and vitamins.
The pharmacodynamics
Drug of natural origin, has the adsorbing effect. Blagodr of high dispersion of the initial substance Tagansorbenta®, he getting to water, bulks up and covers a mucous membrane of intestines, enveloping and protecting it. The specific surface of Tagansorbenta® occludes toxic substances of the biological and chemical nature. Stabilizes a mucous barrier, forms polyvalent bonds with slime glycoproteins, improves gastroprotektivny Tagansorbenta® properties, protecting mucous membranes of the digestive tract (DT) from negative effect of H+ of ions, hydrochloric acid, bile acids, microorganisms, their toxins, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and other irritants.
pH Tagansorbenta® remains at different values rn digestive tract, it does not contain toxic impurity. At the expense of it does not cause irritation mucous a stomach and intestines.
The above-mentioned Tagansorbenta® parameters allow to lower toxic load of the systems of an organism and to improve a gemolimfotsirkulyation, to stimulirirovat the systems of a natural detoxication.
Тагансорбент® it is harmless and almost indifferent for an organism.

as a part of complex therapy:
- acute and chronic diarrhea (including allergic, medicinal, infectious genesis, at disturbances of a diet and qualitative structure of food of food)
- food toxicoinfections (including. botulism)
- heartburn, a meteorism and discomfort in a stomach in hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, a gastroduadenita, a reflux esophagitis, a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a duodenum, colitis, a coloenteritis
- dysbacterioses of various etiology
for the purpose of prevention:
- a pneumatosis intestinalis by preparation of an organism during the preoperative period and to diagnostic procedures (roentgenoscopy of a stomach, colonoscopy, an irrigoskopiya, ultrasonography)
- poisonings with salts of heavy metals, lead dust, ionizing radiation and other mean agents for inhabitants of adverse regions in the ecological relation, employees of the chemical companies, etc.

A route of administration and doses
For internal use
by the Adult on 1 g 3 times a day. Part 1 g of powder in 1/2 glasses of water. At simultaneous use with other drugs it is recommended to apply Tagansorbent irrespective of meal, in 2 hours prior to or after administration of drug. At serious conditions the increase in a dose up to 9-27 g a day is possible. In the preventive purposes - on 2 g before going to bed within a month 4 times a year.
To children from the neonatality period to 1 year - powder is dissolved in 50 ml of water and distributed on 4 receptions during the day. From a year to 2 years - on 1 g in two steps, 2 years – the adult's dose are more senior.
Duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
For external use
1. in the form of powder
- periodontosis
- an intertrigo, decubituses
- poisoning with poisonous plants
- wounds, burns
- places of stings of insects (bees, mosquitoes).
2. in the form of suspension (1 g on 1/3 glasses of water)
- rinsing of a mouth in periodontosis
- washing of a mucous membrane of eyes and a nasopharynx in a pollinosis, food and medicamentous intoxication, ORZ, a SARS and viral infections.

Side effects
- it is rare: constipations which pass at a dose decline.

- intestinal impassability
- hypersensitivity to drug components.

Medicinal interactions
Pharmaceutical – chemically incompatible combinations are not revealed.
Pharmakodinamichesky effect – Tagansorbent® at simultaneous use connects with drugs and brings medicine out of an organism.
The Pharmakodinamichesky effect of synergism is shown at use of Tagansorbenta® in 1.5 hours prior to intake of medicine. In this case Tagansorbent® prolongs and strengthens effect of medicine.
At reception of Tagansorbenta® in 1.5 hours after use of medicine has protective effect on mucous digestive tract.

The special
instructions Patient has to see a doctor if after administration of drug within 7 days there is no reduction of symptoms and also in cases when an abdominal pain is followed by temperature or vomiting.
Pregnancy and a lactation
At pregnancy and in the period of a lactation is applied according to indications.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms.
Does not influence.

The overdose
is not revealed.

A form of release and packing
Powder in bags on 1 g No. 12, No. 30.
On 1 g of drug stack in packages from parchment, then on 12, 30 packages stack in plastic bags and together with the instruction for use stack in boxes of paper.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature from +50 to + 250C in the dry place, at relative humidity no more than 80%, far from ostropakhnushchy and toxic substances.
To store out of children's reach!

3 years
not to apply a period of storage after an expiration date.

Prescription status
Without prescription

Sorbent LLP Producer, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk, K. Liebknecht St., 21, ph. / fax: 8 / 3232/25-29-73, e-mail: sorbent_uk@yahoo.com
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