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Stone oil 75ml body lotion

  • $5.30
Sku: 20e5dc0597fb
Ingredients: stone oil (aluminum potassium alum), extracts of a willow white, a root of a burdock, a sabelnik marsh, the mountaineer bird's, the water demineralized, hydroxyethylcellulose, glycerin, propylparaben, a diazolidinilmochevina, a fragrance. As the stone oil which is a part of balm for a body, and vegetable components of balm are rich with the substances rendering the anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound healing and anesthetizing action and also contain in the structure vitamins, macro - and the microelements necessary for forming and regeneration of cells of epidermis, cartilaginous and bone tissue. In article Stone Oil you can learn in detail about biochemical structure and useful properties of the main ingredient of balm for a body Stone oil. Treatment-and-prophylactic action
At regular use body balm Stone oil: Promotes elimination of pain and the inflammatory process accompanying diseases of muscles, a backbone and joints and traumatic injuries of skin and the musculoskeletal system (the aluminum potassium alum (stone oil) which is a part of balm for a body and also flavonoids, magnesium and a glycoside the salicin which is present at composition of extract of a willow white have the anesthetizing effect. Anti-inflammatory property the vitamins C which are contained in ingredients of balm for a body Stone oil, E, K, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, zinc, manganese, magnesium, silicon, copper, selenium, sulfur, a glycoside salicin and also the inulin which is contained in burdock root extract have). Promotes elimination of hematomas at traumatic damages of the musculoskeletal system, prevents emergence on skin of vascular asterisks (the vitamins C which are contained in vegetable components of balm for a body Stone oil and To, calcium and tannins increase blood clotting, interfering with hypodermic hemorrhages in bruises and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system). Accelerates processes of granulation and epithelization in diseases and traumatic injuries of skin (this effect of balm for a body Stone oil is defined by the carotinoids and a chlorophyll and also the vitamins C stimulating natural development with collagen skin fibroplasts flavonoids, phytoestrogen, carotinoids having wound healing effect, E, sulfur, zinc, copper, silicon). Creates antibacterial protection in dermatological diseases, injuries of skin and the musculoskeletal system (the silicon which are present at composition of stone oil and vegetable ingredients of balm, sulfur, silver and also organic acids which are present at composition of extracts of a sabelnik marsh, the mountaineer bird's and a root of a burdock, tannins, a chlorophyll and phytosterols have bactericidal effect). Feeds with necessary vitamins, macro - and microelements the sites of the musculoskeletal system affected with a disease or injured, interferes with destruction of cartilaginous structures and a resorption of bones, accelerates processes of regeneration of bone and cartilaginous tissue (this effect of balm for a body Stone oil is caused by high concentration in this product of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, activating production of collagen of vitamins C and E, carotinoids, silicon, zinc, copper, sulfur and phytoestrogen (phytoestrogen with which burdock root extract is especially rich, resorptions of a bone tissue also interfere). Improves blood circulation, microblood circulation and a lymph drainage in the field of localization of an injury or a disease of skin or the musculoskeletal system, promotes elimination of hypostases in injuries of muscles, a backbone and joints. Interferes with adjournment of salts of uric acid in a backbone and joints (this effect of balm is defined by high content in its composition of potassium and organic acids).Protects skin from drying and peeling (thanks to the vitamin E which is present at composition of extracts of the mountaineer bird's and a root of a burdock) and also promotes increase in elasticity and elasticity of skin (at the expense of the substances which are a part of Stone Oil balm activating natural synthesis of fibrous protein of collagen). Promotes increase in local immunity. Indications of balm for a body Stone oil are: Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis (including pseudorheumatism and gout), osteoporosis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, miositis, bursitis, tendinitis, miositis, etc.). Diseases of peripheral nervous system, pain syndromes and neuralgia connected with musculoskeletal system diseases (sciatica, intercostal neuralgia, a lumbago, etc.). Musculoskeletal system injuries (fractures, bruises, dislocations, sprains, etc.). Dermatological diseases (acne rash, furuncles, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, trophic ulcers, etc.). Skin injuries (cuts, burns, radiation injuries of skin, purulent wounds, stings of insects, decubituses, etc.). The route of administration
is recommended to apply Stone Oil Balm to previously cleaned skin the easy massing movements 2-3 times a day. Contraindications
individual intolerance of components of drug. Storage conditions
Period of storage 24 months
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