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Sophia with Indian onions and mumie 75 ml Body Cream

  • $7.70
Sku: e7de0da06d92
Sofya Winter balm (Indian onions and a mummy) body cream of 75 ml Special complex support and help cream at seasonal exacerbations of diseases of joints and a backbone in the oseena - the winter period. Reduces a pain syndrome, removes inflammations and swelled nervous roots in the struck area, relaxes muscles. Properties are Reduced by a pain syndrome. Removes inflammation and swelled nervous roots in the struck area and promotes relaxation of muscles. Promotes fast elimination of spasms and recovery of functional mobility of joints. Reduces risk of emergence of complications and a new recurrence further. Body cream in a back with the Indian onions and mumiyo - special complex support and help cream at seasonal exacerbations of diseases of joints and a backbone in the oseena - the winter period. With the onset of cold weather the number of complaints from people sharply increases by muscle and joints pains. Not only elderly, but also people of middle age suffer from problems with joints in the oseena - the winter period. But 80% of all patients are made by people 55 years are more senior. According to experts, women suffer from problems with muscles and joints in cold season more often. At many women the decrease in level of calcium in an organism as soon as they reach a menopause is observed. It also makes them more vulnerable. In the winter these problems are aggravated, and women complain of 25% more often. The temperature on the street is lower, the blood stream is worse. Deterioration in a blood-groove causes puffiness and joint pains and muscles. From the causes of winter aggravation the most important should call - discrepancy of our clothes with weather conditions. Especially in the winter our knees suffer, they most often are exposed a vozdeystviyukholoda. The decrease in immunity caused by the general seasonal reorganization of an organism also is a provocative factor. Even small overcooling in joints can provoke inflammatory process. One more of possible problems - a thyroid gland and a metabolism in an organism. The thyroid gland answers for kaltsiyevo - phosphoric exchange in an organism. If this body works not at full capacity, the organism begins to have deficiency of calcium and to actively 'take away' it from bones. Also joints begin to suffer. Therefore, if at you joints ached, and there are no other visible reasons for this purpose, check just in case, a thyroid gland. And in disbolism in joints crystals of salts are formed that leads to inflammation. The hormonal background is also important. The lowered testosterone level at men increases risk of diseases of joints. The joint pain begins to torment many meteodependent people as reaction to change of weather. At this time arterial blood pressure jumps, the players of blood are changed, the condition of the immune system worsens - in our organism everything is interconnected. Sofya with the Indian onions and mumiyo - special complex support and help cream at seasonal exacerbations of diseases of joints and a backbone in the oseena - the winter period. It is developed on the basis of the last medical researches and also the known and checked prescriptions of traditional medicine. Action of natural components is directed to reduction of a pain syndrome, removal of inflammation and hypostasis of nervous roots in the struck area and relaxation of muscles. Regular use promotes fast elimination of spasms and approach of remission, recovery of functional mobility of joints and also prevention of complications and a new recurrence further. Ingredients: water, eucalyptus essential oil, carnation essential oil, sunflower oil, liquid paraffin, extract of the Indian onions, a mummy, wax emulsion, extract of a sabelnik, burdock extract, juniper extract, St. John's wort extract, lucerne extract, pepper extract, bosveliya extract, willow extract, alcohol cetearyl, emul-gin B2, propylene glycol, glycerin, OMR microcarat, booze on CM8, the M dimeti-game, tsiklometikon OS, Nimesulide, microcarat 1T, metilnikotinat, antioxidant grindoks. The efficiency and safety of body cream Sofya with the Indian onions and mumiyo are caused by the synergism of the natural components possessing expressed anti-inflammatory, warming, anesthetizing, the antiedematous, solevyvodyashchy, regenerating and improving microcirculation action. Properties of components. The Indian onions possess the strongest among the known vegetable means the warming effect and also the expressed anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action at seasonal exacerbations of diseases of joints. Promotes removal of salts, improves microcirculation. Mumiyo - the education, difficult on chemical structure, having unique medicinal properties. Activates recovery processes in all fabrics. Slows down processes of aging of a joint, promotes reduction of an ache and the pains arising at weather changing. Being synergist, several times strengthens action of herbs. The complex of extracts of herbs possesses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobic and antirheumatic action, improves microcirculation and food of joints, promotes removal of salts, removal of hypostasis and a muscular spasm, improves a trophicity of fabrics. Advantages of body cream Sofya with the Indian onions and mumiyo. The basis of cream is formed by natural natural ingredients. Contains active agents in high concentration. Renders long (within 12 hours) complex action without side effects. The long time can be applied, at the same time the efficiency increases. In complex therapy of diseases of joints it is combined with any medicines. Route of administration: to apply with massage movements on problem area within 3-5 minutes before full absorption 2-3 times a day. For strengthening of effect, whenever possible, to warm woolen fabric, to provide rest. Duration of use is-3-5 weeks. Contraindications: individual intolerance of components. At hit on mucous membranes (including, in eyes) to wash out a large amount of clear water. Side effects are not revealed. In case of allergic reactions to consult with the doctor. Packaging: tuba of 75 ml. Storage conditions: to store at a temperature from +5 to +25 °C. Expiration date: 24 months. Date of production is specified on a tuba seam. Is not medicine.
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