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Sinergin (60 capsules)

  • $39.40
Sku: e3f62c493f4e
Sinergin No. 60 caps. Indications Drug is recommended for use as an additional source of lipoic acid, the vitamins, magnesium, succinic acid and an ubikhinon having antioxidant activity. Sinergin is appointed for prevention and recovery therapy (at increased loads and stresses, after the postponed diseases, for mobilization of protective forces of an organism, etc.). Sinergin for men • Promotes protection of bodies of a reproductive system of an organism against influence of free radicals.· it is used as a source of antioxidants in therapy of infections and inflammatory processes in bodies of a small pelvis.· reduces a likelihood of developing adenoma of a prostate. • Protects DNA of spermatozoa from fragmentation. Sinergin for women • Reduces risk of side effects at the use of oral contraceptives, promotes recovery of a female body after the use of contraceptive drugs.· contains components for prevention and complex therapy of benign new growths of a mammary gland.· it is applied to support and recovering of an organism from infections.· reduces risk of complications of pregnancy (reduces risk of development of a preeclampsia, placentary insufficiency). • Slows down processes of aging of an organism. Drug is produced in the form of capsules, on 60 capsules in packing. Composition of drug and action of its Vitamin C components, ascorbic acid (90 mg in 1 capsule) Powerful antioxidant. Effectively interferes with an oxidizing stress, protecting a zkletka from influence of free radicals. Ascorbic acid is useful to men as it protects genetic material of spermatozoa, and at women this vitamin increases ability to conceive of the child. The lack of vitamin C leads to easing of immunity. Vitamin E (7.5 mg in 1 capsule) Lipophilic antioxidant, increases overall performance of a myocardium, strengthens vessels. To a female body it is useful that contributes to normalization of a menstrual cycle and healthy course of pregnancy. For men's – increases quality of sperm, mobility of men's sex cells. Vitamin E is appointed to couples in complex therapy of infertility. Beta carotene, provitamin A (2.5 mg in 1 capsule) the Predecessor of Vitamin A, increases immunity, promotes protection of an organism against an oxidizing stress and influence of adverse environmental factors, improves resistance to stress and protective functions of an organism. Beta carotene is appointed to women as one of means in complex therapy of benign new growths of a mammary gland and infertility. Coenzyme Q10, ubikhinon or ubidekarenon (22.5 mg in 1 capsule) Lipophilic (fat-soluble) antioxidant, participates in the course of power generation in mitochondrions of cells. Unlike other antioxidants which in the course of neutralization of free radicals it is irreversible are oxidized, coenzyme Q10 can be regenerated, and its molecules act as antioxidants a set of times. Besides, the coenzyme of Q restores antioxidant activity of tocopherol (Vitamin E). As coenzyme Q10 promotes power generation in mitochondrions, it is extremely important for men's sex cells - spermatozoa. Q10 stimulates increase in quantity, quality and mobility of spermatozoa. Coenzyme Q10 raises the general tone of an organism, working capacity and promotes improvement of a psychoemotional state. Ubikhinon is also used in a terapiipolikistoz. Lycopene (2.5 mg in 1 capsule) Lipophilic antioxidant which promotes decrease in an oxidative stress. It is proved that lycopene reduces risk of developing diseases of a prostate at men. Lycopene is useful to a female body by preparation for conception as it reduces risk of a preeclampsia and disturbances of pre-natal fetation. Rutinum (15 mg in 1 capsule) Rutinum is strong natural antioxidant. It promotes protection of capillaries and strengthening of walls of vessels thanks to what microcirculation in bodies and fabrics improves. Rutinum reduces risk of development of venous insufficiency, it is also shown in diabetes and at other states connected with an oxidative stress. Doses and route of administration: About 2 capsules together with meal are accepted once a day. Reception duration: from 1 to 3 months. In the presence of indications the course can be repeated. LLC Vneshtorg of Pharm, 105005 Russian Federation, Moscow, Bakuninskaya St., 8, building 1, room 13. Production address: Russian Federation, 601125 Vladimir Region, Petushinsky district, settlement of Volginsky. By request of CJSC AKVION.
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