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Sedavit (20 tablets)

  • $13.40
Sku: d2baad3c685b
The instruction for medical use

of SEDAVIT medicine
the Trade name
of Sedavit

the International unlicensed name
Is not present

the Dosage form

of the Tablet Structure One Tablet contains
active agents: the sedavit of dense extract, in terms of dry matter (the sedavit dense extract is received from rhizomes with roots of a valerian, fruits of a hawthorn, grass of a St. John's wort, leaves of a peppermint, hop cones) – 0.170 g, a pyridoxine of a hydrochloride (B6 vitamin) in terms of 100% of substance – 0.003 g, niacinamide (RR vitamin) in terms of 100% of substance – 0.015 g,
vvspomogatelny substances: potato starch, sodium of a kroskarmelloz, lactose monohydrate, cellulose microcrystalline, calcium stearate.

The description
Biconvex tablets of an oval form, from beige till brown color, with impregnations, with risky on one party and an engraving of KMP on other party.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Somnolent and sedative drugs (excepting barbiturates) in a combination with other drugs.
The code of automatic telephone exchange N05CX

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Pharmacological Efficiency properties of drug depends on cumulative action of its components therefore carrying out kinetic researches is not possible as everything together components cannot be tracked by means of markers or biological researches.
The pharmacodynamics
the Complex drug Sedavit contains in the structure dense extract from rhizomes with roots of a valerian, fruits of a hawthorn, grass of a St. John's wort, leaves of a peppermint, hop cones and also pyridoxine vitamins a hydrochloride and niacinamide. Biologically active agents of extracts of the listed herbs positively influence functioning of nervous, cardiovascular systems and possess mainly sedative, anxiolytic action, eliminate sensation of fear, mental strain. Vitamins are components of fermental systems which participate in oxidation-reduction processes in an organism. A pyridoxine the hydrochloride – normalizes functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system in connection with participation in transamination, deamination and decarboxylation of amino acids, tryptophane metabolism, synthesis of endogenous serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Niacinamide – is a part of two important coenzymes: OVER and NADF which participate in processes of tissue respiration. Influences lipidic exchange, reducing the level of atherogenous lipoproteins. Improves carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism.
Toxicological property
of the drug Medicine belongs to almost not to toxics. Does not possess local irritative action. Has no teratogenic and embriotoksichesky effect, does not possess the immunotoxic and sensibilizing action.

- a syndrome of manager (condition of constant mental tension)
- the neurasthenia and neurotic reactions which are followed by irritability, alarm, fear, fatigue, absent-mindedness, memory disturbance, mental exhaustion
- neurocirculatory dystonia on hypertensive and cardial type
- an asthenic syndrome (hypersthenic form)
- arterial hypertension of the I stage
- insomnia (easy forms)
- a pruritic dermatosis (eczema, urticaria)
- the headaches caused by nervous tension, migraine
- as symptomatic cure for a menopausal syndrome and easy forms of a dysmenorrhea
- in diseases of a thyroid gland (a bazedova a disease) and diabetes as a part of complex therapy
the Route of administration and doses
to Adults and children from 12 years appoint drug on 2 tablets 3 times a day. Maximum single dose 3 tablets, maximum daily dose of 9 tablets. The drug is taken without chewing, washing down with a small amount of liquid. In case of appearance of nausea the drug should be taken at meal time. If necessary the single dose is raised to 3 tablets. In case of undesirable block appoint on 1 tablet 3 times a day. Interval between receptions – 8 h. Drug can be used disposable on 2-3 tablets in 30-60 min. prior to expected emotional loading.
Duration of a course of treatment: 21 days. Need of repeated courses of treatment is determined individually by a discretion of the attending physician.

Side effects
Seldom: - dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness
- slight muscle weakness, an itching, a dieback
- nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea,

the Contraindication constipation
- hypersensitivity to drug components,
- a myasthenia

Medicinal interactions
Drug strengthens effect of the substances having sedative impact on the central nervous system, and also alcohol. The mutual inactivation of a levodopa and a pyridoxine a hydrochloride is possible.

Special instructions
patients Should be careful when prescribing drug with a serious organic illness of a digestive tract, during pregnancy, especially during 1 trimester and during feeding by a breast.
Use in pediatrics
the Harmlessness and efficiency of the drug Sedavit for children aged up to 12 years is not established.
Use at advanced age
of Need for dose adjustment at use at advanced age is not present.
The feature of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms
to the Patients accepting Sedavit should refrain from potentially dangerous types of activity requiring special attention and fast motor and mental reaction (control of vehicles, work with difficult mechanisms).

Symptoms: are shown by feeling of depression and drowsiness. Later these symptoms can be followed by nausea, slight muscle weakness, joint pains and heavy feeling in a stomach. Also niacinamide overdose symptoms (tachycardia, a tremor, nausea, vomiting, perspiration, cough, skin rash, arterial hypotension) can be shown.
Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

A form of release and packing
of Tablet No. 10 in blister strip packaging, 2 blister strip packagings in a pack together with the instruction for medical use.

Storage conditions
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 15 of 0C up to 25 °C. To store out of children's reach!

2 years
not to apply a period of storage after the expiry date specified on packing!

Prescription status
Without prescription

JSC Kiyevmedpreparat Producer.
Ukraine, 01032, Kiev, Saksagansky St., 139

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products:
Representative office of Arterium corporation in
Republic of Kazakhstan 050060, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue 97, 3 entrance, office 54
Ph. / fax: 8 (727) 315-82-09, 8 (727) 315-82-10,
E-mail: office@arterium.kz
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