Protivoizzhogovye (10 tablets)

  • $2.50
Sku: 2942d1a28411
The instruction for use of dietary supplement to PROTIVOIZZhOGOVYE food the Trade name of dietary supplement to food: Protivoizzhogovye. Structure on 1 tablet in mg: Calcium a carbonate – 275, Aluminium hydroxydatum – 33, a St. John's wort – 11, a flax seed – 9.2, sugar. Interaction with medicines: Not revealed. Physiological action: Dietary supplement of Protivoizzhogovye - the antiacid (protivoizzhogovy) means which is neutralizing hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, having antibacterial, the anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect. Aluminium hydroxydatum reduces acidity of gastric juice. Calcium the carbonate strengthens its antiacid action. St. John's wort flavonoids as a part of Protivoizzhogov have the significant anti-inflammatory effect. Contained in a St. John's wort giperforin suppresses growth of gram-positive staphylococcal and streptococcal strains of bacteria. The seed of a flax contains a glycoside linamarin, slime and fatty acids that provides its enveloping, anti-inflammatory action and ability to acceleration of processes of regeneration. Indications: It is applied to elimination of the symptoms caused by hyperoxemia of gastric juice: heartburn, feelings of overflow and weight in epigastric area, a meteorism, nausea, an acid eructation. As an additional tool in a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis with the increased and normal secretory function of a stomach. Contraindications: Individual intolerance of components. Side effects and reactions: At hypersensitivity allergic reactions are possible. Route of administration and doses: To apply on 1–2 tablet after a meal. To hold tablets in a mouth before full resorption. Maximum daily dose of 10 tablets. Packaging: Tablets on 10 pieces in planimetric bezjyacheykovy packing from paper with a polymeric covering from two parties, a tablet on 50 pieces in the plastic bottle packed into a cardboard box. Storage conditions: To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not higher than 25 OS. Expiration date: 3 years. Not to use after the expiry date specified on packing. Prescription status: It is released without prescription of the doctor. Is not medicine. Name, location and legal address of the manufacturing organization: Leovit LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Iliysky district, settlement Boralday, 71 travel
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