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ProbioLog (30 capsules)

  • $18.70
Sku: 4bc3a3ed5e1d
The instruction on primeneniyuProbioLogBiologichesk active additive to pishchesposobstvut to recovery of balance of microflora to the kishechnikena contains the components received using GMONE also the Packaging is medicinal sredstvomsostav: Solid cellulose capsules on 180 mg1 the capsule soderzhitaktivny substances (not less than 1.1 x 109, WHICH): Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-5) – 15 mg, Bifidobacterium lactis (BB-12) – the 8th mgvspomogatelny substances: MKC, maltodextrin, silicon dioxide, magnesium capsule stearatobolochka: gipromelloza, dye: titan dioxide. Pharmacological action: The pro-biologist – dietary supplement to food. Promotes protection against intestinal disorders: promotes restoration intestines balansamikroflor, promotes protection against reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, promotes strengthening of the immune system. Pro-biologist properties: The pro-biologist represents the probiotic combining two types of strains of bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus (atsidofilnyelaktobakteriya) and Bifidobacterium lactis (milk bifidobacteria) which are present at intestinal microflora of any healthy of an organizmaa take part in modulation of intestinal passability. Pro-biotic bacteria can have positive impact on immunity. Regular use the Pro-biologist allows to maintain natural balance of intestinal microflora and promotes improvement of a kishechnoyprokhodimost. The pro-biologist also makes salutary impact on digestion process. Regular use the Pro-biologist safely for an organism as the Pro-biologist does not contain conditionally pathogenic strains. The original structure the Pro-biologist is result of unique process of the production providing preservation of bacteria at an ikhprokhozhdeniya through a stomach even after dissolution of a gelatinous cover of the capsule thanks to an acid resisting matrix. Kislotoustoychivayamatritsa – a polysaccharide cover which turns into the insoluble gel resistant to effect of acid and protects bacteria. Takimobraz, more than 73% of bacteria in a live look go to a small and large intestine, that is there where their therapeutic effect begins. The special aluminum bottle by the sospetsialny lid limiting gas exchange with air is developed for providing optimal storage conditions of drug at the room temperature. This unique process of production of capsules also upakovkipozvolyat to reach maximum efficiency of the drug Pro-biologist. Indications: Treatment and prevention of dysbacterioses (dysbacteriosis is shown by the following symptoms: diarrhea (diarrhea), dyspepsia (narusheniyepishchevareniya), constipations, a meteorism (abdominal distension), nausea, an eructation, vomiting, an abdominal pain, are possible allergic skin reactions). Treatment and prevention of viral and bacterial diarrhea. Prevention of the antibiotiko-associated diarrhea. In complex therapy for strengthening of the immune system of an organism during the outbreaks of infections or after the postponed diseases. As dietary supplement to food – a source of pro-biotic microorganisms (bifido- and lactobacilli). Recommendations about use: To adults and children 7 years 1-3 capsules a day at meal time are more senior, washing down with a glass of water. Reception duration - 10-30 days. May contain milk traces. Contraindications: Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, feeding by a breast. Before use it is recommended prokonsultirovatsyas by the doctor. To store in the place, dry, inaccessible for children, at a temperature not over 25 s. Expiration date: 2.5 years. Is not medicinal Hr sredstvomotpuskatsya without retseptaproizvedeno company. Hansen A/S, 10-12 Boge Alle DK-2970 Horsholm, Denmark, for the MAYOLI SPINDLER Laboratories company, 6, avenue de l’Europe, 78400 CHATOU, France. Claims and wishes to direct: Russia, 127051, Moscow, Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., 24/27, BC Mosenka Plaza, the 6th floor, ph. (495) 664-83-03Свидетельство about the state registration No. RU. of 08.12.2014
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